


A Well-Sprouted Cardamom w/ Carefree(豆蔻年华无忧愁)


2024-02-07 National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Human Arrangement (1947)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Place-bound and time-bound in evening rain

        And bound by a sound which does not change,


        Except that it begins and ends,

        Begins again and ends again—


        Rain without change within or from

        Without. In this place and in this time


        And in this sound, which do not change,

        In which the rain is all one thing,


        In the sky, an imagined, wooden chair

        Is the clear-point of an edifice,


        Forced up from nothing, evening's chair,

        Blue-strutted curule, true–unreal,


        The centre of transformations that

        Transform for transformation's self,


        In a glitter that is a life, a gold

        That is a being, a will, a fate.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——



























【注】“娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。”这是唐代诗人杜牧《赠别·其一》中的诗句,我家13岁的湉妞如同二月初豆蔻发芽,正含苞待放。omen in Sports Day

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016 Super Bowl on the CNY's Eve(中国除夕与2016年超级碗)

2014: Text-dependent Analysis—Lab Rats(语境分析—《超能高校生》)

2011-05-05_100 Days.JPG100-Day Old Infant (湉妞百日照 05-05-2011)


Toddler-I w/ the 3rd-Grader Cousin @ Home, PA

(宾州本家·小幼儿生与小学三年级生表哥 10-12-2012)

2013-05-26_Cousin0001.JPGToddler-II w/ the 4th-Grader Cousin @ Home, PA

(宾州本家·大幼儿生与小学四年级生表哥 05-26-2013)

2014-08-07_Stingray Female in Grand Cayman Is-1M0001.JPGPreschooler-I w/ the 5th-Grader Cousin @ Stingray Female of Grand Cayman, Grand Cayman Islands

(大鳄鱼群岛大鳄鱼岛刺魟女·小幼童生小学五年级生表哥 08-07-2014)

2015-10-20_Windlestrae Park0001.JPGKindergartener w/ the 7th-Grader Bro @ Windlestrae Park, PA

(宾州筐草公园·学前班生跟初二生表哥 10-20-2015)

2018-08-24_Primus Place Cultural Park_Lookout-10001.JPG2nd Grader w/ the 9th-Grader Bro @ Lotus Pond of Primus Place Cultural Park, Nanjing 

(南京状元坊文化公园景观花池·小学二年级生与高一生表哥 08-24-2018)

2019-07-18_Laomen East Pedestrian Street南京老门东步行街箍桶巷-5M0001.JPG3rd Grader w/ the 10th-Grader Cousin & Grandma @ Laomen East Pedestrian Street, Nanjing

(南京老门东步行街箍桶巷·小学三年级生与高二生表哥与奶奶 07-18-2019)

2020-11-08_3 Battalions @ Laomen East南京老门东三条营0001.JPG

4th Grader @ 3 Battalions @ Laomen East, Nanjing

(南京老门东三条营·小学四年级生 11-08-2020)

2021-09-12_Minguohong Residence Chinese Food Restaurant民国红公馆民国红公馆0001.JPG5th Grader @ Minguohong Residence Chinese Food Restaurant, Nanjing

(南京民国红公馆·小学五年级生 09-12-2021)

2023-06-11_2022-2023 Sina Cup Future Star Equestrian Competition in Nanjing-10001.JPG6th Grader @ 2022-2023 Sina Cup Future Star Equestrian Competition in Nanjing

(2022-2023年度南京新浪杯未来之星马术大赛·初一生 06-11-2023)

2024-01-25_13-Yr Old-30001.JPG

7th Grader @ 13-Yr-Old BD Celebration

(13岁庆生宴·初二生 01-21-2024)



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