


Carpet Replacement @ Home(更新地毯)


2023-07-31 National Avocado Day

Of Modern Poetry (1942)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The poem of the mind in the act of finding

        What will suffice. It has not always had

        To find: the scene was set; it repeated what

        Was in the script.

        Then the theatre was changed

        To something else. Its past was a souvenir.


        It has to be living, to learn the speech of the place.

        It has to face the men of the time and to meet

        The women of the time. It has to think about war

        And it has to find what will suffice. It has

        To construct a new stage. It has to be on that stage

        And, like an insatiable actor, slowly and

        With meditation, speak words that in the ear,

        In the delicatest ear of the mind, repeat,

        Exactly, that which it wants to hear, at the sound

        Of which, an invisible audience listens,

        Not to the play, but to itself, expressed

        In an emotion as of two people, as of two

        Emotions becoming one. The actor is

        A metaphysician in the dark, twanging

        An instrument, twanging a wiry string that gives

        Sounds passing through sudden rightnesses, wholly

        Containing the mind, below which it cannot descend,

        Beyond which it has no will to rise.

        It must

        Be the finding of a satisfaction, and may

        Be of a man skating, a woman dancing, a woman

        Combing. The poem of the act of the mind.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——



































Today in History(历史上的今天):

2017: Capitol Debate Camp Day-2(国会辩论夏令营第二天)

2015: 76ers Overnight Camp─Memory(七六人队篮球寄宿营─体会)

2014: YMCA Camp─Renaissance Fair(基督教青年会营─文艺复兴节)

2013: 从俄国浪漫到革命(From Russian Romance to Revolution)

1991-07-06_Kentucky Horse Park0001.JPGHorse Park @ Lexington, KY

(草地州新法镇·赛马公园 07-06-1991)

1992-07-04_Frozen Niagara Geologic Formations of Mammoth Cave NP0001.JPGFrozen Niagara Geologic Formations of Mammoth Cave NP, KY

(草地州猛犸洞国家公园·冰冻的水道地质构造 07-04-1992)

1993-07-05_Isle of Palms Beach0001.JPGIsle of Palms Beach, SC

(南自由者州棕榈岛海滩 07-05-1993)

1994-07-05_Montauk Lighthouse-20001.JPG

Montauk Lighthouse, NY

(纽约州“堡垒之国”航标灯 07-05-1994)

1995-06-09_Crossbedding of the Rock Formations 150 Million Yr Ago0001.JPG

Crossbedding of the Rock Formations 150 Million Yr Ago in Zion NP, UT

(山里人州圣所国家公园·1.5 亿年前岩石交错层理 06-09-1995)

1996-06-08_Madrid_Royal Palace of Madrid0001.JPGRoyal Palace of Madrid, Spain

(西班牙马德里“生命之水”·皇宫 06-08-1996)

1997-07-04_Bellevue Ave0001.JPGBellevue Ave in Newport, RI

(红岛州新港市·美景大道 07-04-1997)

1998-07-18_Great Buddha Hall @ Chuang Yen Buddhist Monastery0001.JPGGreat Buddha Hall @ Chuang Yen Buddhist Monastery, NY

(纽约州庄严佛教寺·大佛殿 07-18-1998)

1999-07-31_Mohonk Mtn House-20001.JPGMohonk Mtn House in a Turreted 7-Story Victorian Character, NY

(纽约州立天磐石山荘·带有角塔的七层胜利女王式建筑 07-31-1999)

2000-07-04_Vancouver_Capilano Suspension Bridge Park0001.JPGCapilano Suspension Bridge Park in Vancouver, Canada

(加拿大奶温哥华“牛涉河”·美河吊桥公园 07-04-2000)

2001-07-28_Readington_NJ Festival of Ballooning_Balloon Launch0001.JPGNew Jersey Lottery Festival of Ballooning

(新州彩票热气球节 07-28-2001)

2002-07-05_Ocean Princess @ College Fjord of Princess William Sound-20001.JPGCollege Fjord of Prince William Sound, AK

(大地州勇将王子海峡学院峡湾 07-05-2002)

2003-07-28_Water Lilies_ Harmony in Blue (1917) by Claude Monet0001.JPG> 5-Mo Lad @ Water Lilies, Harmony in Blue (1917) by Claude Monet

(意志力强·莫奈“被听到”1917年创作的《睡莲·蓝色和谐》——五月大的儿歌 07-28-2003)

2004-07-26_Little Gym Ballygunge Kolkata Gymnastics0001.JPGToddler-I @ Little Gymnastics, PA

(宾州小小体操馆·小幼儿生 07-26-2004)

2005-07-24_Swann Memorial Fountain (Fountain of the Three Rivers) on Logan Sq & City Hall Tower0001.JPGToddler-II @ Swann Memorial Fountain (Fountain of the Three Rivers) on Logan Sq & City Hall Tower, Philadelphia

(费城空心广场和市政厅塔附近的天鹅纪念喷泉“三河喷泉”·大幼儿生 07-24-2005)

2006-07-29_Ball Buddies_M0001.JPGPreschool-I @ My Gym, PA

(宾州我的体操馆·小幼童生 07-29-2006)

2007-07-21_The Merry Miller0001.JPGPreschool-II @ the Merry Miller of Story BookLand, NJ

(新州故事书游乐园《快乐磨坊主》·大幼童生 07-21-2007)

2008-07-24_Iron Pigs @ Coca Cola Park0001.JPGPre-Kindergartener @ Iron Pigs @ Coca-Cola Park in Allentown, PA

(宾州英俊城可口可乐公园铁猪棒球比赛·学前班预科生 07-24-2008)

2009-07-26_Cambell Agencies of Insurance0001.JPGKindergartener @ Cambell Agencies of Insurance, PA

(宾州公平场保险代理公司·学前班生 07-26-2009)

2010-07-31_Veggie Patch-20001.JPG1st Grader @ Veggie Patch of Backyard, PA

(宾州本家后院菜地·小学一年级生 07-31-2010)

2011-07-22_Aladdin Show0001.JPG2nd Grade @ A Whole New World Finale of Aladdin, PA

(宾州百老汇《阿拉丁“信仰高贵”·全新世界》——小学二年级 07-22-2011)

2012-07-27_Pick-a-Little of Music Man Jr0001.JPG3rd Grader @ Pick-a-Little of Music Man Jr, PA

(宾州百老汇《小音乐人·都市欲望》——小学三年级生 07-27-2012)

2013-07-25_Life is a holiday of Throughly Modern Millie0001.JPG4th Grader w/ Cousin @ Life is a holiday of Thoroughly Modern Millie, PA

(宾州百老汇《仙乐美人·人生就是假期》——小学四年级生与表妹 07-25-2013)

2014-07-27_Cubism the Art of Pablo Picasso0001.JPG5th Grader w/ Cousin @ Cubism the Art of Pablo Picasso

(小·喜鹊《立体派》——小学五年级生与表妹 07-27-2014)

2015-07-13_Playground0001.JPG6th Grader as TA @ Summer Camp of Guanghua Chines School (GHCS), PA

 (宾州光华中文学校夏令营助教·初一生 07-13-2015)

2016-07-19_Stonehenge_Solstice Axis-5M0001.JPG7th Grader @ Solstice Axis of Stonehenge, England

(英格兰“天使之地”巨石阵的至日轴·初二生 07-04-2016)

2017-07-07_Historic Ctr of Cesky Krumlov near Vltava River-7M0001.JPG8th Grader @ Historic Ctr of Cesky Krumlov near Vltava River, Czech

 (捷克激流河畔蜿蜒草甸城历史中心·初三生 07-07-2017)

2018-07-14_Gjirokast?r Castle_M0001.JPG9th Grader @ Gjirokast?r Fortress, Albania

(阿尔巴尼亚银堡要塞·高一生 07-14-2018)

2019-07-22_Viewing Fish @ Flower Pond0001.JPG10th Grader @ Viewing Fish @ Flower Pond in Hangzhou, China

(中国杭州西湖花港观鱼·高二生 07-22-2019)

2020-08-30_Pergola-3M0001.JPGPergola of Stoneleigh, PA

(宾州石头庄园·蔓藤架 07-05-2020)

2021-07-30_iPhone-12 @ Willow Grove0001.JPG

The Freshman @ Apple Store of Willow Grove, PA 

(宾州柳树林镇苹果店·大一生 07-30-2021)

2022-07-23_Ambler Theater (1928)_Fa?ade_M0001.JPGFa?ade of Ambler Theater (1928), PA

(宾州建于1928年的漫步者城剧院正面 07-23-2022)

2023-07-31_Carpet Replacement in Master Bedroom0001.JPGCarpet Replacement of Master Bedroom @ Home, PA

(宾州本家·更新地毯前搬空的主卧 07-31-2023)


Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

House Interior Painting(粉刷房子)


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