


It is high time to end the partisan politics


Reads 1033-10, July 2024

The evil nature of democratic politics

Humanize inhuman west by human way of China

Learn to China by quality entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, and so on work as lawmaker in part time self-reliance form legislature.--- May 21, 2024

The purpose of establishing a government in human society is for using the executive power of the State Apparatus to suppress the wrongful behaviors of people in flawed mentality to create an easy-to-live living environment. But the democratic political design made the government as drama stage for flawed mentalities free play.

The democracy in multiparty political design hopes that multiparty supervision can ensure a quality government; but no quality control on players made tragedy that human selfish instinct caused multiparty supervision as maliciously opposition to replace ruling position for enjoying luxury salaries, benefits and privileges; in regardless of disable government. The people in any quality can legally gang up to make livings by maliciously opposition.

The democracy acts as means for reckless people make living by playing government as purpose. Please look at the jokey names that coined for making livings by maliciously opposition: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, and coining.   --- Frank Li May 13, 2024

Democratic politics is a tool for promoting European looting and killing bloody civilization by legalizing human evil behavior.

Multiparty democratic politics is to enable social garbage ganged as several gangs to make livings by ruining the life of countrymen. 

It helps reckless one taking national interests as chips to gamble and acts as the means for making living by playing government.

Warning of President George Washington culminated into prophesy

Feb 19, 2019, in article Reader: It's time to put party politics aside for good of nation, the writer James O. Burns indicates that "My fellow Americans, we are seeing Presidents George Washington’s words of warning culminating into prophesy. We are seeing the breakdown of our government and a weakening of that government. This has been happening decades before this congress and administration, but some of the current elected officials are contributing to the destruction of our democracy by their divisive and angry rhetoric and their refusal to try and unite the country. Both parties are equally to blame."

Sept 17, 1796, in Farewell Address, American Founding Father, the first President George Washington once warns that: “[Political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” --- Frank Li May 13, 2024

It is high time to end the partisan politics

Frank Li  Oct 16, 2013, In Canada  Firstly posted on frankwaterloo


The greatest contribution of European bloody killings budded Western civilization is at distorting cognitive functions of too many people in taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right, and promoting inhuman for human.

Tracking back the wars and unrests provoked by the West, mostly were initiated by some individuals who seized certain Gov-power from democracy; it is the individuals in ruining world by Gov-power from democracy.

Democracy developed many evil tools; the person who likes war can take it to provoke war at will, the person who likes to overthrow the government of other countries, can take it to overthrow the government of other countries at will, the person who likes to play social unrest, can take it to stir social unrests and the person who likes to financial plunder, can take it to destroy world economy at will; everything is ready in waiting to be used by low quality people.

The wars, color revolutions, social unrests, etc., were mostly made by democratic promoters for good; which are the inhuman social elements of Western civilization provide excuse for bad one harming human society. It was the individuals who use the name of democracy and life saving money of people provoked war in killing people.

World widely, the most of social unrests, the most of wars today are provoked by the populists kidnapped democratic politicians, who provoked unrests to move the attention of voters to reverse their unfavorable situation in own country for keeping their political position to enjoy self-given luxury payments, luxury benefits and privileges by messing world. The democracy grants Gov-power to be shared by too many individuals as personal crutch to ruin world unlivable.

Rare humanized Prof. Niall Ferguson who wrote The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West to have indicated that why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. 

The evil of the Western civilization at that it always provides undoubted excuse for idiots making disasters.

The way out is to learn to China by quality social elites, eg. Entrepreneurs, Scientists, etc., self-reliance form legislature, but in democracies, it must civil run taking 30% vote right to parallel run with Gov-one as political patch to reduce the harm of democratic plays.        --- Frank Li May 13, 2024


The shutdown of the U.S. Gov. sentenced partisan politics to death.

Partisan parties are the dirty ladder for those mental defectives climbing up the throne of controlling the state apparatus, then use of the power of the state to do whatever they want in harming the world.

The political fight of the U.S. Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant has caused the government to be shutdown again in Oct, 1 2013, the victims are American people, and the people worldwide from the harm for the world economy. I felt that I have something to say today, and I reproduced some articles here to see that what Americans and the people worldwide have complained.

Great many facts have proved that, the parties or people grouping, no matter political or nonpolitical, mostly are the hazards for human society, because that they easily controlled by the people who have no normal brain with limited harming ability originally to get more power by the support of group people.

The partisan parties are more harmful for human society, due to it has been playing the role of the dirty ladder for those mental defectives climbing up the throne of controlling the State Apparatus, then use of the power of the state to do whatever they want in harming the world.

In Oct. 4, 2009, the Winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, and the professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, Paul Krugman who published The Politics of Spite on New York Times to have pointed out the ugly picture of American politics:

“An essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they’re against it — whether or not it’s good for America.”

“The result has been a cynical, ends-justify-the-means approach. Hastening the day when the rightful governing party returns to power is all that matters, so the G.O.P. will seize any club at hand with which to beat the current administration.”

The Government shutdown again has provided a strong new proof that American politicians are acting as “the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old” in dealing with the issue that related with the vital interest of all U.S. citizens and even the people worldwide.

Also, the more important is that, the shutdown again of U.S. Gov. has clearly proved those politicians are too mental immaturity to do anything rationally.

October 15, 2013, Noam Scheiber, who wrote John Boehner's Shutdown Endgame: "The Final Spasm of a Corpse" to have showed his antipathy to politicians prank in the Government shutdown. There are many similar articles and readers' comments have showed the resented toward irrational battle of the U.S. two parties.

This time, the shutdown of the U.S. government was because of lack of money, we all knew that, in fact, it is not the lack of money, but the money has been wasted, it was used in the place that should not be used. For example, a huge troop with huge fleet is going everywhere to stir up trouble to push the world into chaos. This mindless behavior is by the interests of hundreds of millions of Americans as exchange to meet the certain individual beasts’ desire.

Those beasts are use of the dirty partisan ladder to climb up the throne of controlling the state apparatus, then use of the power of the state to do whatever they want in harming the world.

In consideration of the ugly playing of the great many governments, no matter multi-parties Democratic or one-party Dictatorship, we may say that partisan politics has been sentenced to death by the players themselves.

Our world has come to the high time to end the partisan politics. If the partisan politics do not finish, the world will be finished.

It is said that the atomic bomb worldwide can destroy humanity many times. As mental health people, we must ask that, it is who has been stimulating this kind beast's behavior of humankind. The answer is clear: it is those mental immature politicians who are in nature of more animal less culture.

Regarding the nature of the parties, Vasily Grossman, who experienced the period of the Soviet Union during Stalin's reigning, gave incisive commentary in his book

"Human groupings have one main purpose: to assert everyone’s right to be different, to be special, to think, feel and live in his or her own way. People join together in order to win or defend this right. But this is where a terrible, fateful error is born: the belief that these groupings in the name of a race, a God, a party or a State are the very purpose of life and not simply a means to an end. No! The only true and lasting meaning of the struggle for life lies in the individual, in his modest peculiarities and in his right to these peculiarities."

MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging dynamic scans of the human brain have shown that human behavior is determined by the brain's working state. Because that human brain development varies greatly, so, people's behaviors are also a great difference. Those psychosis sufferers, depression sufferers, antisocial violence attackers, their brains all have partial atrophy from innate or latter acquired, and therefore, their brains can not exercise properly, so that, they can not do some thing rationally.

Apr. 01, 2011, report Scans reveal differences in brain structure of antisocial teens said with that:

“The neuroscientists used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the size of particular regions in the brains of 65 teenage boys with conduct disorder (CD) compared with 27 teenage boys who did not display symptoms of behavioural disorder. Their findings revealed that the amygdala and insula – regions of the brain that contribute to emotion perception, empathy and recognising were strikingly smaller in teenagers with antisocial behaviour.”

Even if people no significant behavioral problem as above mentioned, but, the character of each individual is also a big difference. Some people can do anything rationally, some people are impulse and radical. Those are also due to the differences in brain development.

In view of this, we must choose those people who are knowledgeable and healthy in brain to make decisions for the future of mankind.

As a simple way, the national and international decision-making bodies should be formed by those people who have obtained high rank academic qualifications, such as, the professional experts, professors, and the Nobel Prize winners, and so on.

Whatever, we must get rid of populist dominated democracy by non-partisan politics.

There is a teaching class is widely welcomed by young people, no matter in North America, in Europe, in China, or even in Japan, it is the Harvard course Justice: A Journey in Moral Reasoning. The Lecturer is Michael J. Sandel, the American political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University.

In the article If I ruled the world the professor Michael Sandel  said with that: "If I ruled the world, I would rewrite the economics textbooks. This may seem a small ambition, unworthy of my sovereign office. But it would actually be a big step toward a better civic life."

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Then, what is the best replacement for democracy?

The Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, the writer of Powerful, Different, Equal: Overcoming the Misconceptions and Differences Between China and the US (2019), Peter B. Walker, who said that “Unlike the US, where citizens expect some sense of control while selecting leaders through elections, China selects its leaders through merit, ongoing performance reviews and examinations. China has no popular election above local-government level but popular support for the government is among the highest globally, according to Pew Foundation research.”

Since ancient time, China chooses learned people as officials in Technocratic Democracy, for which even devoted Imperial examination.

In 2020, Bloomberg News published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West indicated that: “since Hobbes wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence with the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.”

 “Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families; where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture and in struggling for mastery propelled government forward: Europe’s monarchies seized on technological innovations, particularly new ships and weapons to improve their chances of survival. When the Chinese invented gunpowder for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (later Chinese) out of the water.:

Today China is still in Technocratic Democracy by engineers; entrepreneurs; economists and quality social elites as lawmakers as part time in self-reliance; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that promoted based on quality from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; thus avoided personal dictatorship and ensured the collective wisdoms in governance under the most strict accountability globally.

By quality social elites as lawmakers as part time in self-reliance is the best way out for democracy. Also; since democratic politicians claim to create a happy life for the people, then, first of all, please give up luxury wages and welfare to show sincerity. -- - Frank Li May 13, 2024

The democracy joins toxic ideologies as noose killing democracies

The ideologies values, freedom and human rights have been used by low quality people to hijack social governance; so that low quality people dared reckless play without need caring about responsibility. Such social environment encourages people lazy to have dehumanized the quality of people in full hearted strike for social justice by striking for more by doing less, people lost sense and ability for a proper work; which have destroy productivity of the democracies.

The democracies have lost survival foundation after the left WWII quality generation of work hard live frugally brought labor productivity away. Even so, for pleasing voters; the democratic politicians are still endlessly yelling values; freedom and human rights to further corrupted social environment. In such a society, No matter how much money invested, it will be no infrastructure renewed.

The evil of the Western civilization at that it always provides undoubted excuse for idiots making disasters. The toxic ideologies are in dehumanizing good people as bad people to harm society in acting as noose tied on the neck of the democracies in cannot untie; if untie it right now; the democracies will die immediately from lost ideological foundation for cheating; if that it is not untie; the democracies will die gradually.

Today, except China; no one is able to budgeted finish larger infrastructure and unable live without made in China.

Boeing airliners were once a safe travel tool trusted by world people without concerning about safety; but now the accidents keep happening in so simple and frequently in unbelievable. It was a big loss for world people. Now when people plan travel in the state of worry about safety in all of airliners.

Government officials and Boeing managements are trying their best to help improve quality. Some proposed using bonuses promote workers improving quality in production. However, well-intentioned officials and managements will be helpless, due to that historical culture has forged the fate to fall good Boeing airliners. The populist hijacking of democratic politics has completely destroyed the social production environment.

It was the European bloody soiled social elements killed good Boeing; it was the bad Western civilization killed good Boeing. It is the big loss for world people. As people's need for air travel increases rapidly, people have lost the best air travel airliner - Boeing.

Please look at airplanes and warships, accidents continue shows that their labors have lost essential sense of responsibility; which was the result of western civilization fabricated too much toxic ideologies culturing people in wrongful cognitive functions.

The democratic politicians have destroyed good manufacturing industry of all of democracies by touting toxic ideologies for self-beautifying for cheating voters to corrupt their quality.

In this kind of countries, not only is it unable to build new infrastructure, but it also has no ability to renovate old dilapidated infrastructure. It only has the instinct to destroy the infrastructure all over the world.

Democracy corrupted social systems of the democracies.  --- Frank Li May 13, 2024

The Politics of Spite

Paul KrugmanBy Paul Krugman Oct. 4, 2009

There was what President Obama likes to call a teachable moment last week, when the International Olympic Committee rejected Chicago’s bid to be host of the 2016 Summer Games.

“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.

So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.

But more important, the episode illustrated an essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they’re against it — whether or not it’s good for America.

To be sure, while celebrating America’s rebuff by the Olympic Committee was puerile, it didn’t do any real harm. But the same principle of spite has determined Republican positions on more serious matters, with potentially serious consequences — in particular, in the debate over health care reform.

Now, it’s understandable that many Republicans oppose Democratic plans to extend insurance coverage — just as most Democrats opposed President Bush’s attempt to convert Social Security into a sort of giant 401(k). The two parties do, after all, have different philosophies about the appropriate role of government.

But the tactics of the two parties have been different. In 2005, when Democrats campaigned against Social Security privatization, their arguments were consistent with their underlying ideology: they argued that replacing guaranteed benefits with private accounts would expose retirees to too much risk.

The Republican campaign against health care reform, by contrast, has shown no such consistency. For the main G.O.P. line of attack is the claim — based mainly on lies about death panels and so on — that reform will undermine Medicare. And this line of attack is utterly at odds both with the party’s traditions and with what conservatives claim to believe.

Think about just how bizarre it is for Republicans to position themselves as the defenders of unrestricted Medicare spending. First of all, the modern G.O.P. considers itself the party of Ronald Reagan — and Reagan was a fierce opponent of Medicare’s creation, warning that it would destroy American freedom. (Honest.) In the 1990s, Newt Gingrich tried to force drastic cuts in Medicare financing. And in recent years, Republicans have repeatedly decried the growth in entitlement spending — growth that is largely driven by rising health care costs.

But the Obama administration’s plan to expand coverage relies in part on savings from Medicare. And since the G.O.P. opposes anything that might be good for Mr. Obama, it has become the passionate defender of ineffective medical procedures and overpayments to insurance companies.

How did one of our great political parties become so ruthless, so willing to embrace scorched-earth tactics even if so doing undermines the ability of any future administration to govern?

The key point is that ever since the Reagan years, the Republican Party has been dominated by radicals — ideologues and/or apparatchiks who, at a fundamental level, do not accept anyone else’s right to govern.

Anyone surprised by the venomous, over-the-top opposition to Mr. Obama must have forgotten the Clinton years. Remember when Rush Limbaugh suggested that Hillary Clinton was a party to murder? When Newt Gingrich shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton into accepting those Medicare cuts? And let’s not even talk about the impeachment saga.

The only difference now is that the G.O.P. is in a weaker position, having lost control not just of Congress but, to a large extent, of the terms of debate. The public no longer buys conservative ideology the way it used to; the old attacks on Big Government and paeans to the magic of the marketplace have lost their resonance. Yet conservatives retain their belief that they, and only they, should govern.

The result has been a cynical, ends-justify-the-means approach. Hastening the day when the rightful governing party returns to power is all that matters, so the G.O.P. will seize any club at hand with which to beat the current administration.

It’s an ugly picture. But it’s the truth. And it’s a truth anyone trying to find solutions to America’s real problems has to understand.

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