


Koreshan State Park



?Koreshan State Park 

We went to visit Koreshan Park in Fort Meyers. It was a hot day. Kids have funs outside, playing with mud. I can’t stand the heat, staying inside a cool house. There’s a video showing the history of the park. 

The park was originally the estate of a religious group, the Koreshans. The religious group was founded and led by a certain Koresh, formerly Cyrus Teed. Koresh is the Jewish translation of Cyrus, a Persian name meaning sun. He promised immortality through celibacy. Most of his followers are married women from upper class. Koreshans moved around several times and eventually settled down to their New Jerusalem in Fort Myers.

Being celibate, the group members enjoyed great amount of surplus energy. They were the first in the area to build electricity plant. They generated electricity for themselves. They also sold electricity to the neighborhood. Being celibate, the group have few children. Women were actively involved in the management. Indeed, the religious groups was largely governed by seven women, who formed the governing council. The religious group was praised as a pioneer in progressive causes.

There was only one problem. The celibate group had few children and young people. When Koresh died in 1908, he failed to resurrect as promised. After that, the group went into decline. As the earlier members grew old and died, the group began its inevitable demise. In the end, the estate was donated to the government and became a state park.

Our modern society is an enlarged Koreshan cult. We chase many progressive causes that lower the fertility of the population. With fewer children, more women are liberated from the bondage of families. They instead become the slaves of the capital and the state by increasing profit and tax. But low fertility is slowly but surely destroying our society.

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