


NY Public Library Main Branch-I(纽约公共图书馆主分馆·外观)


2024-04-06 National Tartan Day

Bryant Park0001.JPG

The Region November (1956)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        It is hard to hear the north wind again,

        And to watch the treetops, as they sway.


        They sway, deeply and loudly, in an effort,

        So much less than feeling, so much less than speech,


        Saying and saying, the way things say

        On the level of that which is not yet knowledge:


        A revelation not yet intended.

        It is like a critic of God, the world


        And human nature, pensively seated

        On the waste throne of his own wilderness.


        Deeplier, deeplier, loudlier, loudlier,

        The trees are swaying, swaying, swaying.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——





















【注】耗时12年、1911年投入使用的纽约公共图书馆主分馆也靠整建纽约主要淡水源——巴豆(Croton)水库而来,其西面背挨着诚实公园(Bryant Park),如今仅限于研究。建筑资金主要源于立陶宛移民“战神·快乐”(Martin Radtke)的捐款,他几乎没有机会接受正规教育,切身感激纽约公共图书馆为他提供了自我教育的场所。为了衷表谢意,他将遗产捐给了纽约图书馆,冀求造福于社会,以便后代也能获得与他同样的机会。正如刻在正门入口处地面石匾描述的那样,他的生活因图书馆而改变,现在他的遗产又让图书馆变得更加充实。

1966年,纽约公共图书馆“皇冠·黑侠”主楼(Stephen A. Schwarzman Bldg)与诚实公园一道被纳入《美国国家史迹名录》。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: 3-Michelin-Starred Per Se, NYC(纽约城米其林三星·本身法式餐厅)

2024: Columbus Circle, NYC(纽约城·鸽子环岛)

2024: Ornamental Arts in Central Park, NYC(纽约城·中央公园大众艺术)

2024: Trump Tower of Belle Epoque, NYC(纽约城·今非昔比的川普大厦)

2024: Herald Square, Newspaper Row in NYC(纽约城报社街区·先驱广场)

2024: NY Public Library Main Branch-II(纽约公共图书馆主分馆·内藏)

2016: Third Marking Period of Seventh Grade(初二第三学制)

2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔十字架岛)

2012: 佛州迪斯尼世界神奇王国(Walt Disney Magic Kingdom, FL)

2011: 埃及尼罗河游轮(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt)

2011: 埃及宝石双神庙(Twin Temples of Abu Simbel, Egypt)

2011: 埃及爱岛神庙(Philae Temple—Isis, Osiris, and Horus, EGY)

2024-04-06_Rear of NYC Library_ Next to Bryant Park-10001.JPGThe Rear of NYC Library Main Branch, Next to Bryant Park

(纽约公共图书馆主分馆背面·紧靠诚实公园 04-06-2024)

2002-05-04_NYC Library-20001.JPGFa?ade on 5th Ave 

(位于第五大道的正门 05-04-2002)

2024-04-06_Bldg_New York Public Library Main Branch (1911)0001.JPGStephen A. Schwarzman Bldg in Beaux-Arts Built in 1911

(纽约公共图书馆“皇冠·黑侠”主楼——建于1911年的学院派风格 04-06-2024)

2024-04-06_Flagpole_Male Angel w the Boat in His Lap, Personifies Navigation; Female Angel, Holding the Globe, Embodies Civilization, w the Sword Represents Conquest, and the Last, holding the Book0001.JPG

Flagpole Pedestal: The male Angel w/ the boat in his lap, personifies Navigation; the female angel, holding the globe, embodies civilization, w/ the sword representing Conquest, and the Last, having the book, is the discovery.

(旗杆底座·腿上有船的男天使象征航海;手持地球仪女天使体现文明;剑代表征服:书本代表发现 04-06-2024)

2024-04-06_Mascot Lion_Fortitude_ North of the Main Steps0001.JPGMascot Lion Fortitude @ North of the Main Steps


2024-04-06_Mascot Lion_Patience_ South of the Main Steps0001.JPGMascot Lion Patience @ South of the Main Steps


2024-03-10_NYC Library_Door0001.JPG

Main Entrance (主门入口)

2024-03-10_NYC Library_Ornate Decorative Carved Stone Details_ Arches & Hanging Glass Lantern0001.JPGOrnate Decorative Carved Stone Details w/ Arches & Hanging Glass Lantern @ Exterior Entrance Foyer


2024-03-10_NYC Library_Beauty_ a Woman Seated on the Winged Horse Pegasus_ Representative of Inspiration & Elevation above Wordly Concerns. BeautyOld yet ever new Eternal voice and inward word0001.JPG

Beauty, a Woman Seated on the Winged Horse Pegasus Representative of Inspiration & Elevation above Worldly Concerns


2024-03-10_NYC Library_Truth_ a Man Seated on a Sphinx Associated w Wisdom & above the Figure Inscriped from the Apocrypha But above all thingsTruthBeareth away the victory0001.JPG

Truth, a Man Seated on a Sphinx Associated w/ Wisdom 


2024-04-06_A Remnant of the Croton Distribution Reservoir_ Seen at the Foundation of the South Court0001.JPGA Remnant of the Croton Distribution Reservoir, Seen at the Foundation of the South Court


2024-04-06_Plaque0001.JPGIn Memory of Martin Radtke (纪念金主“战神·快乐”)

2024-04-06_Astor Hall_Library Gardians0001.JPG

One of the Plaques of Library Guardians 



Bryant Park in Midtown, NYC(纽约中城·诚实公园)

USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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