


Jews Said Assault on Gaza is "Only the Beginning"


Jews Said Assault on Gaza is "Only the Beginning"

By Limin Wang

October 14, 2023

EVIL Jews' PM said assault on Gaza is "only the beginning". What the fuck he wants to indicate? Crap out right away your EVIL JEWS' SCHEMES. From my experiences dealing with some JEW HUMANSCUMS and others HUMANSCUMS in the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, the EVIL JEWS AND THEIR EVIL AMERICAN MASTERS are using the FLOOD to GRAB more land from the Arabians. The "DEMOCRAPIC" American Evil System ALWAYS SHOWS TO THE WORLD WHAT IT STANDS FOR: A POWER OF EVIL. The AES only sent aircraft carriers groups immediately to threaten other countries and to help the EVIL JEWS. If the Middle East countries and other countries around the world can not unite and stand up against the AES and its ferocious lapdog Israel, THESE COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES WILL BE DIVIDED AND CONQUERED ONE BY ONE, BIT BY BIT.

I would suggest HEROIC NATIONS send your warships and cargo ships and cruisers to the coastline of Gaza Strip, and directly tell the EVIL JEWS and their AES masters to bring it on. I am 1000% sure the AES will implode if not being exploded by the UNITED ACTIVE DEFENSE. I would tell THOSE Palestinians who may fear of death from the EVIL JEWS to go for the border TOWARD and ACROSS Israel to West Bank, or go toward the Mediterranean coastline.

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