Leon Lai s Debut as Peking Opera Legend

万维读者网 2007-12-02 15:09+-

Leon Lai plays Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang in Chen Kaige's new film. [Photo: thebeijingnews.com]

Scenes from Hong Kong pop star Leon Lai's upcoming portrayal of late Peking Opera virtuoso Mei Lanfang debuted when a film magazine revealed stills from the biography directed by Chen Kaige.

In one of the photos, Leon Lai is dressed in opera costumes from a Dan role, since Mei Lanfang was the most famous cross-gender Dan (which refers to female roles in Peking Opera) performer of all time.

Chen Kaige's film, "Mei Lanfang," chronicles the legend's career from childhood.

Ever since Leon Lai was selected to play the adult Mei Lanfang, skeptics have debated whether the young star can manage the mature role.

Lai, who was born in Beijing, has been polishing his Peking Opera skills heavily, following professionals including Mei Baojiu, Mei Lanfang's youngest son.

However, criticism has continued after the stills revealed that Lai's appearance may not be good enough.

Meanwhile, a report says Zhang Ziyi, who plays a fellow singer of Mei Lanfang in the film, has left the entourage after completing her parts.

The film is slated to premiere next year.(Source:CRIENGLISH.com)