


Supernatural Cho Chiropractic, PA(宾州·神奇的赵医生脊柱推拿所)


2023-11-29 Electronic Greetings Day

Seventy Years Later (1954)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

    It is an illusion that we were ever alive,

    Lived in the houses of mothers, arranged ourselves

    By our own motions in a freedom of air.


    Regard the freedom of seventy years ago.

    It is no longer air. The houses still stand,

    Though they are rigid in rigid emptiness.


    Even our shadows, their shadows, no longer remain.

    The lives these lived in the mind are at an end.

    They never were ... The sounds of the guitar


    Were not and are not. Absurd. The words spoken

    Were not and are not. It is not to be believed.

    The meeting at noon at the edge of the field seems like


    An invention, an embrace between one desperate clod

    And another in a fantastic consciousness,

    In a queer assertion of humanity:


    A theorem proposed between the two --

    Two figures in a nature of the sun,

    In the sun's design of its own happiness,


    As if nothingness contained a métier,

    A vital assumption, an impermanence

    In its permanent cold, an illusion so desired


    That the green leaves came and covered the high rock,

    That the lilacs came and bloomed, like a blindness cleaned,

    Exclaiming bright sight, as it was satisfied,


    In a birth of sight. The blooming and the musk

    Were being alive, an incessant being alive,

    A particular being, that gross universe.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——







































【注】经朋友介绍,我抱着试试看的心态走进了宾州北外乡赵医生脊柱推拿所,没想到很快就喜欢上了这里,且不说医疗保险包揽全部费用,最有收获的莫过于前台宋哉沅(Song Jae Won)美眉笑容可掬,按摩师姜赫珉(Kang Hyoek Min)先生拿捏得体,业主赵南秀(Cho Nam Soo)大夫平易近人,由他亲自操手的筋膜枪能够降低肌肉深处的张力,我每次整脊康复归来都感觉锥体偏移得以纠正,椎间隙有所增宽,椎间盘的压力明显减轻,总之坐骨神经疼痛症状逐渐缓解直到最近完全消除,创造了不可思议的奇迹,后悔没早来鉴赏这按摩神功!

〖病史〗我是2021年新冠病毒疫情期间患上坐骨神经痛的,确诊之前至少有几个月小腿部位出现游走性麻木并伴有轻微酸痛,终因疼得步履艰难疑似假跛行综合征(Pseudoclaudiction Syndrome)才去照了X光片,不难看出腰椎骨最低的两个椎间盘L4和L5轻微突出,推测可能由于腰椎退行性变化与黄韧带增厚,造成侧隐窝狭窄与马尾神经受压,结果刺激腰椎神经根,同时引起软组织积液。静养了大半年,症状明显减轻,可没想到一年后,也就是2022年病情突然加剧,核磁共振成像(MRI)核实了椎间盘移位(Intervertebral Disc Displacement),L4/L5处出现重叠的小至中度左侧椎间盘突出,外加轻度至中度中心狭窄,左侧隐窝和左侧神经孔严重狭窄,而右侧神经孔则轻度变窄。红发骨科门诊部(Rothman Orthopaedics Institute)医生见状立刻建议我进行椎板切开手术,希望从受影响的椎骨上移除部分椎板,由此产生的脊柱开口可能足以减轻神经的压力,不然的话还要去除仍然压迫神经的任何骨刺或椎间盘突出组成物质。

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Cho Chiropractic & Pain Management @ 275 Dekalb Pike, N. Wales, PA

(宾州北外乡牛犊路275号·赵医生脊柱推拿所 11-29-2023)

2023-12-01_Office-10001.JPGDr. Chiropractics & Dr. Acpunture (按摩与针灸医生)

2023-12-02_Message Chair0001.JPGIn Front of Massage Chair (按摩椅前 11-29-2023)

2023-12-01_Theragun Pro & Electrotherapy on Beauty Sleeper0001.JPGTheragun Pro & Electrotherapy on Chiropractic Sleeper


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2 Surgical Operations of Laminectomy vs. Laminotomy for Sciatic Treatment


Cho Chiropractic & Pain Management0001.JPGCho Chiropractic & Pain Management



2022: Sedentary Sciatica from WFH(久坐成疾)


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