


7-8/15 Letter to Harry Tian Gao from Magaret Kang


     7/20/24 A Letter to Harry Tian Gao from Magaret Kang


Harry Tian Gao:你好!

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 在当今我们全世界人民被中共习近平使用大规模杀伤性脑神经武器对人类脑神经侵犯了35年的历史巨变中,我和时间先生和我的儿子Harry Tian Gao 及其现在我们意识中知道了中共极端恐怖侵略人类脑神经的犯罪,我们艰难地进行反抗,这个时代变迁带给我们的人生从未攻克的难题,以及攻克难题激发的大算计和大智慧带来的启发,我们需要更新我们已有的科学知识和认知水平。



    我和时间先生发现,我的儿子Harry Gao 高长生能量模式是宏大的大智慧脑神经波,是我们人类社会诞生以来孜孜以求我们人类发展真相的内心需求和呼唤中的时代大智慧产物,或者说是一个喜剧人类社会的标志性成果,你的存在代表着人类社会这股正向力量的积累结果。我和时间先生在长期的潜意识或者意识的正向互动中,在寻找真理的同时,一定会同你高长生的综合能量模式波产生互动交流,所以才诞生了有关生存正念理论,我们对你Harry Gao感到幸运和感恩。

这是我儿子Harry Tian Gao 在2011年在他本科大学毕业的时候,得到全校唯一的自然哲学汤姆斯.杰弗逊奖领奖发言的视频录像,发表在College of Wiiliam & Mary 大学学校的网站上。请点击观看:Harry Gao '11 to receive Thomas Jefferson Prize in Natural Philosophy | W&M News Archive | William & Mary (wm.edu)



其实,我们要清楚的是,我和时间在探讨真理的时候,我们其实在探讨你的能量模式,你就会参与其中,你天生就是真理波,是在你的潜意识脑神经中,在你后天的时候,你的真理脑神经能量模式即使被中共习近平非人类脑控武器欺骗,压制和误导,你也会有先天的优势去理解了解真相,去遵循享受真理。我现在认为,我儿子Harry Gao的出生让我身边有了真理。在他遭受中共习近平控脑电磁波袭击的时候,让我们母子陷入痛心和愤怒,我相信那个时候我儿子高长生Harry Gao 激发我这个母亲为对他讲解他的本质是什么,他Harry Gao潜意识产生为什么社会上有人把我的本质肢解地非常混乱。





      首先,你需要意识中知道你是谁,从脑神经能量的角度,因为这和时代的自然产物相连,和人类集体潜意识脑神经能量相连,这个真正的你具有相应的个人和社会力量,义务,责任,和承诺,代表着你的个人意志和人生初心和任务。我们和时间是一个正义力量的组合。我们原生家庭成员,特别是和你爷爷奶奶家庭是一个组合,和整个人类的正向意志是一个有机的整体正向力量,我们集体潜意识都是在寻求得到人类生命起源和发展这些真相的基础上寻找持续性生存和发展的正确方案,正确精神和正确的物质身体现实。 我们实现了目标,发现了真理和人生的真相,我们遵守真理,实现我们人类在保持做人灵魂的正路上享受正确长久生存发展的生命命运的目标。




   你的正向能量模式包括在你的每个名字中,不光是英文法律名字,你出生时候的名字赵天哲,和在1999年你改名叫康天喆,后来来到美国叫Harry Kang, 到在申请美国公民的大约在2008年前后改名Harry Tian Gao,以及Harry Gao 的中文翻译是哈里天高,在2011年的时候,我给你起的高长生这个中文名字,你那时表示同意。我认为,高长生这个名字既可以综合你的以前名字正向能量模式,又代表你的正向能量模式的因果关系,同时可以改正你的名字中被错误的激活负面的能量模式。这些名字表面偶然,实际上是必然。这里面有许多道理,其中之一是因为我的正向能量模式之一是正确的健康正确的潜意识,我作为母亲在我们母子长期受到中共AI控脑武器侵犯我们脑神经的时候,我的集体潜意识经过多方互动产生的正确的解决方案。

从另一个角度讲,这是我们的脑神经能量模式决定的,并非仅仅是法律一个名字的脑神经能量模式代表的层面,你的能量模式是非常宏大的,带有时代脉搏,其中许多艰辛痛苦,因此人类大算计的集体潜意识共同会 弹奏出一曲正确长久生存发展的胜利凯歌。





我的儿子Harry Tian Gao高长生这个脑波是一个崇高正灭邪成功的脑波,是一个正义生命的客观存在,具有正确标准性,睿智性,进步性,和前沿性,现实性,畅通性和成功性。



     我们需要看到中共政府执政几十年来犯罪政府的邪恶黑暗逐渐让他们丧心病狂,变成亡命之徒。 他们暗中剥夺人类的物质财产,就像是在抢劫他人的财产,抢银行;他们文革期间对人民的残害阴毒在人类大脑中造成邪恶消灭正义,邪恶的力量比正义大的错误逻辑;他们在1989年64期间用坦克和枪支对北大清华和北京的大学生在天安门广场竞争示威的学生进行扫射消灭,据说有几万人丧生;他们对法轮功学员的残酷镇压,罄竹难书。我认为,他们在脑控中制造脑神经邪恶念头,本身就是心理病毒,他们把这些病毒灌输到人类脑神经中,引起全球的心冠肺炎。





    在这个过程中,我们意识到,我们的作为中国习近平国家主席恐怖犯罪的大脑被控直接见证受害人,我和时间先生和Harry Gao 三个人及其相关的家庭成员都一直处在生命危险当中,我们因此需要得到全人类和美国总统及其美国政府和联合国的紧急救援和赞助。我们共同预期我们已经得到了正确的救援和赞助。



正确运行Harry  Gao 客观存在正确生命!

妈妈:Ruo Qian Kang 康若茜


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The following article is an interview with Harry Tian Gao when he won the Jesfferson Prize at the College of William and Mary on January 28,2011. It is now on the College of William and Mary's website.

by Jim Ducibella |  January 28, 2011

The 2011 winner of the Thomas Jefferson Prize in Natural Philosophy never liked to read and admits that even now he doesn’t read anything that he doesn’t absolutely have to.

But there was one series of books that Harry Gao ‘11 lived vicariously through, one character whose existence harmonized with Gao’s overwhelming passion to understand how and why things do what they do, and how they can be made better.

Sherlock Holmes.

“I really love those detective things and that mystery solving,” he said recently. “It was the only book I could not put down.”

Gao, who carries a double major in 
computer science and mathematics, is the first computer science major to earn the Jefferson Prize, which will be given during Charter Day ceremonies on Feb. 4 in recognition of excellence in the sciences. The prize honors the relationship that Thomas Jefferson enjoyed with Professor William Small, his College tutor in mathematics and the natural sciences.

“He’s fearless,” Associate Professor of Mathematics 
Michael Lewis said of Gao. “Some students see how hard a problem is and back off. Harry is not put off by how hard problems are. He goes right at them, and that makes him great to work with.”

The senior was recently selected as a finalist in the Computing Research Association’s Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award competition for 2011, which speaks to his capabilities as a researcher.

Only 10 male undergraduate students were selected as winners, runners-up, and finalists from a pool that included all universities in North America.   

“Harry is the most motivated student among all of the undergraduates who have worked with me,” said Qun Li, graduate director and associate professor of computer science. Li was Gao’s freshman advisor, and laid out a plan for him that involved doing as much research as possible, as soon as possible.

“He is definitely one of the best students I have met in my six years on the faculty of the College,” Li continued. “He always tries his best in seeking all opportunities and making things happen.”

With a chuckle, Gao admits his unbridled curiosity created its share of family drama early on. He almost caused his grandparents’ home in China to burn down when he was a kid. And he remembers his mother’s face when she handed him his first computer and owner's manual  then watched as he blithely typed in one “fuzzy computer word” after another in an English language he did not yet understand then hit ‘command’ just to see what would happen.

“Yet they were actually very encouraging to me to experiment with things,” he said, slightly amazed. “I was always wondering ‘Why does this work?’ and ‘How exactly does this thing do what it does?’ ”

Gao has been a research warrior since coming to W&M from Falls Church, where his family ultimately settled once leaving Jinan, China. His current project is in conjunction with Ph.D. student Wei Wei on the “distributed consensus” problem.

The problem is to make multiple servers (such as gmail servers) distributed in a large area network (over several continents) both consistent in data replication and efficient in user response.

“Over time I discovered that Harry is quite good both at algorithm design and on research problems with a more theoretical flavor,” Li said. “That is why I started to challenge him with more advanced topics and harder problems. In the past several years, he has been exposed to a few research problems ranging from protocol design to system implementation to theoretical analysis. The results he achieved are deep and broad.”

The findings of his earliest project, developing a more reliable and secure protocol for gathering information from roadside sensors, were published in the International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications and the Journal of Communications.

His second project was funded in summer 2009 by a National Science Foundation Computational Science Training for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences grant. It was aimed at improving the function of sensors that detect human motion. These sensors are often used in senior care to alert care providers if a person moves or falls. To reduce battery drain, the sensors are equipped with a sleep mode that kicks in when the sensor remains inactive for a period of time.

“The problem is the sensor can’t detect motion when the sleep mode is on,” Gao said.

Working with fellow student Andrew Wilcox, they reduced battery drain and eliminated the need for a sleep mode by redesigning the data sent by the sensor to use less information. By compressing the data into one small byte, less of the battery was used.

Most recently, Gao has examined the secure use of inexpensive RFID technology (the same system used for collecting tolls with a “smart tag” EZ Pass) to provide, among other things, proof of location for people.

Perfected, it would help suspects in criminal investigations establish an alibi as to their whereabouts. But it could also be used for the more mundane, such as allowing people to board the subway without having to have the proper change or slip a card into a slot.

“These sensors are really cheap, between a penny and three pennies apiece, and they are expected to become even cheaper,” Gao explained. “You could put thousands of them on the ceiling or at the entrance -- at a cost of $10 or $20. As you walked in, your cell phone would automatically register with a tag, and your credit card could be billed once a month for your usage.”

At this stage, Gao calls his ideas and the research behind them “scratching on the back of an envelope.” Whether it’s feasible from an engineering standpoint remains to be seen.

“When I start to research something, I try to have usages in mind,” he said. “I don’t want to get too academic, too far away from the real world.”

The idea of building a career making life a little easier for people to live has crossed his mind, but that’s down the road. Marriage and graduate school loom on the immediate horizon.

“I’m quite happy putting (an idea) out there,” he said. “I don’t really want to think about the direct financial incentive to it. If it’s actually used there will probably be something in it for me. But that’s not my major concern right now.”


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作者:康若茜,时间先生,高长生先生 07/13/2024



我儿子Harry Gao的岳父Miller先生涉嫌犯罪生命处在危机中 

作者:高长生先生,康若茜女士,时间先生 07/09/2024

中共习近平AI脑控政府派专人在2022年5月份给Jessica的父亲Miller嫌疑人签订合同,捏造虚假事实,污蔑康若茜的家族,污蔑高长生的父亲赵健,污蔑康若茜,让Miller先生产生接受中共政府的杀害康若茜的阴谋计划。他们中共习近平AI脑控集团以某中共政府某商业集团的身份和角色出现,同Miller先生商量了杀人灭口的价格等,Miller嫌疑人要求先付款,对方给他们8万美金,事成之后后有8万+8+8万美元,共32万美元,他们签订了合同,拿到了第一笔美元。这样,Miller家族开始了大规模的调查的时候发现了异常,就是康若茜写的有关文章和回忆,让Miller 生不如死。这个时候,他们暗中脑控Jessica 控制Harry 去中国查看详情,把她康若茜母子打成精神病的时候,看到Jessica派的照片。他们发现有问题,就是不光是杀害康若茜母子的问题,是杀害所有人的问题,是抹去这段历史的问题,所有的参与者,他们都要按照某多种模式进行清除暗杀活动,这实际上是一场人类屠杀。他们发现他们现在深陷囹圄,不知所措,他们认为他们也是牺牲品。        

我儿子Harry Gao 准备在万维网开博客写文章时,被中共习近平阻拦威胁立刻集体报案

我儿子一晚上没有睡觉,他们在家里陷入困境,立刻集体报案,他们中共习近平控脑电磁波昨天晚上对我们发动了发到动了恐怖袭击,我们处在危险当中,美国大众处在危险当中,请社会大众支持Harry Gao 的报案,立刻报案。

(06/27更新) 停止灭绝人类的中共习近平人类脑神经禁区35年犯罪,康若茜战胜非法AI脑控武器原生思想介绍

By Ruo Qian Kang, Supporter: Mr. Shi, Jian, Mr. Harry Gao 06/22/2024 







2,有关我和我儿子Harry gao 及其我们的家庭成员和社会关系成员作为脑控受害人被中共政府宋意宣家族和习近平地方政府起初的电磁波脑神经控制到后来习近平担任国家政府主席位置之后继续利用国家主席的职位之便,通过非法AI脑控武器对我们和整个人类每个人脑神经进行电磁波空袭脑神经的35年的恐怖遭遇过程

我在2001年10月30日移民美国,2005年9月成为美国公民,我现在独自居住在美国波士顿郊区chicopee City的公寓里,我今年61岁.




   中共宋意宣脑控家族犯罪嫌疑人和中共习近平地方政府1989年开始制定了对我康若茜大家庭成员的秘密电磁波脑神经控制虐待迫害计划,为了长期对我和我幼小的儿子Harry Gao 进行暗中电磁波实验虐待和控制迫害,他们对我儿子的父亲赵健进行了长期残酷的电磁波脑神经非人类迫害,他们目的是贬低我们的人格,屈从于他们对我们暗中精神的屈辱,来换取他们从精神到物质对我们家族和整个人类进行的全方位的掠夺。他们中共习近平宋意宣脑控犯罪分子利用电磁波和AI脑控机器人工制造脑神经栽赃诬陷能量,分别给我和赵健进行加载,逼迫赵健放弃优越的工作职位,离家出走,妻离子散,送进监狱。1989年5月赵健的父亲山东师范大学副教授赵一民在50多岁的时候突然患肝癌去世。中共非法脑控团伙对我不到2岁的儿子进行电磁波脑神经乱性欺骗和心理征服等全方位虐待控制,同时破坏我作为母亲和我儿子的正确关系,对我康若茜进行全方位从精神到现实生活的围追堵截。





   宋意宣家族在1991年前后同当时担任地方官员的习近平脑控犯罪团伙相互勾结,对我和我当时幼小的儿子Harry Gao(那个时候名叫赵天哲),从不到两岁开始进行脑神经控制到现在习近平担任国家主席以后继续对我们进行脑控极端恐怖犯罪。他们愈演愈烈,从潜意识暗中电磁波脑神经虐待到公然的AI脑控武器脑内传音意识中电磁波恐怖袭击,从中国范围的犯罪到现在国际范围在美国国家公然犯罪,从起初的对目标受害人电磁波脑控犯罪到现在的AI脑控武器远程遥控空袭整个人类社会和美国人民及其美国政府官员的极端恐怖犯罪活动。

   例如,据高亚明最近3个月在中共AI脑控电磁波扩音中透露出他的潜意识和意识中的自我交流信息,高亚明大约在2003年,就对我儿子的初中同学后来的太太Jiessica Miller进行电磁波脑神经控制, 高亚明认为这是中共利用电磁波控制西方人心理精神的开始,实际上,中国共产党政府早已经开始在世界不同的地区同时同步进行针对西方人的电磁波脑神经控制犯罪。2003年,在Harry 和Jessie 15岁认识,开始交往,和他的同学美国当地白人Jessica Miller 自由恋爱,他们在College of Willian & Marry上本科大学。 2008年8月份,他们分别来到中国北京大学和清华大学作为交换学生学习一个学期,学习期间,Harry Gao突然发高烧,在北京大学医院因为住院3天出院,是2011年6月在双方父母的见证下举行了隆重的婚礼,他们的生命命运实际上被在中国共产党政府电磁波脑神经暗中蓄意控制虐待和操纵。

  现在颅内传音传来声称是Harry 的脑神经意识传音,我表示怀疑,我认为这是中国习近平AI脑控对我儿子Harry Gao 进行的脑神经虐待控制,现在犯罪分子冒充是我儿子Harry 的传音,他们在披露中国脑控对我孙子Dannel Gao进行的脑神经控制虐电磁波空袭虐待,他们现在同时也是对我脑神经恶性刺激虐待。

  他们通过我儿子的口气说,2014年我们的第一个儿子DannelGao出生,当时十分健康,但是,中国习近平AI脑控组织不放过任何一个他认为是和康若茜母子有关系的受害人群体目标,他们中国习近平AI脑控犯罪团伙于是对Harry Gao 的儿子DannelGao 进行了低级神经的电磁波脑神经秘密控制,直到最近Harry 发觉不对,对中共脑控机构进行怒斥,才停止了对他儿子的秘密空袭。

  这是中共脑控的野蛮欺骗信息,这是不符合事实的。事实是,他们中共AI电磁波对我儿子Dannel的迫害是真的,到现在没有停止,我们表示极大的抗议。这是Harry 的脑波,就是Harry 潜意识和意识感知到的,但是,他们又对Harry 的意识神经进行了扭曲虐待,让Harry 意识中无法表达,无法知道,他们用这样的方式对他们一家人进行非人类摧残,试图用这样的方式让他们无法生存,来达到中国习近平AI控脑犯罪机构的消灭他们脑控受害人人质家庭成员的多重反人类目标。

 我孙女Willow Gao 在2021年出生的时候先天唇裂,那个期间,中共正在每天对我进行意识和潜意识的脑神经迫害和虐待,他们对我空袭的内容充斥着对我们儿子的脑神经能量的迫害和虐待内容。Harry 的女儿在唇裂手术康复的过程中,中国习近平AI控脑机构有继续对这个一岁多的女孩子继续进行脑神经控制侵犯,天理不容!
























  我的脑神经康复训练从2004年我看了Creatiative Visualization 和Zero Limit这两本书之后,我当时认为,宇宙间的确存在意念是存在的能量的真相,因此,我需要找到正确的内容进行训练,2005年年底,我发现,我们人类正确的健康状态是放松状态,因此还原我们的放松正常状态是我康复的需要,我依靠这些认识创立了放松法。实践证明,这是一个有效的良性循环的方法。我每天训练3个小时以上。


   2011年之后,我开始研究自然社会事物背后的规律,脑神经的可塑性问题,我在美国密西根州立大学注册了一门Dr.Hoisingtong 的脑科学科目,我继续对人类脑神经之间的相互影响问题,高级脑和低级脑神经特征以及他们之间的关系问题,这个时候,美国社科界以及对人类发展和家庭的研究文献增多,许多研究报告贡献了他们意识和潜意识的观察和思考,我发现美国家庭结构发生了巨大变化,离婚率增多,单亲母亲家庭增多,研究报告中大量出现了儿童被性虐问题的研究,出现了大量的儿童时期的被虐经历和人生心理健康之间的关系问题,出现了许多有关理智调节干预方法研究问题的大量研究报告,出现了有关个体身体问题的研究报告,都为我发现我的理论体系提供了宝贵的基础资料。




我记得在美国密西根州立大学上研究生的时候,2012年4月份,我有一个月30天每天晚上睡不着,我给高亚明打了电话,告诉他我无法活下去,因为我每天在刚睡着,就被惊醒,心脏感到颤动,我当时给他电话讲了将近一个小时,最后,高亚明当时气急败坏地告诉我,他就是在date,date的一百多个了人了,他挂了电话,这是他第一次对我提到他“date”.但是,非常奇怪的是,当天晚上,我恢复了正常睡眠,每天8个小时,身体很快恢复,持续了一个月。后来,我又陷入不正常睡眠状态。但是不像是那一个月心颤一分钟几乎都睡不着的状态,记得那个时候 ,我不得不白天在床上进行各种放松训练,保持我的生命运行。

  我那个时候经常感到性神经被骚扰,我以为是隔壁的研究生所为,我因此向学校宿舍管理负责人抱怨过。在学习中,我发现了一个重要的脑神经是大脑控制神经Excutive Function,这个神经在后脑上方,我努力锻炼自我的控制能量。


































   我在被中共脑神经虐待当中,我对生命和正义力量的渴望让我重新意识中找到了这套我们人类潜意识形成的这套正确生存的机制系统。这是我针对中共几十年来对我一个单亲母亲和我儿子进行长期脑神经折磨虐待的过程中的一种本能生命抗争,我在这个过程中创立了新型综合科学,产生有利于正确长久生存发展的脑神经链接和正确的脑神经反应模式,和正确的条件反射的认知。我利用这些科学研究知识和脑神经调节方法在我长期被中共脑控机构迫害过程中进行了自救活动和理智的脑神经系统调节,我因此不仅活了下来,还在客观上得到了我的小学同学同样多年遭受到中共习近平脑控神经迫害的时间先生的脑神经正能量的客观支持,有效抗击了中共犯罪电磁波人工蓄意对我们人类的脑神经迫害活动。我儿子Harry Gao本能的正义感的支持也鼓舞我临危不惧,激励我不断撰写出揭露习近平AI脑控犯罪真相和实质的报告,包括打击脑控犯罪的相关知识介绍。











  我在美国密西根州立大学毕业之后两年,在2015年秋天卖掉美国房产来到中国长期居住,探望父母双亲7年。2015年10月回到中国山东省济南市租房居住,在山东济南大智培训学校担任高考辅导老师和心理辅导老师,兼职工作5年之久。 2017年我通过中国国家心理咨询师统考,考取中国国家高级二级心理咨询师证书。















  为了达到这个目标,他们制定了对整个人类大众进行终身控制脑神经的反人类计划,目的是掩盖习近平几十年来的对人类犯下的极端恐怖非人类内容的反人类恐怖犯罪活动。他们因此制定了秘密杀死我和我儿子Harry Gao受害人人证家庭,杀死我的小学同学时间先生的受害人人证家庭。

  习近平AI脑控阴谋把时间波变成习近平立场,同时在康若茜立场争得位置,来否定康若茜在时间先生和康若茜儿子Harry Gao 支持下撰写的揭露中国习近平犯罪AI脑控武器空袭人类大脑恐怖犯罪报告。刚才习近平团伙对时间波说,你已经被捕了,因为他们想栽赃陷害我时间成为他们的替罪羊,完成他们阴谋洗白他们习近平团伙犯罪的第一步,为打击消灭康若茜母子和他时间家庭,消灭打击康若茜儿子Harry Gao和Harry Gao太太Jessica 的家族,完全否认康若茜的揭发习近平报告做准备。




































我们人类战胜他们非人类习近平政府的方法是正念进化的原则,就是首先要用正确的方法保持我们做人的灵魂的能力潜力和自然属性。我们认为,在我们正确长久生存的正当欲望中存在一个哲理,就是我们如果有足够的正确长久生存正能量,就会产生质的变化,因为我们整个人类是一个有机的整体,当我们每个人都意识中追求正确长久生存的正念的时候, 我们就会产生足够的正能量,我们脑内就会产生这样的保护我们做人灵魂的机制系统,这就需要我们选择正确的心理神经调节方法,比如,我们每天意识中默念或者出生的说一套自我保护自我进化指令,每天练习和宣读1小时以上,1,2个月之后我们的脑中就会产生相应的脑神经链接,当我们人类都形成了这种链接,我们在战胜中国习近平AI剥夺人类灵魂的反人类武器的时候,就产生了自我保护,让恶有恶报的能力和潜能。


  Your case number is 4225376



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Your case number is 4225376


Your registered enquiry to the Europe Direct Contact Centre is as follows:


Our whole human society has collectively entered an era of AI crime electromagnetic waves that has been controlled by the Chinese Communist Party Xijinping's AI  brain nerve criminals for 35 years and has not yet been realized. This is a extreme terrorist crime that is happening everyday and needs to be recognized by the entire world. These are related reports  I have written and published in my blog column on the Creaders. net website for the past 10 months.  I have published more than 500 reports here based on my real experiences of brain nerves attacked by the Chinese Communist Party Xijinping's AI brain -nerve Control weapons against the whole human public and American society. To read more details, please click: https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/. My phone is 413-210-7597. Thank you so much!

Best Regard,

Ruo Qian Kang


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(我的证据发表在我“个人相册”证据栏My evidence is published in the evidence column of my personal album)

This is an urgent email to the U.S. government about the evidence of Xi Jinping's weapons of mass destruction, AI brain-controlled weapons, air strikes on the brain and nervous system of the American people. Please report it to the relevant U.S. departments immediately


Hi, All,

   This is an urgent email to the U.S. government about the evidence of Xi Jinping's weapons of mass destruction, AI brain-controlled weapons, air strikes on the brain and nervous system of the American people. Please report it to the relevant U.S. departments immediately. I just found that all the evidence emails I sent to the U.S. media and friends cannot be found in gmail and have been deleted without any reason. This is a strong proof that Xi Jinping's AI brain-controlled criminal organization of the Chinese Communist Party is trying to cover up his extreme terrorist criminal activities in the United States.

I sent you all evidence with more than ten photos last week and weekend. These are the evidence photos I took in the past year or so. Please pay attention to these evidence photos and find out whether the evidence photos I sent to you last week are still there. The email cannot be found in my mailbox. 

I have to send you this evidence again , plus more evidence with more explanations. I need you all to report all these situations to the relevant U.S. Gov. Departments immediately.

     As I am sending you the evidence now, the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control has started to load us with brain nerve energy, and the electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission is playing "I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it". This is the deceptive brain nerve energy they created. They are loading and instilling our human public brain nerves in order to interfere with and change our correct thinking, and change our human masses to follow the correct attitude and correct strategy that is beneficial to us to stop this extreme terrorist brain nerve crime that threatens the safety of our American lives.

    In the past few years, they have been using this criminal method to destroy people's attention and correct brain nerve response ability to the secret air strikes launched by the Chinese President against the United States, and to prevent the US government from facing and studying the criminal activities of the CCP Xi Jinping's secret extremist terrorist AI brain control against the United States with our advanced intelligent brain nerve system that can solve problems, combat crimes, and defeat Xi Jinping's brain control anti-human organization. 

   We have to be aware of the existence of their brain control crimes, and promptly observe our brain nerve reactions and inner psychological response when receiving information about the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control crimes, and promptly make positive and rational adjustments we should have. Thank you so much!

Best Wishes,

Margaret Ruo Qian Kang 06/25/2024





康若茜 06/25/2024

Stop Xi Jinping’s 35-year crime in the human brain nerve forbidden zone from Extincting of human beings and Ruo Qian Kang's original thought on defeating the illegal AI brain control weapon

--------Ruo Qian Kang's experience as a victim of the illegal AI brain control weapon crime committed by Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, her work and study experience, and an introduction to Ruo Qian Kang's original thoughts

By Ruo Qian Kang, Supporters: Mr. Shi, Jian (Mr. Time), Mr. Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now

I am one of the victims of the secret control of the human brain nerve system by the Chinese Communist Party government. Since the Xi Jinping government became the President of the Chinese Communist Party in 2013, it has stepped up secret air strikes and torture on the brain nerves of people all over the world. Because they are secret crimes, the human brain nerves are controlled to a generally imperceptible degree. The illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has used AI brain control weapons to carry out brain nerve extremism terrorist attacks on our victims and the brain nerves of the entire human mass for more than 20 hours a day from more than 20 years ago to now. https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/.

On February 3, 2021, while I was visiting relatives and living in China for a long time, I was subjected to multiple air strikes by the Chinese government's AI brain control electromagnetic wave technology and intracranial sound transmission and amplification brain control technology. They used brain control technology to amplify various content information in my brain nerve energy every day. This is an extremely painful and cruel non-human brain torture. Because this experience is unheard of, I have been unable to clearly describe it to others for a long time. After a year and a half of this experience, around July 2022, I searched for relevant information on the Internet. When I knew that this was a high-tech electromagnetic wave crime in China, I consciously speculated that what I learned from the sound transmission in my brain was that the staff of the local relevant departments of the Chinese government launched a criminal activity of electromagnetic wave brain nerve air strikes and abuse against me during my secret surveillance and residence as an American citizen.

However, I didn’t know how to deal with their brutal violations against me at that time. I couldn’t face it correctly for a long time, and I couldn’t really believe it. I could only warn myself to try my best to protect myself and survive in this tragic state of being suddenly attacked. Just like now, I can only try my best to recover my brain nerve system that was destroyed by them. Now, nearly a year has passed. Although I have written a lot of reports exposing the extreme terrorist crimes of AI brain control by Xi Jinping of the CCP, I still haven’t received the rescue I deserve from the US government, and I haven’t received the protection I deserve from US laws. One of the reasons is that Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain control criminals are carrying out brain nerve air strikes on me while carrying out the same content air strikes on the brain nerves of the entire human public. At the same time, they control the advanced brain nerves of the human public with one of the internal orders: “It is impossible to produce brain nerve reactions to eliminate Xi Jinping’s extreme terrorist brain nerve crimes.”

For a long time after April 2021, they used the AI brain control weapons made by Xi Jinping of the CCP himself, combined with intracranial sound transmission technology and electromagnetic waves to torture my brain nerves by experimental means. Every night in the middle of the night, I was brutally aware that my college classmate Xu Yong was holding a similar iron tool to search my brain nerves wantonly, making me sick, and torturing me. They are implementing a non-human anti-human conspiracy plan to abuse and kill me as a brain-controlled hostage and witness in the direction of elimination. Their means are to publicly confess the means of brain nerve control torture of my son and me as individual victims, and in the process conduct secret tests and data assessment experiments on my brain nerve reactions. At the same time, they carry out secret air strikes and abuse crimes on the brain nerves of everyone living on the earth.

First, through this extremely terrifying secret criminal activity, they create the false brain nerve positive energy they need through intimidation and deception to support and maintain their high-pressure dictatorship over the Chinese people. They have thus kidnapped the spiritual world of the Chinese people psychologically, and they take this opportunity to deceive the world in the name of seeking welfare for more than one billion Chinese people and defending national security, laying the foundation for their further use of AI brain control weapons to secretly instill deceptive information and high-pressure authoritarian ideas into the brain nerve subconscious of people all over the world, providing a false spirit and reality pattern. Then, they formulated a plan to destroy and control the brain nerves of the US government and American society, with the purpose of using AI brain control criminal means to destroy or disintegrate the great and powerful country of the United States mentally and psychologically, so that the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping's national government can first conquer the American people and the people of the world psychologically and occupy the position of barbaric hegemony in the real world.

2. About my son Harry Gao and my family members and social relations as brain control victims, who were initially controlled by the electromagnetic wave brain nerves of the Song Yixuan family of the Chinese Communist Party government and the local government of Xi Jinping at that time. Later, after Xi Jinping became the chairman of the national government, he continued to use the convenience of the position of the president to carry out electromagnetic wave air strikes on the brain nerves of us and the entire human race through illegal AI brain control weapons for about 35 years.

I immigrated to the United States on October 30, 2001, and became a US citizen in September 2005. I now live alone in an apartment in Chicopee City, a suburb of Boston, USA. I am 61 years old.

Before I immigrated to the United States, I worked as a high school English teacher in Jinan Licheng No. 6 Middle School and Jinan No. 3 Middle School for 6 years. On January 1, 1991, I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than three years. From February 1994 to May 2000, I worked as a reporter and director at CCTV for more than six years.

When I was an English teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School, around 1989, my family members and my son (whose name was Zhao Tianzhe at that time) were secretly monitored and had their electromagnetic wave brain nerve data stolen by my colleague Song Yixuan. Song Yixuan is a dual identity criminal suspect. Her father Song Ji is the head of brain control of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Government. Her parents and brother Song Zhijian and her husband Ma Dayuan are all criminals of the CCP brain control secret organization.

The brain nerve data stolen from Zhao Tianzhe and me was probably monitored and persecuted by Xi Jinping, who was a local official at the time, through the secret database of the Chinese National Brain Control Secret Archives after 1992. Xi Jinping later seized the power of China's national leader through the criminal means of electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of the human masses, and served as the chairman of the Communist Party of China around 2012. Xi Jinping’s father, Xi Zhongxun, was one of the secret leaders of the Chinese Communist Party government responsible for controlling the human brain nerves. Xi Jinping himself has long been familiar with the Chinese secret brain control criminal activities carried out by this family.

The criminal suspects of the Song Yixuan brain control family of the Chinese Communist Party and the local government of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping began to formulate a secret electromagnetic wave brain nerve control abuse and persecution plan for my family members of Kang Ruoqian in 1989. In order to conduct long-term secret electromagnetic wave experiments, abuse and control persecution on me and my young son Harry Gao, they carried out long-term cruel electromagnetic wave brain nerve non-human persecution on my son’s father Zhao Jian. Their purpose is to degrade our personality and succumb to their secret spiritual humiliation of us in exchange for their all-round plunder of our family and the entire human race from spirit to material. They, the brain control criminals of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping Song Yixuan, used electromagnetic waves and AI brain control robots to artificially create brain nerves to frame and frame energy, and loaded them on me and Zhao Jian respectively, forcing Zhao Jian to give up his superior job position, run away from home, and be separated from his wife and children and sent to prison. In May 1989, Zhao Jian’s father, Zhao Yimin, an associate professor at Shandong Normal University, died suddenly of liver cancer in his 50s. The illegal brain control group of the Chinese Communist Party abused and controlled my son who was less than 2 years old by electromagnetic wave brain nerve disorder deception and psychological conquest. At the same time, it destroyed the correct relationship between me as a mother and my son, and carried out all-round pursuit and interception of me, Kang Ruoqian, from the spiritual to the real life.

In November 1990, Jinan TV held an open recruitment activity for news anchors. Among more than 800 competitors, I, Kang Ruoqian and Sun Qingmin, won and became the news anchors of Jinan TV. I worked as a news anchor at Jinan TV for more than 3 years from early 1991 to early 1994. Until February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV as a reporter and director. I worked at CCTV for more than 6 years. I immigrated to Canada in May 2000, and I immigrated to the United States in November 2001. I became a US citizen on September 28, 2005.

In March 1998, I met and fell in love with Mr. Gao Yaming, an American immigrant, through an introduction. We registered our marriage in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. The marriage lasted for 13 years and 7 months, and we were officially divorced in the Prince William County Court in Virginia, USA in October 2011.

In the past six months, I have learned through the subconscious and conscious brain nerve energy information revealed by the AI brain control criminal weapons and intracranial sound transmission technology of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping that my ex-husband, American citizen lawyer Gao Yaming, and her first wife Luo Jie are dual-identity electromagnetic wave brain control criminal suspects of the Chinese Communist Party. They remarried after 2013. The two of them have been carrying out China Xi Jinping's electromagnetic wave brain nerve criminal activities in the United States for decades. They have joined forces with local Americans to control many industries including surveillance in the United States, and secretly and barbarically engaged in electromagnetic wave brain control extreme terrorist criminal activities in the United States. They are also related to the manufacture and source of brain nerve energy for American computer Cyber crimes.

Gao Yaming's first and current wife Luo Jie was said to have married a former US President Clinton's government writer before remarrying Gao Yaming. This information was told by editor Mr. Zhang Ming in 2003 when I was working as a contract worker at VOA. At that time, I was asking him about Luo Jie's situation. Gao Yaming's remarried wife Luo Jie had been a reporter in the Chinese Department of VOA before I came to work at VOA. Gao Yaming deliberately concealed the fact that Luo Jie had been married to a US White House government official in 2009. He had lied to me to deliberately deny Luo Jie's experience of being married to a White House official.

The Song Yixuan family colluded with Xi Jinping's brain control criminal gang, who was a local official at the time, around 1991, and began to control my brain nerves and my young son Harry Gao (named Zhao Tianzhe at the time) from less than two years old to the present day when Xi Jinping has become the President of the country and continues to carry out extreme terrorist brain control crimes against us. They are getting worse and worse, from subconscious electromagnetic wave brain nerve abuse to blatant AI brain control weapons brain transmission and electromagnetic wave terrorist attacks, from crimes within China to now international crimes in the United States, from the initial electromagnetic wave brain control crimes against target victims to the current AI brain control weapons remote control air strikes on the entire human society and the American people and their American government officials.

For example, according to Gao Yaming's self-communication information in his subconscious and conscious self-communication in the CCP AI brain control electromagnetic wave amplifier in the past three months, Gao Yaming conducted electromagnetic wave brain nerve control on Jessica Miller, my son's junior high school classmate and later wife, in about 2003. Gao Yaming believes that this is the beginning of the CCP's use of electromagnetic waves to control the psychological spirit of Westerners. In fact, the Chinese Communist Party government has already begun to carry out electromagnetic wave brain nerve control crimes against Westerners in different parts of the world at the same time. In 2008, Harry Gao and his classmate, Jessica Miller, a local white American, fell in love and had a grand wedding in June 2011 witnessed by their parents. Their lives were actually secretly controlled, abused and manipulated by the electromagnetic waves of the Chinese Communist Party government.

Now there is a voice transmission in the skull claiming to be Harry's brain nerve consciousness transmission. I am skeptical. I think it is the brain nerve abuse and control of my son Harry Gao by Xi Jinping's AI brain control. Now criminals are pretending to be my son Harry's voice transmission. They are disclosing the brain nerve control and electromagnetic wave air raid abuse of my grandson Dannel Gao by China's brain control. They are also maliciously stimulating and abusing my brain nerves.

They said through my son's voice that our first son Dannel Gao was born in 2014 and was very healthy at the time. However, the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control organization would not let go of any victim group target that he thought was related to Kang Ruoqian and her son. So the Chinese Xi Jinping AI brain control criminal gang secretly controlled Harry Gao's son Dannel Gao through low-level electromagnetic waves. It was not until recently that Harry found something wrong and angrily denounced the CCP brain control organization that the secret airstrike on his son was stopped.

This is a barbaric deception information of the CCP brain control, which is not true. The fact is that their CCP AI electromagnetic wave persecution of my son Dannel is real and has not stopped until now. We express our great protest. This is Harry's brain wave, which is what Harry perceives subconsciously and consciously. However, they distorted and abused Harry's conscious nerves, making it impossible for Harry to express and know in his consciousness. They used this method to inhumanely destroy their family, trying to make them unable to survive in this way, to achieve the multiple anti-human goals of Xi Jinping's AI brain control criminal organization in China to eliminate their brain control victims, hostages and family members.

My granddaughter Willow Gao was born with a cleft lip in 2021. During that period, the CCP was persecuting and abusing my conscious and subconscious brain nerves every day. The content of their airstrikes on me was full of persecution and abuse of our son's brain nerve energy. During the recovery of Harry's daughter's cleft lip surgery, Xi Jinping's AI brain control organization in China continued to control and violate the brain nerves of this one-year-old girl. 

Their goal and means are to eliminate the victims, witnesses and family members in the direction of covering up Xi Jinping's non-human and anti-human crimes of brain control, so as to achieve their goal of the CCP Xi Jinping illegal government crime AI brain control weapon gang to control the brain nerve resources of everyone in the entire human society for life, to create and generate the brain nerve energy needed by the CCP Xi Jinping's brain control extreme terrorist criminals, and to make the brain nerves of everyone in the world become brain nerve machines that support Xi Jinping's domination of the world.

Their methods of committing crimes are varied and irregular, and their purpose is to make it impossible for people to summarize, defeat, and believe. The main goal is to make the human brain undergo a passive splitting and degeneration reaction, so that humans will develop in a direction where they cannot survive. The specific characteristics are to make the human brain become a pathological brain with active lower-level brains and inactive higher-level brains, and intelligence decline. They believe that it is easy to make humans active in the lower-level brain by using AI brain control weapons, so that humans can maintain a state of lower-level brain excitement, and cannot produce a healthy state of higher-level brain activity and lower-level brain relaxation. One of their extremely terrifying methods is to use AI brain control weapons to load depressed brain nerve energy, so that humans are not interested in things that generate vitality and are beneficial to their own survival and development, but are interested in things that are not beneficial to their own survival and development, and are interested in chaotic nerve excitement, mistakenly believing that this is human nature and instinct.

They activate the lower-level nerves of humans, especially the incest and incestuous nerves, to regulate the chaotic nerve excitement reflex of the human brain to stimulate criminal activities, forcing the human masses to live in an uncontrolled state of lower-level brain nerve excitement, and live in the contradictions and oppositions between family members and social relations members, providing conditions for the CCP Xi Jinping brain control criminal gang to further control the higher-level brain of humans.

Since this is against the direction and goal of human beings' correct long-term survival and development, when humans unknowingly accept the abuse of the CCP's AI brain control weapons, they will generate a lot of negative energy and wrong internal language. This is a survival reminder instinct, and the subconscious nerves are reminding us that there is a problem with our bodies. However, in the case of our human beings being abused by AI brain control, this reminder function is also deliberately destroyed, so that wrong neural connections will be formed. The formation of wrong brain nerve patterns, more importantly, people live in self-misunderstanding, their intelligence declines, and the brain is in a trend of separation between the high-level brain and the low-level brain. The goals chosen in self-consciousness are not conducive to the goal selection and pursuit of self-survival. Therefore, the destructive life mode of the entire human society that lives towards death is artificially formed, human society is heading towards destruction, and wrong conditioned reflexes are formed, and the AI brain control weapons of the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping will become reasonable and legal.

They use satellite technology and AI brain control to combine multiple brain nerve control technologies to create electromagnetic wave brain control weapons, and carry out brain nerve air strikes and abuse crimes against the American people for 5 or 6 hours a day. They use Shandong dialect in China to broadcast the evil thoughts and wrong logic brain nerve information of various evil patterns they have created for more than 20 hours a day. They spread and reveal spiritual pollution ideas to the whole world every day.

I have obtained a large amount of photo evidence of their crimes and published them in the "Personal Album" of the "Respect Justice" blogger column of my blog on the Wanwei Reader website. I have been writing almost every day since July 31 last year, often writing reports for more than 15 hours a day. I have now written more than 500 reports exposing their crimes, which have accumulated hundreds of thousands of words.

I have reported to the US government departments and the White House countless times, but I think it has not attracted enough attention. I know that the criminal gang of the Xi Jinping government of the Chinese Communist Party has been using illegal AI brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes, and is conspiring to prevent the US government and all walks of life, especially the media and other departments from "ignoring" and "not believing" the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control activities of their criminals to the AI brain control weapons air strike crimes in American society.

3. My son and I have been forced to become experimental subjects and abused victims of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control criminals for a long time. I have developed a great spirit of resistance and founded the New Evolution of rational ideas. I think this is the right path in life and a powerful spiritual weapon to defeat the CCP Xi Jinping's illegal anti-human government.

During the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control electromagnetic wave airstrike, I developed anxiety and sleep problems. I have been thinking about a question subconsciously, "What happened in this world?" One day in 2005, when I realized this problem, I was secretly surprised and realized my inner curiosity. I then devoted my energy to studying and exploring this problem. Now I realize that the question that has been lingering in my mind comes from the criminal activities of the CCP Xi Jinping AI brain control on our brain nervous system, and from their daily secret attacks on our mother and son and the human brain nervous system. My intuition, positive energy mode and survival instinct made me doubt.

I applied for Nova Community College in August 2006 and began to study and think about psychology, scientific methods, Western classical philosophy, social psychology, sociology, Western history, anthropology and other subjects. I had excellent grades in a North American community college and completed about 15 courses. I am very grateful for studying in a North American community college, which allowed me to enjoy the great wisdom and efficiency of the Western undergraduate education method, which focuses on improving students' learning ability, a natural sense of autonomy and humanity. At the same time, I realized that learning these subjects in English can activate some concepts that were originally unclear in my mind, making me realize that learning Chinese and English can activate different areas of my brain nerves, making it easier and more accurate for me to think about problems. I feel lucky.

I received a master's degree in science from Michigan State University in the United States from 2011 to 2013. My research major was human development and family studies. I was 50 years old when I graduated with a master's degree.

At Michigan State University in the United States, in 2011, I began to conduct extensive independent observations, discussions and knowledge concept applications on theories such as psychological brain neuroscience and brain neuropsychological regulation. I conducted long-term natural observations and discussions on issues such as the source of the material world and the relationship between ideas and reality. Two years later, I completed my studies with excellent results.

I am very grateful for my experience of studying at Michigan State University in the United States, the atmosphere of independent research and the extensive reading of research reports. This process has broadened my academic horizons. The professors' rigorous attitude towards scholarship and advocacy of independent innovation have played the advantages of my rich work experience for me as an adult student, laying the foundation for me to write A-level paper.

For decades, I have been studying the relevant content and theories of "Mindfulness of rational ideas of New Evolution Theory", studying the relationship between ideas and reality, the relationship between the objective existence of human self-life and spirit and the material natural society, and how to produce a virtuous cycle of positive effects on the essence of objective life existence. I believe that the essence of the universe, nature and life is the formation of human brain nerve energy, and is a unified unity of energy and its form. Energy has a direction, positive energy represents the direction of life, and negative energy represents the direction of destroying life. The reason why we become human beings is that we have a soul energy body of human quality. This soul energy body interacts with all things in the natural society according to the trend of human's correct survival instinct, and constantly transforms and develops, giving birth to the sacred human life. Life is a unity of spirit and matter.

Everyone's life is a product of natural transformation. Every life consists of two parts: soul and body. Only the unity of soul and body is a correct and healthy state. From this perspective, the source of our life is our noble soul, or the correct soul and the corresponding correct physiological body constitute an independent and complete life. As human beings, we must maintain our healthy life, respect our soul, and focus on the cultivation and improvement of our soul. Therefore, we humans are essentially self-concentrated lives. Only self-concentration can produce the power of life. This is determined by the soul, the source of great life energy.

This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, and the center is the unity and consistency of the self-soul and the self-body. This body includes our physiological brain and nervous system. We must know that a healthy brain is a physiological state in which the self-sensory brain and the low-level brain are united and consistent, and the self-consciousness and the subconsciousness are united and consistent. In this way, we pursue self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health, and self-immunity maintenance of our own life. We will focus on the maintenance and improvement of our own soul, the improvement of our own moral level, and the pursuit of the energy of the virtue life element.

The human soul is a life energy body, which is in the correct order. The virtues and life elements contained in the soul are what we humans need in essence. We humans need these spiritual food because it is an objective life reality and another form of matter. Our human soul needs to develop and improve in an orderly reincarnation. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and our commitment to the dignity of our lives and God.

We can see that in essence, the relationship between us humans is actually united and consistent. Each of us needs to focus on maintaining and improving our own soul level. Therefore, the content of each of us is united and unified. We humans come to the world because of our souls as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our souls as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human existence.

The level of our soul determines the level of the self-positive energy model. The self-positive energy model is the personal contribution made by human individuals to the development of human society in the direction of the main theme of human positive will for correct and long-term survival and development. In this process, the level of human souls is improved and sublimated.

People's understanding determines their thoughts, their thoughts determine their realm, their realm determines their wisdom, and their wisdom determines their motivation and vitality. The realm of man and the level of his soul complement each other. The human soul is a life energy body. The soul is eternal in reincarnation and development. We humans come to the world with a mission, which is to fulfill our original intention and the promise to our life dignity and God. We come to the world because of our soul level as human beings. We must maintain and cherish our soul as human beings. This is the meaning and primary task of our human survival.

The origin and development of our human species is the evolution and development of the idea of correct survival in the process of survival and development in nature. The positive thoughts generated by human survival motivation influence each other and produce corresponding nervous systems, consciousness and subconscious nervous systems. The subconscious nervous system is an intuitive instinct system. We humans actually rely on the subconscious brain nervous system to evolve and develop.

However, in the past, the control of human brain nerves by the Chinese Communist government over the past 70 years has entered the forbidden zone of destroying mankind. Especially in the past 20 or 30 years, China has developed more advanced criminal AI brain nerve control machines and technologies, which is a weapon of mass destruction. On the basis of deliberately controlling our human advanced brain, he wantonly destroys our rational subconscious correct survival nervous system that has already evolved.

Due to the high-pressure, dictatorial and ignorant barbaric operation of the CCP Xi Jinping brain control group, the rational survival mechanism of our human brain nerves, especially the subconscious brain nerves, has been artificially destroyed, and the response mechanism that our human beings have established for tens of thousands of years to adapt to correct survival has been destroyed. They deliberately destroyed the correct survival rational mechanism system that our human ancestors have established through tens of thousands of years of evolution in the development of natural forces. Therefore, it has become a necessary and sufficient condition for us humans to discover the secrets and laws of our own life in our consciousness.

When the illegal government of the CCP Xi Jinping blindly and barbarically invaded the human brain nerve forbidden area with computer electromagnetic waves in the past few decades, their souls became non-human. Their original life energy as a human could not be maintained because their souls as a human were lost. They found that their life and regime operation became opposed to human life. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between their survival and the correct life and destiny of mankind. They can only rely on using AI brain control weapons to control human life energy and degrade it, forcing humans to the level of brain nerves where they cannot survive. Only then can the Xi Jinping regime survive and maintain their high-pressure authoritarian rule. This is their non-human anti-human extremist terrorist crime logic.

In other words, the extreme terrorist criminal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has long been a dying government. Their individual vitality has become unable to survive due to the long-term loss of souls. As a result, they have become more vicious and crazy. They put their hopes on the extreme terrorist crimes of high-tech brain control, trying to find ways to savagely absorb and manufacture the life energy of the entire human race to maintain their dying lives. The Chinese Xi Jinping government has actually become a vampire government that destroys humanity.

In the past few years, they have often vented their dying subconscious information and "doomsday" emotions in their criminal AI brain control electromagnetic wave abuse "programs". Faced with the heinous crimes committed by the extreme terrorist crimes led by Xi Jinping against humanity for decades, Xi Jinping made a criminal decision to carry out a plan to eliminate our witness families and the people of the world one by one on the premise and direction of covering up Xi Jinping's own extreme terrorist crimes of brain control against humanity, with the goal of maintaining their evil dictatorship in the process.

The specific method of Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist criminal gang is to divide humanity into two major categories, the exploiting class and the deprived class, and on this basis, carry out multiple criminal deceptions and alienation. Their main despicable means is to corrupt and seduce the souls of the masses of our human race, making them as evil and stupid as they are. They believe that this is their magic weapon to defeat humanity.

That is, they try to seduce humans into non-essential, irrational evil and false excitement, and then find reasons to comfort themselves for their extreme terrorist crimes. Therefore, they tell their own brain nerves that the essence of human beings is as evil as they are, and they can't stand it either, so they are also righteous. They try to suppress their own subconscious nerves and turn them into the embodiment of justice by suppressing the humans they have corrupted, so as to obtain the brain nerve positive energy they need for their lives and high-pressure, authoritarian and evil power. Therefore, they are hopelessly wrong, and the Xi Jinping government has become a hideous and evil face that cannot be added, and has staged the pinnacle of evil in the world and throughout history.

Precisely for this reason, we humans must immediately take up our spiritual and material weapons to defeat the enemy and eliminate the vampire government. Whoever fires at them first, whoever makes merit first, whoever is good first will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is good will be rewarded, whoever is on the correct interface of survival.

I need to remind our great human beings here that in the face of such a vicious enemy crisis, in order to defeat Xi Jinping's illegal brain-controlled government, we need our brains to become rational brains as much as possible. This is the physiological condition of the self-brain that we need to achieve and maintain in our consciousness. That is, we need to know that we do not need excitement, whether it is a low-level brain or a high-level brain. Excitement will make us lose control and addicted, and our brains will be easily exploited and accept the abuse and violation of Xi Jinping's illegal brain-controlled weapons. Once our human souls are corroded, our wisdom will decline, our human self-control will decline, and our chances of recovery and survival will decline.

Therefore, the principle we pursue is to maintain the rationality and order of our minds, to be calm and composed, and to comprehensively pursue the combination of the elements of virtue and life on this principle, to improve our vitality and wisdom, and to improve our various brain nerve abilities to defeat the enemy. Of course, we always keep in mind that the physiological basis of our health and the soul energy body of our self are a whole, and need to be "united". The degree of our vitality is, to some extent, closely related to whether the self is united and consistent. This is what we need to pay attention to and adjust at all times in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, because the illegal AI brain control of the CCP has been deliberately destroying the principle of unity between our human soul and our physiological body.

The secret of their invasion of human brain nerves is to ignore the existence of the energy body soul of our pure life as a human being, turn our human attention to the brain nerve system, and try to secretly deceive the lower brain. Because our brain nerve system has been attacked by their CCP AI brain control weapons, and it has been preemptive for a long time, so we humans have no chance of winning, we can only "surrender", we know that this is nonsense.

Because the source of our life is our soul energy body of the correct nature of being a human being. The energy body of this human soul cannot be shaken by the evil AI brain control weapon. The dimension and space of this soul energy body are protected by God. Our life is given by God and is natural. Therefore, we should not listen and believe in all the violations and deceptions of the CCP Xi Jinping's brain control. Therefore, we need to clearly realize that loving our own soul and cherishing our own soul are the guarantee and source of the virtuous cycle of our life. As long as our righteous and pure soul energy body is there, as long as our great wisdom is there, our soul positive energy body can reshape and recover our brain nerve correct mechanism system.

In this way, we can improve our self-control and self-protection ability of our advanced brain. We want to pursue the activity of the advanced brain. What we need is the chemical serotonin, which keeps us awake, relaxed, and softens our blood vessels. This chemical will make us concentrate, improve efficiency, feel happy and satisfied. We humans need to pursue this kind of wise life and life.

We must understand the meaning and purpose of our lives as human beings. This is our great wisdom and calculation, our values, and maintaining the purity of our souls. This is our greatest "virtue" and "gain", because our vitality and correct destiny are proportional to the level of our souls. This is the secret of life. At the same time, we are always vigilant against the evil intentions of the brain-controlled criminals of the illegal government of Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party, and refuse to let our souls be corrupted and tainted.

Human beings and the natural universe of society are an organic whole, which are interdependent, interconnected, and independent of each other. As individuals, humans are independent and complete individuals, and the relationship between us is a rational and correct relationship. The essence of our human beings and the natural universe is the same, which is correct, rational and orderly, and has rules to follow. Each of us humans has a perfect and correct life and destiny. Only on the basis of correctly understanding ourselves can humans establish the correct direction of active, correct and long-term survival and development, walk on the right path, and enjoy a correct life. Therefore, understanding the correct knowledge about human self is a prerequisite for social development.

When I was abused by the brain nerves of the Chinese Communist Party, my desire for life and the power of justice made me find this set of correct survival mechanism system formed by our human subconsciousness again. This is an instinctive struggle for my life against the CCP's decades of long-term brain nerve torture and abuse of me, a single mother, and my son. In this process, I created a new type of comprehensive science, which produced brain nerve connections and correct brain nerve reaction patterns that are conducive to correct and long-term survival and development, as well as the cognition of correct conditioned reflexes. I used these scientific research knowledge and brain nerve regulation methods to carry out self-rescue activities and rational brain nerve system regulation during my long-term persecution by the CCP brain control agency. Therefore, I not only survived, but also objectively received objective support from the positive energy of the brain nerve of my elementary school classmate Mr. Shijian, who also suffered from the CCP Xi Jinping's brain control nerve persecution for many years, and effectively fought against the CCP's criminal electromagnetic wave artificial and deliberate brain nerve persecution of our human beings. The instinctive support of my son Harry Gao's sense of justice also encouraged me to remain fearless in the face of danger and inspired me to continue to write reports that expose the truth and essence of Xi Jinping's AI brain control crimes, including relevant knowledge introductions to combat brain control crimes.

In the era of criminal electromagnetic waves, especially in the past three years, China's Xi Jinping's illegal AI brain control weapons have been invading the human brain nerves every day. Criminals are taking advantage of human ignorance of the concept of self-identity to instill wrong logic and secretly force humans to accept it. When people secretly believe in their deceptive thoughts, they will produce wrong psychological language and brain nerve energy that will destroy the righteous, which is equivalent to supporting the extreme terrorist criminal activities of Xi Jinping, the illegal government of the Chinese Communist Party, against humans. Our human self-life has become more and more passive and fragile. Our consciousness and subconsciousness have deviated from our united and consistent state in the right direction and become increasingly separated. Our healthy body, which was originally closely connected to our body and self-soul, has become pathological. Our human life ability to focus on ourselves has gradually blurred, which is a problem we must fully realize.

In the process of fighting against the illegal brain control of Xi Jinping, I independently created the brain nerve system rational regulation intervention method to clear negative brain nerve energy, rehabilitate the brain nerve system, form correct brain nerve connections, and correct brain nerve response patterns. In the dark era of the CCP's criminal electromagnetic wave brain control, we need to silently recite or expressively say these concepts every day: 1. We must "decrypt, detoxify, solve the mystery, untie the shackles, untie the bindings, uncover the painted skin, uncover the mask, uncover the darkness, expose, illuminate, see through, expose, quit drinking, quit sex, realize, perceive, see, our lives are running correctly, self-respect, autonomy, self-governance, self-healing, self-reflection, self-respect, self-loyalty, self-protection, self-consistency, self-unification."

2. Silently recite or say out loud, "We stopped you, the brain-control criminal gang members, we stopped you I successfully stopped your evil deeds. I controlled the members of the brain-controlled criminal gang, I successfully controlled you, controlled you to stop your own evil deeds. I hit you, I successfully hit your evil deeds, our US government and the people of the world eliminated you, our US government and the people of the world successfully eliminated your criminal gang. "

3. Silently recite or say it out loud with expression, adjust the subconscious brain nerve energy, and we will have NONONONONONONNONONO reaction exercises for all curses on us and thoughts that violate our correct and long-term survival and development.

4. Silently recite or speak out loud with expression, return the response, for the curse, "We do not accept, do not need, do not believe, do not be fooled, do not deceive, do not endure, do not examine, do not listen, do not obey. Stop, stop, refuse, reject, reject, righteousness destroys evil, righteousness destroys evil, right direction, right order, rationality, justice and balance." For all the curses in secret, we can return them separately, "Return, return to the brain of the person they cursed, make big calculations and make precise calculations, so that their curses will take effect in their brains. Let them get what they deserve, get fair punishment, and get fair legal sanctions."

These adjustment methods are very simple, easy to use, and effective. They are the fundamental brain nerve energy adjustment methods of our brain nerve system. I hope we cherish and use them rationally. These methods are rooted in my understanding of the essence of things and belong to the new comprehensive disciplines and cutting-edge knowledge of psychological brain neuroscience, and a new way of thinking. I hope to cherish them, respect my independent thinking and pursuit of the correct spirit, respect the legitimate rights and interests of my original intellectual property rights, and correctly understand and respect my spiritual wisdom and labor contributions to defeat Xi Jinping's AI criminal brain control weapons in the era of criminal electromagnetic waves.

I believe that we humans should pursue the unity of right spirit and right material, which is the pattern and requirement of the virtuous cycle of human society and nature. Our pursuit of the moral life elements that support our lives and the positive energy patterns of each of our brain nerves and the correct way of thinking is the correct order and direction that we humans should pursue, because the right spirit guarantees the success of becoming a material reality. Spirit and material actually exist at the same time. Only by seeing and respecting can we have the practical significance of a virtuous cycle.

4. My learning experience and independent thinking for decades to create a new evolutionary theory of rational ideas. Brain resources were stolen and deprived by China's Xi Jinping AI brain control weapons using electromagnetic waves and intracranial sound transmission.

Two years after I graduated from Michigan State University in the United States, I sold my American property in the fall of 2015 and came to China to live long-term, visiting my parents for 7 years. In October 2015, I returned to Jinan, Shandong Province, China to rent a house and worked as a college entrance examination tutor and psychological tutor at Dazhi Training School in Jinan, Shandong, for 5 years. In 2017, I passed the China National Psychological Counselor Unified Examination and obtained the China National Senior Second-level Psychological Counselor Certificate.

The comprehensive theory about human life that I have been thinking and studying independently for decades has been secretly calculated by the criminals of Xi Jinping's brain control of the CCP for many years. They secretly formulated a conspiracy plan to steal through illegal AI brain control. From February to July 2022, for about 5 months, they activated my brain nerve resource area through AI brain control electromagnetic wave brain nerves to secretly and publicly steal electromagnetic wave sound brain control technology. They forced me to talk about the theory for 20 hours a day through intracranial sound transmission for 4 or 5 months. At that time, I didn't know who they were or what they were doing. My brain nerves were forced to use the way they told me to talk about and analyze the theoretical system that I had been thinking about independently for decades in the induced airstrike of intracranial sound transmission and electromagnetic wave brain nerve stimulation. They loaded me with brain nerve energy and activated the brain nerve theoretical resources that I had studied independently for many years.

For many years, I have been preparing to create my new theory of mindfulness evolution for publication. I know that this is a brand-new theory involving the material natural world and the comprehensive fields of physical health and mental health. It is unprecedented and respects the human nature of the entire human race in the direction of the essence of brain nerve energy and the essence of human rational energy body. Therefore, over the past fifteen years, I have been considering the issue of thoughts behind this surface law and the truth of mindfulness evolution. I have been considering the social problems that this theory may bring and the relevant social responsibilities that I need to consider as the founder of the discipline.

However, the CCP brain control criminals have been creating a large amount of brain nerve energy, which not only prevents me from writing my theory, but also prevents me from further thinking about my theory. They have been savagely robbing the theoretical resources in my brain, threatening me not to write these contents, and persecuting my brain nerve theory area with electromagnetic waves. Brainwashing, implying that as a victim of brain control, I have no qualifications and opportunities to become the author of the theoretical system I have independently thought about. Xi Jinping is naturally and shamelessly qualified to be the author and app thief of this theory. At the same time, they have been blocking the American and Western societies from understanding and paying attention to the decisive role of human brain nerves in the development of things and their scientific research activities. I remember that a man named Fan Yongbo brainwashed me with electromagnetic wave air raids. Later, this person's waves appeared many times in two or three months at that time. He stepped into the field of evil. He may not be the worst. He seemed to have different opinions on their Xi Jinping's brain control crimes. Later, he disappeared in the electromagnetic wave brain control.

The criminals also threatened me through electromagnetic wave intracranial voice transmission. During my long-term residence in China as an American citizen, whether it was the self-psychological adjustment at home or the psychological thoughts I told students at Dazhi School, they violated the goals and content of the CCP's rule. The dissemination of these psychological knowledge itself violated the dictatorial and authoritarian ideas of Xi Jinping in China. They hate my theory because my theory believes that the essence of human beings is order and correctness, and justice eliminates evil is the natural attribute of human creatures. Their illegal brain control is completely opposite to the fundamental idea of this theory. They believe that my philosophy has actually sentenced China to death for illegal AI brain control extreme terrorist crimes. They are extremely desperate, exasperated, and stubbornly resist. We humans must fully realize that this is the ideological root of Chinese President Xi Jinping's willful use of illegal brain control weapons to carry out extreme terrorist crimes to destroy humanity.

Xi Jinping's brain control criminals have coveted my theoretical system for a long time. After they deprived me of my theory, they conducted data evaluation and exploration of my theory. Hua Chunying played the role of a doctoral researcher at the time. She told me on the spot through brain control electromagnetic wave amplification technology that they believed that my theory was confirmed by data. They believed that I, as a brain control victim, was not qualified to be the founder and owner of this theory. Therefore, they spent another 6 months concentrating on the conspiracy plan of depriving my theoretical system of electromagnetic waves produced by brain nerve energy, destroying the brain nerve theory energy of correct life that my brain has been routine for many years. They carried out extremely terrifying brain nerve criminal activities of misapplying objective laws in an attempt to become the owner and founder of the theory and the embodiment of justice. They are pursuing the use of AI brain control weapons to commit crimes against heaven by reversing right and wrong.

5. They, Xi Jinping, have formulated a conspiracy plan for extreme terrorist crimes, in order to cover up the general direction of Xi Jinping's extreme terrorist crimes, to eliminate the hostages' families, to eliminate the human justice force and to eliminate the people in the world.

In order to achieve this goal, they have formulated an anti-human plan to control the brain nerves of the entire human masses for life, with the purpose of covering up Xi Jinping's decades of extreme terrorist and non-human anti-human terrorist crimes against humanity. Therefore, they have formulated a plan to secretly kill the victim's family of me and my son Harry Gao, and the victim's family of my elementary school classmate Mr. Time.

Xi Jinping's AI brain control conspiracy turned the time wave into Xi Jinping's position, and at the same time fought for a position in Kang Ruoqian's position to deny Kang Ruoxi's report on exposing China's Xi Jinping's criminal AI brain control weapons air strikes on the human brain terrorist crime with the support of Mr.Time and Kang Ruoqian's son Harry Gao. Just now, Xi Jinping's gang said to Time bo, you have been arrested, because they want to frame me Time bo as their scapegoat, complete their conspiracy to whitewash their Xi Jinping gang's crime, and prepare to strike and eliminate Kang Ruoqian's mother and son and his Mr.Time's family, and to eliminate and strike the family of Kang Ruoqian's son Harry Gao and Harry Gao's wife Jessica, and completely deny Kang Ruoqian's report on exposing Xi Jinping.

In February 1994, I was seconded to the Economic Department of CCTV for study and work for a period of time with the consent of Zhou Tonghua, director of the News Department of Jinan TV Station, and Xin Wenjing, deputy director, because of the work needs of the unit. During my work at CCTV, Kang Ruoqian worked as a reporter and director in the Economic Department, filmed several news specials of the Economic Department News Broadcast, and won awards. She was retained by the Economic Department of CCTV to work, and hosted the half-hour "Economic News Broadcast" program of CCTV during this period. I, Kang Ruoqian, came to work at CCTV because of this, not because Shi Guang's classmates helped me get into CCTV as rumored, but because I came to work at CCTV through the work secondment relationship with Jinan TV Station.

My elementary school classmate Mr.Time (Shi, Jian) and I were in the same class in elementary school. We went to elementary school together for 5 years. We used to sit in the same seat in class, but we rarely talked. This was the trend of male and female classmates at that time. Mr. Time and I had no contact after graduating from elementary school. Later, in early 1995, we met in the elevator of CCTV, left our phone numbers, and contacted elementary school classmates for a reunion. After our reunion during the Spring Festival in 1995, Mr.Time promised me that I could work at "Sons of the East". Later, from May 1995 to August 1996, I left the Economic Department of CCTV and came to work as a planner and director for "Sons of the East" and "Tell the Truth", and assistant director of "Tell the Truth". At that time, Mr. Time was my leader and we had a normal working relationship until 1996 when I was hired by the Economic Department of CCTV again through public recruitment and was assigned to CCTV's "Entrepreneur" and "Golden Land" columns as a reporter and director.

In fact, at that time, the electromagnetic wave brain nerve control of Xi Jinping's local government officials and Song Yixuan's family was carrying out intensive brain nerve persecution activities against our family.

The following is about my thoughts and ideas about how I, Kang Ruoxi, contribute to human society's victory over Xi Jinping's AI brain control crime when our brains are controlled by the illegal AI brain control weapon electromagnetic waves of the CCP Xi Jinping government in the new era. This is my original thoughts and views. Since my brain is controlled now, I cannot publish it in a book. I hope that people from all walks of life in the world will respect the legal rights of my original thoughts. I solemnly declare it here.

Author: I, Kang Ruoqian, Supporters: Mr. Time, Harry Gao 06/16/2024

1. We must see the correctness, orderliness, rationality and independent integrity of our nature as human beings. Among them, independent integrity is the focus of our attention, that is, to focus on the independence and integrity of the self as an individual. This independent integrity is the unity and consistency of the self, including the unity and consistency of the self's high-level brain and low-level brain, and the unity and consistency of self-consciousness and subconsciousness. In this way, the ability of self-concentration, self-loyalty, self-obedience, self-control, self-health maintenance, self-immunity, self-attention and self-protection can function correctly, which is very important. In this way, we will easily realize, perceive and perceive the problem that our brain nervous system has been violated by the illegal AI-controlled brain weapons of the Xi Jinping government of China.

2. We must see that before we humans embark on a new stage of human civilization and pursue a new era of justice, sunshine and correctness, we humans must go through a process of discovering the theoretical knowledge system of human inner essence and its inner laws. This process is the process of examining and curing mistakes.

Each of us gradually forms our way of thinking and positive energy mode in our names, in the interactions between family members and social members, and in our experiences, and keeps moving forward on the main theme that helps us survive and develop correctly and for a long time.

From a broader perspective, each of us has a positive energy mode that is determined by our soul level and is a natural product of the era of correct and long-term survival and development of natural society. Therefore, our courage and ability to examine and cure mistakes complement each other. This is our commitment to the dignity of our own life, to the natural world, and to God.

This is determined by the life significance of our human species to maintain the soul of a human being and constantly improve our soul in the world. Therefore, the task of each of us is to constantly improve our understanding, awareness, spiritual level, great wisdom and great calculation, and constantly cultivate our soul level and soul realm.

The high realm and high level of the soul represent the life force that complements each other, the moral realm that complements each other, the combination of high-quality virtue life elements, and the high level of great wisdom and great calculation. It represents the power of high-level righteousness to eliminate evil, represents the ability to make evil get evil, and represents our high-level vigorous vitality. Similarly, having a certain degree of positive energy to make good get good rewards and good get good rewards also means a considerable ability to protect oneself, the ability to maintain healthy brain nerves, and the ability of everyone to get the correct cause and effect relationship. We must recognize these basic knowledge.

3. The more positive connotation concepts we have in our positive energy model, the more it means that our positive spiritual brain resources are rich, and the more it means that our self-positive energy model is advanced, cutting-edge and advocacy. At the same time, we have to face the diversity and complexity of the positive energy patterns of everyone in the entire natural world. We must fully realize our own positive brain and spiritual resources and make the right life choices in our consciousness, that is, choose the right path in life, choose the right path for long-term survival and development.

We must believe that the right path we choose is complementary to the ability of successful practice in reality, that is, we must believe that the correct spirit, or the correct brain nerve resources, have the ability and energy to ensure that success becomes a reality, have the characteristics of successful practice, and have a virtuous cycle trend. At the same time, we have the ability to protect this right path. We humans must also believe that we have the ability to cherish our own correct nature, or the ability to cherish our own healthy nature. We have the ability to respect ourselves, love ourselves, be confident, be at ease, and be autonomous.

4. We must know the difference between the right path for correct long-term survival and development and the wrong path for incorrect and short-term survival and development. One of the fundamentals is that we must be restrained, controlled, abstained, and adjusted. Our human worship of sex, the logical error and wrong cognition of sexual instinct as human instinct. Adjust the sexual nerves to the proportion and position that is conducive to our correct and long-term survival and development. It is strictly forbidden to exaggerate, strengthen, confuse and other decadent and chaotic thoughts. This is a key test and an obstacle that we must pass over in the new era, because the CCP Xi Jinping's criminal AI brain control weapon is to use human ignorance of sex to strengthen chaotic and sadistic sexual excitement to carry out inhuman torture and extreme terrorist crimes against the entire human race. We must realize that the essence of sex is the reproduction of life, not promiscuity and revelry. We must respect the sanctity, correctness, order, dignity and inner psychological decency of our lives. According to relevant scientific reports: the activity of human lower nerves is inversely proportional to the activity of higher nerves, and inversely proportional to self-concentration, self-protection, self-loyalty, and self-control. The CCP's non-human AI brain control is to use human pursuit of sexual excitement to confuse the self-rational mind, and humans will automatically produce a self-negative reaction. The CCP Xi Jinping's AI brain control weapon strengthens this weakness of humans, causing people to have lower brain activity and reduced control, in order to control the crime of human higher brain.

5. Our correct and long-term survival and development means the activation of the advanced brain and the diversified activation of the advanced nervous system, which gives our advanced nerves as many opportunities to express as possible. This in itself will stimulate life motivation and positive energy, stimulate life vitality, and produce a large number of internal psychological languages that are conducive to the correct and long-term survival and development of ourselves. In this way, the integrity of the independent self is enhanced, the ability to protect, enjoy, and cherish this healthy independent self is enhanced, the ability to choose and pursue the right path to happiness is enhanced, and the ability to pursue the correct spirit of ourselves is enhanced. When each of us focuses on the joint and consistent development of the correct spirit of ourselves and the correct material reality, we will have a rational and correct relationship with ourselves, and the quality of our being will be improved. We will automatically respect others as we respect ourselves, and we will also have a correct and rational relationship with others and a correct and rational relationship with the natural world. In this way, our inner needs are met, our body and soul are united, and our body is healthy and long-lived. We will focus on pursuing and enjoying the correct life and correct destiny of our correct and long-term survival and development in the correct direction of pursuing the continuous sublimation of the soul level.

Therefore, we need to constantly improve our spiritual realm to improve the reality of our human material world.




作者:我康若茜,我时间,我高长生 05/08/2024

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   今天是我儿子上飞机回到美国的日子,请为我儿子Harry Gao和他的太太Jessica Gao和他的儿子DannelGao 和他的女儿 Will Gao 祈祷平安回到美国家里正确生活,上帝保佑他们一家人。







  看着我儿子早已经变的不是我熟悉的他,看到我儿子没有象我一个母亲的正确预期一样健康成长壮大,看到我儿子的正向意志被压制,无法用语言说出来的折磨,看到他还对我这个母亲的冷漠。今天,通过电磁波传音,我儿子告诉我他对自己的分析:他目前变成了一个自然又自卑的人,一个有才华智力超群,但是不擅长人情世故的人,并且以不屑人情世故自居的人。一个机械弱智的人, 一个矛盾分裂特征的人,一个适应社会的人,也可以解释成一个变成社会工具的人,一个变成上传下达奴才精神的人。

   他的形象的过早衰老让我这个母亲痛苦不堪,我不知道怎样改变这个模式的趋势。但是我的正向意志让我记录下来,我的心理精神调节的方法让我和我儿子高长生逐渐意识到了这一切。这就是习近平利用AI脑控武器在我儿子Harry Gao 不到2岁的时候强迫他接受通过电磁波大脑意识和潜意识脑神经全方位酷刑扭曲虐待压制造成的后果。


   为了掩盖习近平极端恐怖的非人类手段对我儿子和他的太太及其两个幼年的孩子进行的反人类意念杀戮脑神经酷刑,为了实现让他们看起来自然状态下自死去的目标,他们对我儿子Harry Gao的残酷剥削和压制到了登峰造极的程度。






   他们多次电磁波扩音技术潜意识和意识脑神经能量透露,他们不得不告诉我一些真相,8年前,他们的数据就已经显示,他们的AI脑控电磁波多年来对人类大脑神经乱性别和乱伦性神经刺激,让全世界陷入混乱当中,他们失去控制能力。他们希望利用AI脑控武器电磁波传音告诉康若茜,迫使她对他儿子Harry Gao的被控脑神虐待事件进行面对和调节,进行脑神经系统能量的清除,实际上,他们利用康若茜的正能量来调节他们对世界性大脑神经能量重新控制的能力,他们同时阻拦康若茜对他儿子的支援抢救的正能量。在这个过程中,他们暗中调成对他们有利的脑控格局目标,迫使全世界人民终身生活在被AI电磁波脑控状态下,浑然不觉。

   宋意宣还制造了一个邪恶的错误逻辑意念,潜意识警告我儿子不要告诉他的幼年的儿子Dannel有关中国脑控酷刑的罪行,这对他儿子的成长不利。我儿子高长生大脑潜意识和意识中考虑的是保护他的儿子DannelGao,不让他8岁的儿子知道真相,他在紧张地保护他的儿子的时候,产生的相应的错误逻辑的内部言语,因此,他产生了相应的错误神经链接和脑神经能量,这样,我的儿子Harry Gao 和他的儿子就被愚弄,无法意识到,无法面对中国习近平对他从小就进行的极端恐怖犯罪活动了。他的儿子也无法高级脑面对被脑控虐待现实,他们整天生活在被动潜意识和高级脑被控状态。


   宋意宣今天半夜AI脑控潜意识透露:习近平目前气急败坏,他们正在实施一个邪恶的目标,把康若茜和他儿子Harry Gao 继续制造性幻想乱伦脑神经能量进行电磁波空袭加载给我和儿子的大脑神经系统,达到他们利用的程度。把康若茜和他儿子高长生打成弱智低级脑兴奋,让他们自然死亡,不留痕迹。


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