


我们越贫穷,他们越幸福!The poorer we''re, the happier they''re!


贫民之道:我们越贫穷,他们越幸福!《一个贫穷的年轻人》(双语 bilingual text)The way of the poor: the poorer we are, the happier they are! "A Poor Young Man" (in Chinese)


安争鸣 2024-03-01


@wtkh 0 seconds ago


当前东、西两大资本主义阵营的对立统一状态由于不可调和的各自内部矛盾自毁阶段,必然会进入逼迫东、西方不革命的、甚至于反革命的阶级都开始否定自己的存在前提,被迫走上革命的正道,这就是所谓“形势比人强”的体现。当醉生梦死中的人们都不再甘心继续躺平和自暴自弃下去了,革命力量反对资本主义私有制并且追求革命社会主义公有制前途的社会影响力必将空前地强大;曾经不可一世五、六百年之久的世界资产阶级必将被迫退出历史舞台。取而代之的,不是别的阶级,而是被当前人们讥笑和被资产阶级愚弄于股掌之上的无产阶级及其革命团体和队伍。[Mark Wain 2024-04-20 





The way of the poor: the poorer we are, the happier they are! "A Poor Young Man" (in Chinese)


An Zhengming 2024-03-01

It is easy for a wealthy person to be wise, rational and pragmatic. But a poor person can easily throw the remaining money into the slot machine, become cruel to those who truly love him, and be generous in front of outsiders. When people are poor, it is easy to become stupid, lazy, vain, sensitive, and even aggressive. Poverty will bring out the ugliest side of people, making it even harder for them to get up from the bottom... "A Poor Young Man" is a novel by Japanese writer Fukuzawa Tetsuzo, which tells the story of a Japanese young man's experience of struggling at the bottom of society, reflects various problems in Japanese society and the distorted and contradictory psychology of ordinary people under poverty.

@wtkh 0 seconds ago

A private ownership society is the basic prerequisite for cultivating a public ownership society, and the gap between the rich and the poor, as one of the basic conditions for the existence of private ownership, will inevitably develop into a condition of self-destruction. This internal contradiction of private ownership, through social class struggle, will create a revolutionary political situation, so powerful, reasonable and favorable that will finally overthrows it.

The current state of unity of opposition between the two major capitalist camps of the East and West will inevitably enter a stage of self-destruction due to irreconcilable internal contradictions, forcing non-revolutionary and even counter-revolutionary classes in the East and West to begin to deny the premise of their own existence and be forced to embark on a path of self-destruction. The right path of revolution is the embodiment of the so-called "situation is stronger than people". When people who are in a state of intoxication and dreaming are no longer willing to continue lying flat in peace and giving up on themselves, the social influence of revolutionary forces against capitalist private ownership and pursuing the future of revolutionary socialist public ownership will surely be unprecedentedly powerful; the world bourgeoisie, which has been arrogant for five or six hundred years, will be forced to withdraw from the stage of history. Succeed in its place will be none other than the proletariat and its revolutionary groups and teams that are ridiculed by the current common people and fooled by the bourgeoisie. [Mark Wain 04/20/2024 



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