Exhibition for Celebration

万维读者网 2006-08-12 17:39+-

When Brian Wallace, an Australian, founded Red Gate Gallery in 1991, there were almost no real galleries in China; just stationery shops selling cheap paintings.

Since then, art in China has become a growth industry: this past May and June, more than 100 new galleries opened in Beijing alone. But Red Gate Gallery is still one of the best places to feel the pulse of the country's art market. To celebrate its 15th anniversary, it has organised an exhibition of works by 19 artists, from well-known figures such as Tan Ping and Su Xinping, to newer painters such as Han Qin and Yang Liming. The art here ranges from oil paintings to more traditional Chinese watercolours on silk or rice paper, but all of it seems to comment on China's rapid social transformation.

Address: Red Gate Gallery, Level 1 & 4 Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwenmen. Time:Until August 27th 2006 5 Admission: free. Tel:010-6525100 (Source: China Daily)