


Largest Hindu Temple outside Asia-II(亚洲外最大的印度神庙·下)


2024-05-04 National Bird Day


【Invective Against Swans (1923)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The soul, O ganders, flies beyond the parks

        And far beyond the discords of the wind.


        A bronze rain from the sun descending marks

        The death of summer, which that time endures


        Like one who scrawls a listless testament

        Of golden quirks and Paphian caricatures,


        Bequeathing your white feathers to the moon

        And giving your bland motions to the air.


        Behold, already on the long parades

        The crows anoint the statues with their dirt.


        And the soul, O ganders, being lonely, flies

        Beyond your chilly chariots, to the skies.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




















【注】坐落于新草州名望镇(Robbinsville, New Jersey)的婆罗门教毗湿奴寺庙(BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir)沿袭了印度北部印度教寺庙长良“城市”(Nagara)建筑风格,包括象征愿望的尖顶、寄寓灵魂不朽的镀金塔楼、代表精神成就的旗帜、喻示神灵居住的圣所、标识保护和圈地的柱廊,另外还有大象和象头神。寺庙呈方形并带有分级投影和塔楼,藉以增加寺庙高度,通过这些建筑元素,奉献者与神灵建立起联系。当然,寺庙风格并不纯粹是建筑风格,名望镇寺庙与所有传统寺庙一样,都是根据《圣经》建造的。

整个寺庙由意大利采石场(Carrara)白色大理石、保加利亚白色石灰石和印度粉红色砂岩制成,这些建材能够在气候偏凉的新州经久耐用,天然石材的使用与纽约高贵圣徒大教堂(St. Patrick's Cathedral)和柬埔寨吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)等标志性神灵中心所使用的相似。

印度教徒相信有一位至高无上的神——婆罗门创造者,与保护大地的湿婆和毁灭地球以便重新创造地球的毗湿奴一起,三者既合一又以神秘的方式分开,就像三位一体一样,而且所有的神灵、甚至奉献者都被视为地球上的神圣存在。瑜伽精神领袖(Bhagwan Swaminarayan)是地球上的神祗,其神圣存在通过继承而延续,而名望镇寺庙延续了古老的印度教传统,即“通过供奉在寺庙中的神灵或神圣图像来崇拜神”,专注于精神生活、家庭价值观和社区服务。“我们所说的印度教实际上是永恒的宗教,因为它包容所有其它宗教。”《寺庙指南》重申:“如果没有神灵,寺庙就只不过是一座美丽的建筑。有了祂们,这里就成为神灵居住的圣洁礼拜场所”。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao @ Cherry Hill(新州樱桃山·南翔小笼包)

2024: Largest Hindu Temple outside Asia-I(亚洲外最大的印度神庙·上)

2023: Management Team for Mid-Autumn Fest(大费城中秋联欢晚会筹办团队)

2015: Context Analysis─Eulogy to Freak(语境分析─悼念勇者)

2014: Badminton Competition(羽毛球赛)

2009: 骑车漫步(Biking & Strolling)

2024-05-04_Yogis Evolved & Created Beautiful Mandirs to Uphold These TraditionsAs an Expression of Their Spiritual Faith0001.JPGYogis Evolved & Created Beautiful Mandirs to Uphold These Traditions As an Expression of Their Spiritual Faith


2024-05-04_BAPS_ Socio-Spiritual Hindu Faith0001.JPGSocio-Spiritual Hindu Faith (社会精神印度教信仰)

2024-05-04_Brahm Kund Stepwell Holding Water from 300 Indian Rivers & from of All 50 U.S. States-10001.JPGBrahm Kund Stepwell Holding Water from 300 Indian Rivers & from All 50 U.S. States


2024-05-04_Marble Mandaps in Font of the Inner Sanctum0001.JPGMarble Mandaps in Font of the Inner Sanctum


2024-05-04_Carrara Marble_ Indian Pink Stone_ & Limestone-10001.JPGIndian Pink Stone (印度粉红色砂岩 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Mandirs_ a Beacon of Inspiration-10001.JPG

A Beacon of Inspiration (灵感的灯塔 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Swaminarayan Akshardham_ the Divine Abode of Supreme God in the BAPS Philosophy-10001.JPGSwaminarayan Akshardham, the Divine Abode of Supreme God in the BAPS Philosophy

(体现正义、展示知识、超脱物质享乐和奉献上帝的哲学中至尊神的圣殿 05-24-2024)

2024-05-04_Indian Pink Stone Arches-10001.JPG

Indian Pink Stone Arches (印度砂岩拱廊 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Candles Marking the Transition from Darkness to Light-10001.JPGCandles in Marking the Transition from Darkness to Light in the Welcome Ctr

(欢迎中心·蜡烛标志着从黑暗到光明的转变 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Pramukh Swami Maharaj_ a Likeness of BAPS Guru & Spiritual Leader in the Welcome Ctr of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Temple in Robbinsville-1M0001_1.JPG

Pramukh Swami Maharaj, a Likeness of BAPS Guru & Spiritual Leader in the Welcome Ctr

(欢迎中心·社会精神印度教吠陀经大师 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Congregation Hall0001.JPGFa?ade of Congregation Hall (会众厅正门)

2024-05-04_BAPS-10001.JPGInterior Congregation Hall (会众厅内部 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Mandir Edifice w Models of Spiritual Inspiration of Living Works of Art & Liberated Souls...Ancient Sages_ & Exemplary Devotees0001.JPGMandir Edifice w/ Models of Spiritual Inspiration of Living Works of Art & Liberated Souls...Ancient Sages, & Exemplary Devotees

(寺庙宏伟建筑·活生生的艺术作品和解放思想的精神灵感典范……古代圣贤及模范奉献者 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Nagara Style Temples Squared w Graduated Projections & Towers to Give the Mandir Height0001.JPGNagara Style Temples Squared w/ Graduated Projections & Towers to Give the Mandir Height

(长良风格的方形寺庙,带有渐变的投影和塔楼,以赋予寺庙高度 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Nagara Style Temples w Domes_ Golden Spires_ Flags_ the Sanctum_ & Pillared Halls-20001.JPGNagara Style Temples w/ Domes, Golden Spires, Flags, the Sanctum, & Pillared Halls (长良“城市”建筑风格·拱顶、镀金塔楼、旗帜、圣所和柱廊大厅)

2024-05-04_Symbolic Meaning like the Pinnacles_ Aspiration_ the Golden Spires_ the Immortality of the Soul_ & the Flags_ Spiritual Attainment-10001.JPGSymbolic Meaning like the Pinnacles, Aspiration, the Golden Spires, the Immortality of the Soul, & the Flags, Spiritual Attainment

(象征愿望的尖顶、寄寓灵魂不朽的镀金塔楼、代表精神成就的旗帜 05-04-2024)

2024-05-04_Symbolic Meaning like the Pinnacles_ Aspiration_ the Golden Spires_ the Immortality of the Soul_ & the Flags_ Spiritual Attainment-30001.JPG

A Sacred Place of Worship Where God Resides


2024-05-04_Elephants Representing Resolve_ Grace_ & Nobility0001.JPGElephants Representing Resolve, Grace, & Nobility


2024-05-04_Mandir Outlined in Ancient Vedas_ or Hindu Scriptures0001.JPGGanesh, the Popular Deity Known as the Lord of Good Fortune, the Lord of Beginnings, & the Remover of Obstacles


2024-05-04_Food_Shayona (1st Ray of the Sun) Cafe_Food Source-10001.JPGFood Source @ Shayona (1st Ray of the Sun) Cafe 


2024-05-04_Food_Swaminarayan Khichdi & Cheese-Pav-Bhaji in Mumbai Street Style0001.JPG

Our Lunch @ Shayona Cafe: Cheese-Pav-Bhaji & Swaminarayan Khichdi in Mumbai Street Style


2024-05-04_Holy Trinity_Brahman (Supreme God)_ Shiva (Earth Deity)_ & Vishnu (Destroy Deity)0001.JPGHoly Trinity of Brahman (Supreme God), Shiva (Earth Deity), & Vishnu (Destroy Deity)



USA·New Jersey(美国·新草州)


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