





无套裤汉 2023-10-29


Tucker Carlson Talks War with Iran and My Comments


Tucker Carlson talked with Col. Douglas Macgregor about the possibility of war with Iran.

The DC Shorts

Oct 23, 2023

Douglas Macgregor: "We are getting closer to World War 3"


Douglas Macgregor Daily 65.9K subscribers

Oct 28, 2023

Douglas Macgregor is best known for his innovative views on military strategy and transformation. Whether you are a student of military history, a professional in the field, or just someone interested in strategic thinking, this video will provide valuable insights into Macgregor's contributions to modern warfare. 1,388 Comments

Douglas Macgregor: "The war has entered a new phase"


Douglas Macgregor Daily

75K subscribers

Pinned by Douglas Macgregor Daily


7 hours ago

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Oct 29, 2023

World War III Will Be Unlike Any Other War, Says Noam Chomsky



He said, "It won't be like any war in histroy. If there's a nuclear war among major powers, the power that initiates the war will be destroyed almost simply by the effects of nuclear winter, even if there's no retaliatory strike. If there is a retaliatory strike, that is beyond discussion. "

Figure 1 Jan.6th, 2021 uprising in the Capitol


My own comments:

Fearing WWIII should be balanced by the positive trend of the world's people's uprisings such as those of the Hamas' October 7th, 2023 and the American people's Jan. 6th, 2021. People's uprisings are the pioneering work in preparation for the people's new democratic revolution. People have waited so long for such a revolution without any success for the last half-century because the previously socialist Soviet Union of Russia and China suffered regime changes through the notoriously hegemonic color revolutions in these two main socialist countries masterminded by the U.S. hegemonism.

As Chairman Mao taught us that "either war causes revolution, or revolution stops war,” one should not reject wars out of hand for fearing their cruelty and havoc but should remain firm to transform bad thing into good by means of uprisings, armed rebellions, and revolutionary wars. Victories of revolutions as the final goal would serve the people and their bright future exceedingly well. The Oct. 7th uprising is such a cause as not only the Palestinian but all the oppressed people of the world have risen and ceased to be submissive, or peaceful as before. Capitalist hegemony has been challenged by people longing for their truly revolutionary democracy, standing up for liberation and taking charge of their countries. To stop WWIII, the only effective approach will have to be people's uprisings and struggles against the capitalist dictatorship hidden behind the formalist democratic curtain or the ballot-democracy facade which masked capital's private hunger for its own dictatorial power.

The small group of people led by Joe Biden has become day after day the warmonger clique. Historically speaking, Dems in the U.S. have gotten closer to the military branch, ever since the WWI when the U.S. entered the Imperialist historical phase. Started with Woodrow Wilson for WWI, FDR for WWII, Harry S. Truman for Korean War, Linden B. Johnson for Vietnam War, Joe Biden for Russia-Ukraine War and the ongoing Israel and Hamas War. It is conceivable that the Joe-Biden Clique has been totally under control of the Congressional-Military-Industrial Complex.

The heavily influenced American people by the capitalist's two-party's rotating dictatorship for more than 246 years need more time and favorable conditions than other peoples, for example, the Chinese, to liberate themselves from the capitalist's shackles. The American people have been too far behind the times of people's revolutions, they cannot and will not be able to take on the advanced phase of proletariat revolution, such as the Proletarian Cultural Revolution stage led and taught by Chairman Mao in 1966. Their best choice to the revolution questions is Chairman Mao's New Democratic Revolution, ushered in during the 1940's. (https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_26.htm )

As the world's people have risen to struggle against the U.S. hegemonism, the people in the U.S. have no reason not to join forces with them. The more support they can muster, the rising people's forces will get together and so much the better. Once the revolutionary situation is maturing day by day, those sidelined capitalist forces will start to break ranks and to estrange the-power-that-be. 

To sum up, there is no need to despair, rather there is a great deal of hope for us to unite with the world's people and to win the proletarian socialist revolution even though we're threatened by a brutal world war. [10/28/2023 Mark Wain]

Insofar as the nuclear warfare is concerned, it's just as unthinkable as the mankind will be vanished. Even Joe Biden and his advisors are as thirsty for war as the Congressional-Military-Industrial Complex, the U.S. bourgeoisie will have to think twice before agreeing with its political acolytes.  The nuclear war on the globe will not only kill their capitalist enemies in the East but also their own capital creators, namely the proletarians, without whose unpaid surplus labor, the bourgeoisie of all countries will vanish as one of the two major social classes, even if they'd not have been killed by the nuclear forces directly. Elon Musk wanted to emigrate to Mars several years ago either as a way of terraforming or as he saw the nuclear war armageddon coming. But then who will be on Mars to sell his/her unpaid surplus labor to furnish him continuously capital-accumulating? 

The clearer people see through the war-monger-clique's dark-money-making scheme, the better their future will be by means of opposition to hegemonistic wars. [10/29/2023 Mark Wain]


对第三次世界大战的恐惧应该用世界人民起义的积极趋势来平衡,例如哈马斯2023年10月7日的起义和美国人民2021年1月6日的起义。人民起义是为人民新民主主义革命做准备的开创性工作。 半个世纪以来,人们等待这样的革命却没有成功,是因为俄罗斯和中国这两个主要社会主义国家在美国霸权主义的主导下,发生了臭名昭著的霸权颜色革命,导致了前社会主义苏联的政权更迭。

正如毛主席教导我们的那样,“要么战争引起革命,要么革命停止战争”,我们不应该因为害怕战争的残酷和破坏而立即拒绝战争,而应该坚定地通过起义、武装叛乱、变坏事为好事, 和革命战争。革命的胜利作为最终目标将非常有利于人民及其光明的未来。10 月 7 日的起义不仅是巴勒斯坦人,而且是全世界所有被压迫人民的崛起和不再受压迫的事业。 一如既往的顺从、和平。资本主义霸权受到了渴望真正革命民主、争取解放、掌管国家的人们的挑战。要阻止第三次世界大战,唯一有效的办法就是人民的起义和斗争。 反对隐藏在形式主义民主帷幕或选举民主表象背后的资本主义独裁,这些表象掩盖了资本对其独裁权力的私人渴望。

以乔·拜登为首的一小群人日复一日地成为战争贩子集团。 从历史上看,自第一次世界大战美国进入帝国主义历史阶段以来,美国民主党就向军事部门靠拢。 首先是伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)代表第一次世界大战,罗斯福(FDR)代表第二次世界大战,哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)代表朝鲜战争,林登·约翰逊(Linden B. Johnson)代表越南战争,乔·拜登代表俄罗斯-乌克兰战争以及正在进行的以色列和哈马斯战争。 可以想象,乔-拜登集团已完全处于国会-军事-工业联合体的控制之下。

深受资本主义两党轮流独裁影响超过246年的美国人民,比其他民族,例如中国人民,需要更多的时间和有利的条件,把自己从资本家的桎梏中解放出来。 美国人民已经远远落后于人民革命时代,他们不能也不可能承担无产阶级革命的高级阶段,比如1966年毛主席领导和教导的无产阶级文化大革命阶段。他们关于这个革命问题的最好选择是1940年代迎来的毛主席的新民主主义革命。 (https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_26.htm)

世界人民已经起来反对美国霸权主义,美国人民没有理由不与他们联合起来。 他们能聚集的支持越多,崛起的人民力量就会聚集起来,那就更好了。 一旦革命形势日益成熟,那些靠边站的资产阶级势力就会开始分裂并疏远当权者。

综上所述,尽管我们面临残酷的世界大战的威胁,但我们没有必要绝望,而是充满希望地与世界人民团结起来,赢得无产阶级社会主义革命的胜利。 [10/28/2023 马克·韦恩]

就核战争而言,如同人类灭绝一样不可想象。 即使乔·拜登和他的顾问们也像国会-军事-工业联合体一样渴望战争,美国资产阶级在同意其政治追随者的意见之前也必须三思而后行。 全球范围内的核战争不仅会杀死他们在东方的资本主义敌人,而且会杀死他们自己的资本创造者,即无产阶级,没有他们的无偿剩余劳动力,各国的资产阶级作为两个主要社会阶级之一就会消失。 即便他们没有被核力量直接杀死的话。 埃隆·马斯克几年前就想移民火星,要么是作为一种地球化改造的方式,要么是因为他看到核战争末日即将到来。 但谁会在火星上出卖他/她无偿的剩余劳动力来为他提供持续的资本积累呢?

人们越看清战争贩子集团的黑钱图谋,通过反对霸权战争得到的未来就会越美好。 [10/29/2023 马克·韦恩]


Joe Zhang 29 Oct 2023





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