Former Highway Firm Head Expelled from Party

万维读者网 2007-12-16 16:38+-

A former head of an expressway construction company in northwest China's Shaanxi Province has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) for "serious violation of Party disciplines" and will face criminal charges.

Chen Shuangquan, former president of the Shaanxi Provincial Expressway Construction Group, was suspected of taking huge sum of bribes from project bidders and putting inappropriate persons in important posts, according to the provincial Party discipline commission.

Chen, also Party chief of the group, has caused "serious loss to the interests of the country and the people and negative social influence," said the commission, without saying how much Chen had taken in bribe.

Chen's case has been handed over to prosecutors, according to the commission.

Another three officials involved in Chen's case have also been sacked from their posts and expelled from the Party.(Xinhua)