大國古代科技 之 奇技淫巧



記得幾年前寫過一篇日志,《中国古代奇技淫巧 之 透光镜》,説的是疫情之前,曾在老宅驗視我們家領導的祖上留傳下來的一對漢代透光鏡的故事。

  • 疫情前面的那个夏天,曾经在老屋的阳台上验证过,在阳光映照下,墙上果然有花纹和文字出现,但是没有传说中的那么神奇,否则可以用来显灵辟邪和去新冠病毒的。因为类似的传说,在唐传奇小说《聂引娘》、宋《太平广记》、沈括的《梦溪笔谈》和周密的《葵辛杂记》中都有记载,不胜枚举。


The mirror, which dates back to the 15th or 16th century, would likely have hung in a temple or noble household. A close-up of the reflected image, which depicts rays of light emanating from the figure of a Buddha.

Buddhist Praying Mirror, 14–15th century, China or Japan, bronze, Source Unknown, Cincinnati Art Museum, x1961.2. Photograph: CT Laboratory, Ethicon Endo-Surgery.

Hou-mei Sung, the Cincinnati Art Museum’s curator of East Asian art, next to the Buddhist Bronze Mirror.


Magic Mirror with Image of the Buddha Amida, Bronze, Japan

Magic Mirror with Image of the Buddha Amida, Bronze, Japan

Magic Mirror with Image of the Buddha Amida, Bronze, Japan

Magic Mirror with Image of the Buddha Amida, Bronze, Japan


  • This mirror, a Buddhist icon, conceals an image of the Buddha Amida (Sanskrit: Amitābha) emanating forty-eight rays of light, one for each of the vows he made as a bodhisattva. The image is only revealed under special lighting conditions. The back of the mirror bears the six-character phrase “Namu Amida Butsu” (Hail the name of Amida Buddha). Mirrors of this type are called “magic mirrors,” or makyō in Japanese. Made in China from very early on, they also became popular in Japan for both religious and secular use.



mirror | British Museum

