


Bergdorf Goodman Dept. Store, NYC(纽约“山村·良民”百货商店)


2024-04-27 International Marconi Day

Bergdorf Goodman0001.JPG

Parochial Theme (1942)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

    Long-tailed ponies go nosing the pine-lands,

    Ponies of Parisians shooting on the hill.


    The wind blows. In the wind, the voices

    Have shapes that are not yet fully themselves, 


    Are sounds blown by a blower into shapes,

    The blower squeezed to the thinnest mi of falsetto.


    The hunters run to and fro. The heavy trees,

    The grunting, shuffling branches, the robust,


    The nocturnal, the antique, the blue-green pines

    Deepen the feelings to inhuman depths.


    These are the forest. This health is holy,

    This halloo, halloo, halloo heard over the cries


    Of those for whom a square room is a fire,

    Of those whom the statues torture and keep down.


    This health is holy, this descant of a self,

    This barbarous chanting of what is strong, this blare.


    But salvation here? What about the rattle of sticks

    On tins and boxes? What about horses eaten by wind?


    When spring comes and the skeletons of the hunters

    Stretch themselves to rest in their first summer's sun,


    The spring will have a health of its own, with none

    Of autumn's halloo in its hair. So that closely, then,


    Health follows after health. Salvation there:

    There's no such thing as life; or if there is,


    It's faster than the weather, faster than

    Any character. It is more than any scene:


    Of the guillotine or of any glamorous hanging.

    Piece the world together, boys, but not with your hands.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——













































【注】紧邻纽约中央公园的“山村·良民”百货商店引领出第五大道像花谷(Bloomingdale's)、第五大道剪刀(Saks Fifth Avenue)豪华与时尚的购物中心。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: 1-Michelin-Starred Le Pavillon, NYC(纽约城米其林一星·凉亭法餐)

2024: The Pond across Gapstow Bridge, NYC(纽约城·藤蔓石拱桥下的池塘)

2024: Belvedere Castle, NYC(纽约城·美景城堡)

2024: Bethesda Terrace and Fountain, NYC(纽约城·流水露台和喷泉)

2024: Library Walk, NYC(纽约城·图书馆步道)

2021: Selection of Study Areas(选择大学专业)

1997-04-11_Jianxing-Yan-Hongxia-20001.JPGBergdorf Goodman Overlooked from Central Park

(从中央公园远眺“山村·良民”百货商店 04-11-1997)

2024-04-27_Bergdorf Goodman Viewed from the Pond-10001.JPGBergdorf Goodman Closely Viewed from the Pond of Central Park

(从中央公园池塘近观“山村·良民”百货商店 04-27-2024)

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2024-04-27_Hugh Findletar, Glass Sculptor-10001.JPGHugh Findletar, Glass Sculptor 


2024-04-27_Hugh Findletar, Glass Sculptor-20001.JPGGlass Artworks by Hugh Findletar


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2024-04-27_Neoclassical Lucite & Cobalt Blue Glass Console0001.JPGNeoclassical Lucite & Cobalt Blue Glass Console


2024-04-27_Stained Glass0001.JPGStained Glasses (彩绘玻璃)

2024-04-27_Parfums0001.JPGParfums (香水)


USA·New York(美国·纽约州)

