






比如,财团们投资了哪家产品,他们必然给媒体钱登载利于他们公司产品的调查数据,直到出现律师告他诈骗为止。那些数据比如来自于随机电话询问的500人得出某某产品最可靠。但你不能跟他要那500人 的电话号码你去核实,人家不给你。你自己也随机打500个电话得出的结论不同,人家媒体是不给你登的。所以,65%到70%的美国人是不相信美国媒体的。比如买什么车,靠的是自己的经历和朋友们的经历。而华人则大部分看汽车杂志的评分等私人媒体的报道。




Franklin McCurrie (Florida), convicted of vehicular manslaughter in 2015, sentenced for 10 years.

Tedd Lynn Whitefield (Texas), convicted of 3 counts of manslaughter in 2015, sentenced for 8 years.

Jason Blackwelder (Texas), convicted of 2nd degree manslaughter in 2014, 5 years probation.

Damien Harmon-Wright (Virginia), convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2013, sentenced for 3 years.

Randy Trent Harrison (Oklahoma), convicted of 1st degree manslaughter in 2013, sentenced for 4 years.

Johannes Mehserle (Bay Area), convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2010, sentenced for 2 years.

Joseph Mantelli (New Mexico), convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 1999, sentenced for 12.5 years.

Scott Smith (Connecticut), convicted of 1st degree manslaughter, overturned.  Pled guilty to criminally negligent homicide, no jail time.

Bryan Conroy (New York), convicted of criminally negligent homicide, 5 years of probation and 500 hours of community service.


Pike County, Ohio (02 2016): A deputy was arrested for involuntary manslaughter after an accidental firearm discharge killed his neighbor.  http://myfox28columbus.com/news/local/friday-death-investigation-at-waverly-deputys-home?utm_source=hootsuite

Paradise, California (02 2016): A now-former officer has been charged with manslaughter for shooting and paralyzing a drunk driver who later died from his injuries.  http://www.actionnewsnow.com/news/former-paradise-police-officer-to-face-charges-in-shooting-death/?platform=hootsuite

Broward County, Florida (12 2015): A deputy was charged with manslaughter for the shooting death of Jermaine McBean in 2013. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/12/11/florida-officer-charged-with-manslaughter-in-death-of-jermaine-mcbean-fatally-shot-while-carrying-an-air-rifle/?postshare=9391449854228450&tid=ss_tw-bottom

Lyon County, Kansas (11 2015): A deputy was suspended after his arrest for involuntary manslaughter and other charges as a result of 2012 automobile crash.  http://ksn.com/2015/11/23/lyon-county-suspends-deputy-involved-in-crash/?utm_source=hootsuite

Pike County, Mississippi (09 2015): A deputy was indicted for manslaughter in the death of Troy Ray Boyd. http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/29995185/pike-county-sheriffs-deputy-indicted-for-manslaughter

Mississippi State Police (08 2015): A now-former trooper was indicted for manslaughter for causing the death of an 81-year-old woman in a collision with his patrol vehicle.  http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2015/06/19/former-mhp-trooper-charged-with-manslaughter/28986021/

University of Cincinnati (Ohio) (07 2015): The officer who fatally shot Sam Dubose, an unarmed black motorist, has been arrested and charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/07/29/prosecutors-to-announce-conclusion-of-probe-into-cincinnati-campus-police-shooting/

Chatham County, South Carolina (05 2015): Two deputies fired for the death of Matthew Ajibade have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and other charges. http://savannahnow.com/news/2015-06-24/3-indicted-involuntary-manslaughter-jail-death-savannah-man-matthew-ajibade?

Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania (05 2015): An officer was charged with vehicular homicide, involuntary manslaughter, and other charges for a fatal collision he allegedly caused while he was on duty. He was in pursuit of a vehicle who had illegally passed in traffic. At the time of impact, his cruiser’s speed was estimated at more than 110 miles per hour.  http://standardspeaker.com/news/police-officer-charged-in-2014-fatal-crash-1.1876656

Bartlett, Tennessee (05 2015): An officer was charged with two counts of vehicular manslaughter for a high-speed crash while in pursuit that killed two motorists. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/bartlett-police-officer-indicted-in-accident-that-killed-2-ep-1059739150-324408571.html

Baltimore, Maryland (05 2015): Six officers were charged with felonies for the death of Freddie Gray. Charges include manslaughter, 2nd degree murder, false imprisonment, and assault.  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/02/us/freddie-gray-autopsy-report-given-to-baltimore-prosecutors.html?_r=0

Lake County, California (02 2015): A now-former deputy was charged with vehicular manslaughter for an October 2013 car crash. He had been responding to a call of  home invasion and vehicle pursuit when he hit the victim’s car head-on at a high rate of speed. http://www.lakeconews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40505:former-sheriffs-deputy-charged-with-manslaughter-for-fatal-october-2013-crash&catid=1:latest&Itemid=197

Walton County, Georgia (02 2015): A deputy was charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless conduct for his actions that resulted in the death of his girlfriend. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/walton-county-jailer-charged-in-death-of-girlfrien/nj2LF/

Minnesota State Police (01 2015): A trooper was indicted on manslaughter charges for a fatal July 4 car crash while on duty. The trooper was responding to a motorcycle accident (with injury) when he broadsided the vehicle occupied by two senior citizens, who died from their injuries. http://www.startribune.com/lawyer-for-trooper-says-he-ll-seek-to-have-charges-dismissed/287162121/

Charlotte-Mecklenberg, North Carolina (04 2015): An officer’s trial for the voluntary manslaughter of Jonathan Ferrell is underway. Ferrell had been in an auto accident and was seeking help when the officer shot him. The officer claimed he mistook him for a burglar. (case ended up in mistrial) http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/judge-declares-mistrial-police-killing-jonathan-ferrell-n414001

随时都可看到警察被起诉的案子,请大家去看这个网站的详细介绍: policemisconduct.net

  • 当前共有7条评论
  • muyoupo
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  • zhf
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  • 枫华客
    @太山, 虽然我不喜欢老阎, 但是你这里对他的评说不到位。 他举这些例子是说明美国白人警察误杀人也被判刑过, 不是一个没有,很多华人被媒体误导了, 而不是你说的想证明华人警察杀人被判很公平。当然他实际上可能认为梁被判很公平, 但是至少不是他靠这篇举例的结果。
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  • 太山
    美国的梁比事件, 作者看问题好不“客观”,“唯物辩证”从历史, 现实入手,一条一条挖空心思找出“证据”,美国也判过警察杀人.
    拉倒吧,中国更判过腐败贪官呢!!你咋整天叫嚣制度不变,腐败不可能根除呢? 作者咋不叫嚣制度不变, 犯罪律居高临下无法解决呢? 
    怎么着, 没看懂. 作者列出一大堆被判警察就能说明梁比得判得合理? 就能说明美国警察没有滥用枪械和存在歧视? 
    中国政府在经济持续几十年连续增长的同时, 抓出的腐败世界最多,而不少国家只见国库一空,国内经济状况一塌糊涂,国家面临破产, 一P股滥债, 也一个腐败抓不出, 是没有腐败? 是制度完美? 对吧?
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  • naiyinxue
    Trump的例子恰恰相反.左右媒体都在千方百计的黑他, 但人民不受媒体愚弄,反而支持Ttrump.
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  • 新天狱
    不仅仅是华人被媒体误导,看看那些热爱TRUMP的美国人吧。不能说他们都是被媒体误导,但是一个不争的事实是:媒体用了大量的时间,占用大量的公共资源报道TRUMP。这样无形之中就把TRUMP的形象用媒体的看法印到观众脑子里,特别是那些不爱思考人云亦云的观众。所以TRUMP高兴的大叫"I love the poorly educated!"
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  • 老度
    据我所知,除了来游行的当然是以前台的华人民众为主,幕后的力量运作也是可以想象的,可见这次“做案“的痕迹也太过明显了,他们决定在这个问题上要结结实实的打一仗,又有什么奇怪的呢? 这事且不得完呢!
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