所谓的历史学家,黒宮宏明(Hiroaki Kuromiya),他的话就一定能相信吗?这个日本人,为了让大家相信他说的才是历史真相,竟然把他的书的电子版搞成了免费下载,这是什么意思?为了打赢舆论战、宣传战?
Hiroaki Kuromiya, “Stalin, Japan, and the Struggle for Supremacy over China, 1894-1945”,Routledge, 2022
Stalin was a master of deception, disinformation, and camouflage, by means of which he gained supremacy over China and defeated imperialism on Chinese soil. This book examines Stalin’s covert operations in his hunt for supremacy.
By the late 1920s Britain had ceded place to Japan as Stalin’s main enemy in Asia. By seducing Japan deeply into China, Stalin successfully turned Japan’s aggression into a weapon of its own destruction. The book examines Stalin’s covert operations from the murder of the Manchurian warlord Zhang Zuolin in 1928 and the publication of the forged “Tanaka Memorial” in 1929, to Stalin’s hidden role in Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931, the outbreak of all-out war between China and Japan in 1937, and Japan’s defeat in 1945. In the shadow of these and other events we find Stalin and his secret operatives, including many Chinese and Japanese collaborators, most notably Zhang Xueliang and Komoto Daisaku, the self-professed assassin of Zhang Zuolin. The book challenges accounts of the turbulent history of inter-war East Asia that have ignored or minimized Stalin’s presence and instead exposes and analyzes Stalin’s secret modus operandi, modernized as “hybrid war” in today’s Russia.
The book is essential for students and specialists of Stalin, China, the Soviet Union, Japan, and East Asia.
Stalin was a master of deception, disinformation, and camouflage, by means of which he gained supremacy over China and defeated imperialism on Chinese soil. This book examines Stalin’s covert operations in his hunt for supremacy.
Hiroaki Kuromiya is a professor of history emeritus, Indiana University, USA. He has authored, among others, Freedom and Terror in the Donbas: A Ukrainian- Russian Borderland,18705–19905 (1998), Stalin (Profiles in Power) (2005), The Voices of the Dead: Stalin’s Great Terror in the 1930s (2007), Conscience on Trial: The Fate of Fourteen Pacifists in Stalin’s Ukraine, 1952–1953 (2012), and Zrozumity Donbas (2015), and coauthored Mi?dzy Warszaw? a Tokio: Polsko-japońska wspó?praca wywiadowcza 1904-1944 (2009, with Andrzej Pep?oński) and The Eurasian Triangle: Russia, The Caucasus, and Japan, 1904-1945 (2016, with Georges Mamoulia).
Routledge Open History