Hong Kong import

万维读者网 2008-01-27 17:19+-

This Hong Kong import, designed by Philippe Stark, Volar brings one of the best liquor selections and some of the best trained bartenders to the Shanghai scene. What's more, all is exclusively at Volar and the prices are to match.

One thing to note about this place is that, although sometimes a bit intimidating, Volar throws sweet parties and more importantly they have great bartenders. It upholds a members only plus guests door policy.

For people who need something more than "a beer" or "a drink", Volar is great simply because the bartenders have a clue. When the upstairs bar at Volar is not so crowded, it's nice to sip on a Long Dragon while lounging on one of Philippe Starck's black pony armchairs.

Bar-goers may expect nothing but la creme de la creme of Shanghai's local and foreign crowd in a very cool interior.(City Weekend)