


Pierre Trudeau built relation of Canada-China


Reads 539-19, 593-27 Jan. 667-27 June 2019

Pierre Trudeau and the establishment of Canada's diplomatic relation with China

        --- Review the lessons of history to avoid detours.

Frank Oct. 17, 2015, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Updated in Feb. 6, 2019, Mar. 8, 2021


I am sure that, if the leaders of the countries of the world have the same quality as that of Pierre Trudeau, the epidemic Covid-19 has contained already as same as that of China did; and also there will be neither an economic crisis nor a proliferation of refugees and terrorism.

        --- Frank  Mar. 8, 2021  in Waterloo, On. Ca.

The value of the existence of the government is to create a livable environment by the absolute power of the State Apparatus.

The true politicians are those who can overcome all kinds of difficulties by every efforts to achieve the value of the government.

Dr. Pierre Trudeau was one of few true politicians among the politicians who are in the instinct of street boy or street girl, or criminal.

        --- Frank  Feb. 6, 2019  in Waterloo, On. Ca.


1..Pierre Trudeau who laid sound foundation for Canada

2..Pierre Trudeau learnt China with three times personal tour

3..Pierre Trudeau who replaced diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China

4..The political philosophy of Justin Trudeau is similar as that of his father 

1.. Pierre Trudeau who laid sound foundation for Canada 

It was that Dr. Pierre Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, the father of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has forged a good friendship in diplomatic level with China in decades ago.

Dr. Pierre Trudeau, who has made with wide range of studies - politics, law, economics, theology and philosophies; especially his Harvard master's thesis in communism and religions; which made him as the only leader who has systematically studied the issue on social governance.

The studies on politics, law, economics and communism enabled him understanding how human social systems run will be better for developing economy and governing a better living environment.

In this point, the best example is the killing in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Ukraine, which promoted by Bush Doctrine of multiple interrelated foreign policy principles of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush; these principles include unilateralism, preemptive war, and regime change. The most evil one was regime change by partly forcible or coercive replacement of one government regime with another to create liberal democracy globally; especially those countries that are not completely secularized.

The studies on theology or exactly says the religions would help him to understand that how the European based West evilly fabricated too much poisonous ideologies, especially in various Gods to brainwash and dehumanize people to torn humanity & society hatred apart and made economy & culture fragmented in which people have been coerced in mutually hating and killing as innocents killing innocents in badly affecting social governance.

In this point, the best example was that the killing between the Israeli and the Palestinian people; in which, to a large extent, it was a historically accumulated grudges that promoted by religions.

The studies in philosophies enabled him ability of pragmatic in thinking & behaving and not be deluded by false information and toxic ideologies; and personally drives a motorcycle to see the world in eyes.

It was in decades ago, he pointed out that the people in the Pentagon were a group of ‘boring villain’; now, the world has been ruined by them and some politician made themselves criminals due to mindlessly follow the boring villain. British Iraq War Inquiry has revealed that it was those boring villains and their reckless followers to have opened the door to terrorism.

Under the tenure of Dr. Pierre Trudeau, in Canada, the social development index and quality of life has been among the highest in the world. Besides, the systematic study of theory for social governance, he also paid great attention on social practice; his ideas of social governing were from seeing personally.

In 1948, after finished doctoral study in London, in 29-year-old, he spent 18 months travelling around the world on a motorcycle to learn the world personally. Many of his later political practice came from his personal experience on the reality of the world.

Pierre Trudeau had outstanding intelligence and outstanding ability with excellent political skills. Under his tenure, in Canada, the social development index and quality of life has been among the highest in the world.

He conducted Canada to lay a series of National Foundations including legislation in equal official language status of English and French, established Multiculturalism as Canada's national policy, and promoted Canada in independent Constitution from the control of Britain.


Photo, Queen Elizabeth II signing the Canada Act in Ottawa, Can., as Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (seated left) looks on, April 17, 1982.

That mutual compromise is the usual practice of politicians and to be venerated as political skills. However, Pierre Trudeau did not make compromise on the principles, due to that any political compromises are exchanged by national interest. 

Although, he is a French Quebec, but, he firmly opposed to Quebec independence, during his tenure, on the one hand, by a tough approach to solve 1970 October Crisis, on the other hand, he also convinced the English speaking provinces to give French language and French Canadian more special status, thereby maintained the unity of Canada.

Isolation and sanctions against other countries was the established practice of the United States, but Pierre Trudeau was not as other prime minister to follow such baton and insisted independent international practice to safeguard the interests of Canada and to maintain equality and justice for any countries.         

Since 1949, Canada has been trying to establish diplomatic relations with China, but, the efforts have always opposed and obstructed by the United States. In 1969, despite objection wink of the United States, Pierre Trudeau promoted the completion of the diplomatic relations with China. And in October 1973, he visited China in the first time of Canadian Prime Minister.

He often said that the people in the Pentagon are a group of "boring villain." He made Canada maintained a certain distance with the United States. He asked the foreign investment review agency to block out some of foreign investment, and to promote trade relations with Europe. Under his efforts, in the Western countries, Canada was the first to establish diplomatic relations with China.

Due to Pierre Trudeau adhering on independent foreign policy, to have refused to take Canada as a cat's-paw, the relationship with US President Richard Nixon is not good. However, in Nixon’s memoirs – Leaders, gave him a high evaluation in equally importance as that of Zhou Enlai of China, and de Gaulle of France.

The deeds of Pierre Trudeau lesson us that, the priority of the government is to develop national economy and improve the lives of the nationals under independent foreign policies.

As a politician who occupies an important position that determines nationals' livelihood, it is not rational that is more in focusing on the ideological arguments, less on the development of the national economy.

2..Pierre Trudeau learnt China with three times personal tour  

When Pierre Trudeau travelling around the world on a motorcycle, at the time that new China will be born, he just travelled in China, but due to the civil war, he had to leave China unwillingly with the determination of coming back again.

After China and Canada made first wheat trade in 1961, he finally managed the formalities to enter China through a Canadian agency in Hong Kong. In 1962, He made a month tour in China, and foot printed all over to Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Guangzhou and other places. He felt that what he saw and heard about the new China, there is a big difference with the description of the West.

There was archive ‘Two innocents in Red China’ on CBC Digital Archives, to have introduced Mr. Pierre Trudeau’s second visit to China

“Pierre Trudeau first visited China in 1949 as part of a year-long world tour through Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India and China. Nationalist and Communist forces were battling at the time of his visit, and in his memoirs he described Shanghai as: ‘a bizarre flea market in which everyone, from the poorest to the richest, was trying to peddle his or her possessions for money to flee south or abroad.’ "

“In 1960, China was virtually a closed society. Foreign visitors were rare, but somehow, five French-Canadians were invited to tour the country for 32 days. Among the group were a journalist, Jacques Hébert, and a labour lawyer, Pierre Trudeau. The pair would write a 1961 book, Deux innocents en Chine rouge, about their experiences there.”

Under the archive of Pierre Trudeau goes to China, introduced that Pierre Trudeau third time visited China as prime minister and met with Chairman Mao. 

        Chairman Mao met Pierre Trudeau in 1973 


Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai toasts Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau during a banquet held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Oct. 11, 1973. (Peter Bregg/Canadian Press)

Pierre Trudeau has been to China twice before, but the third time it's as prime minister. Canada and China have recently established diplomatic ties, and Trudeau is hoping to secure access to the Chinese market for Canadian business. On a 1973 tour that includes such highlights as the Great Wall and martial-arts displays, Trudeau gets a last-minute invitation: a visit with Chairman Mao. This CBC-TV clip includes a segment about the meeting from Chinese TV. 

From above historical events, we can learn that, the later policies of Pierre Trudeau on the relationship with China was depended on his personal explorations rather than as that of others depends on the hearsays.

I happily found a video that Pierre Trudeau rencontre Mao Zedong.


As excellent politician, he could see the nature of the problems. He was the only politician that recognized the essence of China’s economic success.

In June 1994, the 12th Annual Meeting of the Inter Action Council held in Dresden, Germany; in the time there, the economic miracle of China and former president Deng Xiaoping was popular topic inside and outside of the meeting. China’s Central Television - CCTV conducted an exclusive interview and made a documentary, in which, Dr. Pierre Trudeau made a comment about the rational practice of Deng Xiaoping:    

June 1994, Dr. Pierre Trudeau in 12th Annual Meeting of the Inter Action Council,  Germany            --- The screenshots of CCTV document

Thevideo link:


Dr. Pierre Trudeau said that: Deng has principle, he knew where the objectives were; he was following and putting practice of those principles. He was pragmatic, as he said you can use different routes to come to same aim, the ends are always same: the strength of China, the unity of China, and the stability of China.

This was the most nature-touching comments about Deng Xiaoping and the success of China, besides the comment “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread,” that dug out by Ezra F. Vogel, the Professor at Harvard University, who cost about 10 years, visited many key figures and historical sites published Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China in 2011.

There report that in mid-October 1973, Deng Xiaoping accompanied the visiting Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his entourage to visit ZhengzhouGuilin and Lijiang River. On the 17th, Trudeau and his entourage took an airplane returned to Canada from Guilin via Guangzhou.

People may misunderstand that as one party dictatorship, in China, to make some social reform may be much easier, and indeed it was totally wrong.

Aug. 9, 2016, I wrote article Authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance, which was attachment in first email to Dentons in Aug. 10th, 2016; in which, I discussed about main resistances in social governance:

For social governance, there are three main resistances.

First one is that has to deal with people who are capable in independent thinking and tend to act according to own interested and preferred accord, which will negatively affect social governance.

Second one is that social governance would involve in some social reform with the redistribution of social interest, and it would encounter the fierce resistance of interest group, and even ordinary people would also resist the reform due to the fear for potential risks in uncertain social changes.

Third one is the impact of social ideologies which is that people accustomed outdated ideology in dominating thinking and behaving. In The end of laissez-faire 1926, Keynes indicates that: “These many elements have contributed to the current intellectual bias, the mental make-up, the orthodoxy of the day. The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.”

Such behaviors were caused by the inborn nature of human beings, in regardless the race, regardless the nationality and regardless the political model - one party dictatorship or multiparty democracy.

The process of China’s economic reform was the process of making efforts to reduce and overcome such social resistance.

By using different routes to come to same aim was for avoiding resistance, it was by roundabout ways to circumvent obstacles.

In Canada, it will be the same when making social advancement.

3..Pierre Trudeau who replaced diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China

Oct. 13, 1970, on the effort of Pierre Trudeau, Canada severed the ties with Taiwan, and established diplomatic relations with China, which was earlier than that of the United States.

In 1973 he visited the People's Republic of China, which was the first visit of the Canadian Prime Minister historically. In 1976, Trudeau prohibited Taiwan to participate in the Olympic Games in Montreal, even though the team has arrived in Montreal.

During Trudeau's tenure, Canada maintained a certain distance with the United States. He asked the foreign investment review body to shield off some foreign investment, and tried to promote trade relations with China and Europe.

Pierre Trudeau was right, in both of now and future, Canada must maintain a certain distance with the United States. For example, on the Ukrainian crisis, the United States launched economic sanctions on Russia, Canada suffered huge losses, but, the U.S. itself has continued to do business with Russia.

It is not that the country U.S. is no good, but, there few U.S. politicians are rational.

The practice of Pierre Trudeau proved that those people who have become friends of China after visited China.

Those who strongly criticize China are mostly according to the hearsay.

4..The political philosophy of Justin Trudeau is similar as his father

Justin Trudeau a rational leader of Canadian Liberal Party. I excerpt some as follow.

Nov. 8, 2013, the article At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship’ reported that:

When an audience member asked Mr. Trudeau which nation’s “administration he most admired."

Mr. Trudeau responded: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

The comments of Mr. Trudeau suffered extensive fierce criticism.

"Mr. Trudeau took to Twitter on Friday to explain his comments, saying that his point about China was that Canada “is up against big countries (China, for one) that can address some major issues quickly.”

"Canada is the best country in the world. I would never trade our freedoms. But countries we compete with play by different rules. That’s why we need to work together to address big issues and that’s why I’m focused on the (real priorities) of Canadians.”

November 7, 2013, the other report on the same event that Justin Trudeau hosts 'ladies night' fundraiser despite 'firestorm' of controversy over ‘patronizing’ clearly provided the true intention of Mr. Trudeau's comments on China: "In answer to a litany of questions, Mr. Trudeau said the environment was the biggest issue that would impact today’s children; that he most admired the political system in Canada’s northern territories, which operate without political parties; implored for the engagement of young people in politics."

From the reports, we can learn the philosophy of Trudeau on social governance. He is not dogmatically advocating in political forms, but the real governance effect.

I searched some commemorations about Pierre Trudeau


   Reflections: The Trudeau Legacy (2001)   126K views  6 years ago  

   24:17   Pierre Elliott Trudeau – Canada's Last Great Prime Minister (TV Interview 1994) HD

    Former Prime Minister Trudeau discusses both international politics along with his memoirs that were originally published in 1993 with Charlie Rose on March 9, 1994. He was first elected as PM in 1968 until 1979 followed by 1980 until 1984 the same year he publicly announced his retirement. Pierre was a citizen of the world, an intellectual, a nation builder, a statesman & a visionary. He passed away in Montreal on September 28, 2000. He was 80 years old.

      Pierre Elliott Trudeau | Biography & Facts | Britannica.com     


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