


Biggest Chinese Catholic Church in US(全美最大的华人天主教堂)


2023-12-08 Take it in the Ear Day

Negation (1918)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Hi! The creator too is blind,

        Struggling toward his harmonious whole,

        Rejecting intermediate parts,

        Horrors and falsities and wrongs;

        Incapable master of all force,

        Too vague idealist, overwhelmed

        By an afflatus that persists.


        For this, then, we endure brief lives,

        The evanescent symmetries

        From that meticulous potter's thumb.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——















【注】位于纽约城唐人街的显圣容天主教堂(Church of the Transformation)最早由天主教血统的爱尔兰人主导,随着爱尔兰人的同化,教堂长椅逐渐被意大利人占据,后来中国人渐成气候,拯救了濒于消亡的教堂,充分体现出教堂的灵活适应;如今显圣容教堂除了早年移民美国的广东后裔之外,福建信徒急剧增加,已壮大成为全美最大的华人罗马天主教会。有趣地,福建的崇拜风格沿袭了17世纪天主教传教士上帝会(Dominican Order of Catholic Missionaries)的传统,并与上个世60年代初期梵蒂冈第二次全体主教会议(Second Vatican Council)所做出的变更有着明显不同。



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2023: The World Is A Commonwealth, NYC(纽约城中华公所·天下为公)

2023: Line of Phantasy in Chinatown, NYC(纽约城·唐人街虚拟线条)

2023: A Beacon for the Catholic Faithful, NYC(纽约城天主教的灯塔)

2023: NYC's Most Admirable Synagogue(纽约城·叹为观止的犹太教堂)

2023: Mahayana Temple in the Great Vehicle, NYC(纽约城·大乘寺)

2023: Times Sq, the Crossroads of the World(时代广场·世界十字路口)

2023: Wandering in Midtown Manhattan-II, NYC(纽约市·浪迹中城之二)

2023: St. Bartholomew's Church, NYC(纽约城·农夫之子使徒圣公会)

2023: St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC(纽约城·高贵圣徒大教堂)

2023: Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree, NYC(纽约城·黑麦田中心圣诞树)

2023: Dior's Carousel of Dreams, NYC(纽约城·金色梦想转盘)

2023: Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(纽约市·华埠与小意大利城)

2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(议论文─利益)

2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿联酋迪拜世界之巅)

2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)

Church of the Transfiguration0001.JPG

2023-12-08_Church of the Transfiguration in Georgian Gothic (1868) Built in 1801 w the Same Stone Used to Build St. Paul’s Church on Broadway-10001.JPGChurch of the Transfiguration in Georgian Gothic (1815) w/ the Same Stone Used to Build St. Paul's Chaple on Broadway

(建于1815年乔治王朝哥特式显圣容教堂·与百老汇谦卑圣徒小教堂使用的石头相同 12-08-2023)

2016-04-26_St. Paul's Chapel in Georgian (1766)-10001.JPGSt. Paul's Chapel in Georgian (1766)


2023-12-08_Church of the Transfiguration_Nave Bursting at the Seams-10001.JPGNave Bursting at the Seams (聚集主堂 12-08-2023)

2023-12-08_Church of the Transfiguration_Rev. Joseph Lin, a priest originally from Fujian Province, who can take confession in four languages0001.JPGRev. Joseph Lin, a priest originally from Fujian Province, can take confessions in 4 languages


2023-12-08_Reflecting the nimble adaptation of a church once dominated by Irish & Italian immigrants that now claims the largest Chinese Roman Catholic congregation in the USA001.JPGIt reflects the nimble adaptation of a church once dominated by Irish & Italian immigrants that now claims the largest Chinese Roman Catholic congregation in the USA 


2023-12-08_Church of the Transfiguration_A Statue of Virgin Mary Adorned in Clothing Reminiscent of the Qing’s Empress Dowager Cixi_ Holding Jesus0001.JPG

A Statue of Virgin Mary Adorned in Clothing Reminiscent of the Qing’s Empress Dowager Cixi, Holding Jesus


2023-12-08_The Transfiguration School0001.JPGThe Transfiguration Blue-Belt School



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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