


A Sea of Ice in Greenland (格陵兰“绿地”岛冰海)


2023-08-25 National Kiss and Make-Up Day 

I Want to Buy Greenland - In Trump's Own Words (2019)

Robert Ippaso

            Give me Greenland, make it mine

            Let me buy it just in time,

            For Thanksgiving so we can

            Induct these folks into our clan.


            Why waste time debating 'why'

            This proposal shouldn't fly,

            Surely Denmark needs the cash

            Here's your chance if you just rush.


            Putin took Crimea by force

            Not a penny paid of course,

            I instead will meet your price

            For this island full of ice.


            Think it over, but think fast,

            As my offer won't long last,

            Let's get on and make this deal,

            With a pen stroke this thing seal.


            Since I've got some Nordic genes

            And as a man of copious means,

            I can make this work all round

            With results that will astound.


            We almost bought it once before,

            Why not this process now re-store;

            You get the green, we the land,

            On me the burgers and the band.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


































1. 人们不能在绿地岛拥有土地,但可以租用建造房屋的土地。

2. 每加仑汽油约为kr.19丹麦克朗/$2.68美金。

3. 绿地岛的船比汽车还多,而最长的公路不过51公里;城镇之间既没有道路,也没有渡轮将车辆从一个地方运送到另一个地方。因此,每个城镇只有周边很小的区域可供驾驶。

4. 如今,绿地岛家庭平均有2—3个孩子。

5. 大多数绿地岛人不会游泳,如果你不幸掉进海里,肯定必死无疑。

6. 寒冷的北极水域可在短短15分钟内导致死亡,对于不会游泳的绿地岛人来说,死亡速度更快。

7. 基于文化和地理上的冲突与孤立,全球最寒冷、人口最稀少的绿地岛成为世界上自杀率最高的国家,男性的自杀率高于女性,而且大部分是15岁至24岁的年轻男性。

8. 酗酒、抑郁、失眠、贫困和配偶矛盾等是绿地岛备受关注的社会问题。

9. 尽管绿地岛所有的医疗保健服务包括处方药都是免费的,但专业的医护人员严重短缺,像加拿大一样,普通手术的排期非常久,牙医门诊也要等上几个月开外。

10. 绿地岛拥有世界上最纯净的空气和水。

11. 绿地岛几乎没有树木。

12. 绿地岛的原住民猎人发明了皮划艇。

13. 绿地岛地广人稀,一直是国际足联(FIFA)编外成员,因为全境找不出任何球场大小的自然草坪。近年来国际足联终于出资相助,在各大城镇兴建了纯天然绿茵球场。

14. 绿地岛原住民(Inuit)与中国汉族人相似度极高,如果不是紫外线照射而致肤色差异,说我是他们的后裔,连我自己都深信不疑!

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2018: Beijing—Heart for Friendship, China(北京—心系友谊)

2018: Beijing—Tong Ren Tang the Traditional Med, China(北京同仁堂)

2018: Beijing—Wangfujing the Prosperous St, China(北京王府井)

2014: GHCS Camp─Last Week(光华夏令营最后一周)

2012年蒙郡青少年野营日(2012 MontCo Youth Field Day)

En Route to St John's Newfoundland from Nanortalik0001.JPG16-Day|6-Port Canada-Greenland by Caribbean Princess

(“公主·勇者”号16天|6个景地之旅 08/14/2023—08/30/2023)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Sail between Icebergs Moving in the Water_ Melting_ & Forever Changing Shape-1M0001.JPGSail between Icebergs Moving in the Water, Melting, and forever Changing Shape

(航行在水中漂浮、不断融化并持续变形的冰山之间 08-24-2023)

2023-08-24_Arctic Iceberg0001.JPGArctic Iceberg (北极冰山)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Broken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords-440001.JPGBroken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords


2023-08-24_Iceberg_Broken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords-16M0001.JPGInuit Natl Costume (原住民民族服装 08-24-2023)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Black Ice Impurited like Algal Cells_ Mineral Dust_ & Black Carbon-1M0001.JPGBlack Ice Impurited like Algal Cells, Mineral Dust, & Black Carbon

(经藻类细胞、矿物粉尘和黑碳玷污的黑冰 08-24-2023)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Broken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords-32M0001.JPGBays Filled w/ Broken-off Bergs from the Ice Sheet in the Spring

(海湾里满是冰原上春季破碎的冰山 08-24-2023)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Broken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords-140001.JPG

Much Ice Floating in August (八月份满处浮冰)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Broken-off Glaciers in the Deep Fjords-300001.JPGIceberg & Ice Field in a Fjord


2023-08-24_Iceberg_FreshWater Icebergs Calved off from the Glaciers-3M0001.JPGFreshwater Icebergs Calved off from the Glaciers

(冰川中脱落的淡水冰山 08-24-2023)


Ravens on Icebergs (冰川上的渡鸦 08-24-2023)

2023-08-24_Iceberg_Pilot0001.JPGPilot (舵手)

2023-08-24_Rigid Inflatable Boat-20001.JPGRigid Inflatable Boat w/ Caribbean Princess Hidden in Tasermiut Fjord behind




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