【Scarborough Fair】树烨子 风铃



【Scarborough Fair/Canticle]

原唱:Simon & Garfunkel

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Without no seams nor needle work
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Tell her to find me an acre of land
(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
(Tracing of sparrow on snow-crested brown)
Between the salt water and the sea strands
(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)
Then she'll be a true love of mine
(Sleeps unaware of the clarion & call)

Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather
(War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions)
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

(Generals order their soldiers to kill)
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
(And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten)
Then she'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

  • 当前共有12条跟帖
  • 茜西:风铃的歌声甜美缠绵,叶子的和唱温婉增色!很丰满,和谐迷人的!
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  • 墨脉:经典好歌,深情款款
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  • 老好人:非常漂亮的作业!很美妙和谐!俺突然想到自己的作业还未完成!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    树烨子 回复 老好人:羡慕风铃的作业?那你就交一份更漂亮的😊😊
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    一路风铃 回复 老好人:谢谢LHR鼓励哈,期待你的作业啊,肯定比我的漂亮!
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  • -花儿-:祝贺两位首次合作如此成功!清澈明亮配醇厚温暖,极好听!献&#12
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    一路风铃 回复 -花儿-:谢谢花儿一如既往的支持帮助。最美的花儿送给最美的花儿!

    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 一路风铃:漂亮的花花好像看不了了,这次试一个不闪的。


    屏蔽 举报回复
    -花儿- 回复 一路风铃:谢谢风铃!谢谢你漂亮的花儿!😊
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  • 江毅:大赞二位柔美深情好唱!农贸市场怀旧太温馨了:)
    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 江毅:谢谢才子鼓励!想不到英伦的农贸市场可以成为世界名曲。


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  • HaiShi:仙音缭绕,你们的声音非常和谐听着惬意,如双花并蒂盛开!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 HaiShi:谢谢海大师多多鼓励。


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  • 英豪:这是致敬经典的绝佳演绎。金装底板,梦幻银铃,令人垂涎三尺~
    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 英豪:谢谢英班鼓励啊!前一阵山庆辛苦啦!


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  • 水云间:清雅和温婉相得益彰,娓娓动听,令人沉醉,太美了!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 水云间:谢谢云清美评,长周末快乐啊!
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  • big-apple:唱的很好听,很有原唱的味道,加上和声更是美~! 赞!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    一路风铃 回复 big-apple:谢谢果班班鼓励。前一段山庆辛苦了!
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  • 树烨子:风铃的歌声秀丽缠绵,为额的底板增色添彩,合作愉快!
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