


2024 State of the Union: Biden says.. (bilingual)


2024 State of the Union: Biden says no billionaire should pay lower tax rates than a teacher (bilingual) 2024 年国情咨文:拜登表示亿万富翁的税率不应低于教师


CNBC Television

Mar 7, 2024

2024 state of the union is strong(bilingual)jpg.jpg

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers the 2024 State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress.



And by the way the first couple years we cut the deficit. Now let me speak to the question of fundamental fairness for all Americans. I've been delivering Real Results in fiscally responsible ways.  We've already cut the federal deficit, we've already cut the federal def over trillion.dollars. I signed the bipartisan deal to cut another trillion dollars. the next decade, it's my goal to cut the federal office another three trillion, by making big corporations very well finally beginning to pay their fair share.

Look I'm a capitalist.  You want a maker who can make a million or millions of bucks, that's great. just pay your fair share in taxes. A fair tax code is how we invest things to make this country great. Healthcare education, defense, and so much more. But here's the deal - the last Administration enacted a $2 trillion tax cut which overwhelmingly benefits the toping 1% or the very wealthy and the biggest corporation and exploded the federal deficit. They added more to the national debt than any presidential term in American history.  Check the numbers, folks at home. Does anybody really think the tax code is fair? Do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion tax cut. Give me a break. I sure don't. I'm going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair under my plan - nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay additional penny in federal taxes. Nobody. Not one penny and they haven't.

Yet in fact the child tax credit I passed during the Pandemic cut taxes for millions of working families and cut child poverty in half, restore that child pack credit. No child should go hungry in this country.  

The way to make the tax code fair is to make big corporations  - the very wealthy begin to pay their fair share. Remember in 2020, 55 of the biggest companies in America made $40 billion and paid zero in federal income tax. Zero!

Not anymore, thanks to the law I wrote. When we signed that big companies have to pay a minimum 15% but that's still less than working people paying federal taxes. It's time to raise corporate minimum tax to at least 21% so every big Corporation finally begins to pay their fair share, also on ending tax breaks for big farmer, Big Oil,  private checks,  massive executive pay, when it's only supposed to be a million dollars that could be deducted, they can pay 20 million if they want but deduct a million end it.

Now you know there are 1,000 billionaires in America. Do you know what the average federal tax is for those billionaires? Now they're making great sacrifices - 8.2% that's far less than the rate at which the vast majority of Americans pay tax. No billionaire should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker or a nurse.


How private equity conquered America | The Chris Hedges Report


Mar 1, 2024  The Real News Network Podcasts

Private equity firms are buying up the US economy and stripping it for parts. From healthcare to education, utilities, and more, massive firms like Blackstone and the Carlyle Group have acquired vast holdings across critical industries essential to the health and well-being of everyday people. Instead of seeking to make these ventures more profitable, private equity firms are more likely to orchestrate to bleed their assets for short-term gains—even if those assets are universites, hospitals, or nursing homes. Gretchen Morgenson, author of These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs—and Wrecks—America, returns to The Chris Hedges Report to discuss how private equity came to hold America hostage. This is the second part of an earlier interview, you can watch the first part here: https://therealnews.com/the-collapse-... 

My Comment

Joe Biden's raising the big corporation tax from 8.2% to 10 -17% then to 21% seems to be a big deal. 

His harsh rebuke Donald Trump for "the last Administration enacted a $2 trillion tax cut which overwhelmingly benefits the toping 1% or the very wealthy and the biggest corporation and exploded the federal deficit" seems to be potent as well. 

Both he and Trump are capitalists, why then the former seems to care while the latter does not about the so-called wealth-tax policy for?

Well, it turns out the wealth tax policy is at best, unrealistic and at worst,  is fake. The 1,000 billionaires can easily pass their tax losses on to the masses by either increasing prices which would increase the inflation rate or reducing costs which would reduce the employment, or both.

The big bourgeoisie cannot and will not lose because the capitalist ownership countries are all under the yoke of bourgeois dictatorship as the waged slaves are under the yoke of their capitalist masters.

Donald Trump understood this fact well enough to tax the one percent according to the actual situation of capitalism with no fanfare whereas Joe Biden carried out political stunts and hoped that the waged slaves are gullible enough to elect him president. During the Trump administration, the inflation rate was minimum whereas during the current Biden administration it keeps rising and will explode if he will be re-elected.

The only currently viable solution of the growing inequality conundrum is to engage in supporting Trump for changes that the working people will abide making the forthcoming New Democratic Revolution. [Mark Wain 03/21/2024



Translation from the English into Chinese (汉语译文)

2024 年国情咨文:拜登表示亿万富翁的税率不应低于教师


CNBC Television

Mar 7, 2024



顺便说一下,头几年我们削减了赤字。 现在让我谈谈所有美国人的基本公平问题。 我一直以对财务负责的方式提供真实的结果。 我们已经削减了联邦赤字,我们已经削减了超过万亿美元的联邦赤字。 我签署了两党协议,再削减一万亿美元。 未来十年,我的目标是通过让大公司最终开始支付其公平份额,将联邦办公室再削减三万亿美元。

瞧我是个资本家。 你想要一个能赚一百万或几百万美元的制造商,那就太好了。 只需支付您应得的税款即可。 公平的税法是我们投资让这个国家变得伟大的方式。 医疗保健教育、国防等等。 但这里是协议——上一届政府颁布了 2 万亿美元的减税政策,这对最富有的 1% 人或非常富有的人和最大的公司有利,并导致联邦赤字激增。 他们增加的国家债务比美国历史上任何一位总统任期都多。 家里的朋友们,检查一下数字。 有人真的认为税法是公平的吗? 你真的认为富人和大公司需要另外征收 2 万亿美元的税吗? 让我喘口气。 我当然不会。 我将继续拼尽全力,让我的计划变得公平——年收入低于 40 万美元的人不会缴纳额外的联邦税。 没有人。 一分钱都没有,他们也没有。

但事实上,我在大流行期间通过的儿童税收抵免政策为数百万工薪家庭减税,并将儿童贫困人口减少了一半,恢复了儿童税收抵免。 这个国家的任何孩子都不应该挨饿。

使税法公平的方法是让大公司——非常富有的人开始缴纳他们的公平份额。 请记住,2020 年,美国最大的 55 家公司赚取了 400 亿美元,并且缴纳的联邦所得税为零。 零!

不再是这样了,多亏了我写的法律。 当我们签署大公司必须缴纳至少 15% 的税时,但这仍然低于缴纳联邦税的工薪阶层。 是时候将企业最低税率提高到至少 21%,以便每个大公司最终开始支付其公平份额,同时结束对大农场主、大石油公司、私人支票、巨额高管薪酬的税收减免,而这本来应该是一百万可以扣,愿意的话可以付两千万,扣一百万就完事了。

现在你知道美国有 1,000 名亿万富翁。 你知道那些亿万富翁的平均联邦税是多少吗? 现在他们正在做出巨大的牺牲——8.2%,远远低于绝大多数美国人的纳税税率。 亿万富翁缴纳的联邦税率不应低于教师、环卫工人或护士。


私募股权如何征服美国| 克里斯·赫奇斯报告


2024 年 3 月 1 日 真实新闻网络播客

私募股权公司正在收购美国经济并将其剥离。 从医疗保健到教育、公用事业等,黑石集团和凯雷集团等大型公司已经收购了对人们的健康和福祉至关重要的关键行业的大量股份。 私募股权公司不会寻求让这些企业获得更多利润,而是更有可能精心安排资产流失以获取短期收益——即使这些资产是大学、医院或疗养院。 《这些是掠夺者:私募股权如何运作并破坏美国》一书的作者格雷琴·摩根森 (Gretchen Morgenson) 重返《克里斯·赫奇斯报告》,讨论私募股权如何劫持美国。 这是早期采访的第二部分,您可以在这里观看第一部分:https://therealnews.com/the-collapse-...


乔·拜登将大公司税从 8.2% 提高到 10 -17%,然后再提高到 21%,这似乎是一件大事。

他对唐纳德·特朗普的严厉斥责似乎也很有效:“上届政府实施了 2 万亿美元的减税政策,压倒性地使最富有的 1% 人或非常富有的人和最大的公司受益,并导致联邦赤字激增”。


事实证明,财富税政策往好处说是不切实际的,往坏处说是假的。 这1000名亿万富翁可以很容易地将税收损失转嫁给大众,要么提高价格(导致通货膨胀率上升),要么降低成本(导致就业减少),或者两种转嫁方式都加以运用。


唐纳德·特朗普深知这一点,根据资本主义的实际情况,毫不张扬地对百分之一的人征税,而乔·拜登却进行了政治噱头,希望那些拿工资的奴隶容易上当受骗,选他当总统。 特朗普执政期间,通货膨胀率处于最低水平,而拜登执政期间,通货膨胀率不断上升,如果他连任,通货膨胀率将会爆炸。

目前解决日益严重的不平等难题的唯一可行的解决方案是支持特朗普进行变革,让劳动人民在按照这些变革进行即将到来的新民主革命。 [马克·韦恩 03/21/2024



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