New Chinese Language Test to Start in November

万维读者网 2006-10-22 15:38+-

A new language test for Chinese learners, for whom Mandarin is not their native language, will begin in November.

Registration for the "C. Test", aimed at non-Chinese and ethnic minority groups in China, will take place between October 24 and 31.

The test, devised by the Beijing Language and Culture University, is different to the current Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) test which focuses more on listening comprehension rather than grammar and reading.

The examinee will receive a certificate with a score and level, together with a report on his or her Chinese language skills.

Trial runs of the C.Test were launched in China and Japan in July and attracted 1,150 participants from 17 countries and regions.

The first official C. Test exam is on Nov. 19. There will be four tests a year, but the exact dates are undecided. (Souce: Xinhua)