Chinese Culture Is Part of Indonesian Culture

万维读者网 2007-02-18 14:51+-

Indonesia's Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX said Sunday that Chinese culture had become part of the culture in Indonesia, which should be continuously preserved.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Culture Week, which is held in Ketandan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan said "Chinese culture has been existing and growing in Indonesia. Although it was once banned by the government, it is now free to exist and expected to enrich the Indonesian culture."

The Chinese Culture Week, which is held from Sunday to Thursday, is aimed to welcome the Chinese New Year, which falls on Sunday.

"This is the second year for this event after a similar event last year, which is very successful," Antara news agency quoted head of the event organizing committee Isman Indarto as saying.

The committee would hold Chinese cultural performance, Chinese food and products bazaar, and Chinese fashion show in the event. (Source:  Xinhua )