明朝杨慎 《临江仙 几度夕阳红》英译
接龙苏东坡《念奴娇 赤壁怀古》,顺势长江东逝水,再破杨慎《临江仙 几度夕阳红》。。
明朝杨慎 《临江仙 几度夕阳红》
One-of-a-Kind Poetry Masterpiece by Ming Dynasty Poet Yang Shen
"Aging Guru at River Edge Format: Glowing Sunset Time and Again"
The roaring and rolling Yangtze River decants its water to the east, as torrents have flushed away all the heroes along the way.
Justice or success didn't matter in a flashback as to who had the final say.
Still the same green mountain, while the glowing sunset has come and gone round after round already.
A hoary fishing guru and a greyhead woodchopper found a middle ground at the river edge, that autumn moon or spring wind all commonplace and they sure have seen everything.
With a pot of cloudy wine, they just enjoy the get-together and fun of drinking.
All those historical events, merely a good material for chitchatting!