Solo travel, why not?

万维读者网 2007-04-22 17:22+-

As a single man, how do you spend your holidays? Have you ever thought of traveling alone? It has many advantages. You don't have to worry about other people wanting to do what you don't, or worry spending too much or not enough time on given place. The following is a list places fit for solo travel. Don't worry, you'll have different experience. 645)this.width=645" align=right border=0>

Basha Village, Guizhou Province

Basha Village is a well-preserved Miao ethnic village, which is famous for its primitiveness. Women there dress the same as what they had centuries ago, whilemen have long hair, like in Qing Dynasty.

What's more exciting is that Basha is China's last tribe that can legally carry real guns. So, bachelors, you may also get your hand on real guns and mimic a wild fight in the forests.

Baiyu County, Sichuan Province

Amazing natural scenery, holy religious events, they're what you'll see in mountainous Baiyu County. Shanyan Clan, China's last patrilineal clan lives not far away, where bachelors will experience the full authority of being a male.

Yangshuo County, Guilin City

Though Yangshuo has been introduced in almost every traveling guide book, here we still list it because of Xijie, a reconstructed ancient street. The street is filled with bars, cafes, tiny hostels and craftwork shops. You'll see backpackers, artists, and hikers from home and abroad. It's easy for strangers making friends with each other, what you need to do is join them, have a drink or a dance. Everything is that simple!

Chengdu, Sichuan Province

The capital city of Shichuan Province boasts hot girls, hot dishes, crazy soccer fans and rock and roll bands, which are enough to attract bachelors.

Moreover, different from other big cities, Chengdu has its unique lifestyle, relaxed and leisurely. A typical Chengdu man's life is described like the following, if he has got 10 yuan at hand, he will find a seat in a public teahouse and spend 3 yuan for a cup of tea. Then he spends another 2 yuan having his ears cleaned, and another 1 yuan cleaning the shoes. He would spend rest of the money on newspapers to kill the time.

So for a single man who wants to escape from the busy life, Chengdu is a nice choice.

Daocheng County, Shichuan Province

Daocheng is recommended to those who have just split with their girlfriends.

Being a Tibetan county located in Shichuan Province, Daocheng County have grand snow mountains, vast plateau pastures and holy temples. The holy and calm atmosphere is a good cure for a wounded heart.

Tips for traveling alone:

1, Enjoy being alone. This is very important. If you feel boring at first, the whole trip will be meaningless. Go exploring, write a travel journal, treat yourself a good meal¡­ do all those things you'll do with your friends.

2. Talk to people sitting next to you. No matter on a bus, train or plane, chatting with your "neighbor" is a good way to kill the time since you're alone. Though you may wish you never asked, at least you won't feel lonely.

3. Take reading materials with you. If you don't like chatting with strangers, take something to read also helps you out of loneliness.

4. Stay at backpackers' hotel or hostel. Many solo travelers choose to stay there. Talk to the people in your room, talk to people eating dinner with you.