阎丽梦证实 母亲已遭中共逮捕

自由时报 2020-10-06 16:17+-


阎丽梦证实  母亲已遭中共逮捕

  综合媒体报导,近日有消息传出,中共为阻止闫继续爆料,已抓捕了她在中国的母亲。此前,郭文贵3日参与前白宫首席策士班农(Steve Bannon)主持的直播节目"战情室"(War Room)透露,为了威胁阎丽梦,中国警察已抓捕阎的母亲,他上周与班农、前纽约市长朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)共进晚餐时,向他们当面告知此事,朱利安尼当场拍桌大怒,並表示愿尽其所能帮助阎丽梦。


       随后美国媒体《The Epoch Times》报导,闫丽梦证实了这一消息,但拒绝提供更多细节。闫丽梦先前曾指出,她逃亡到美国期间,中共政府已其住在中国的家人作为威胁。

  • 最新评论
  • 11r

    說21世紀什麼最大?中共倒臺!這是歷史必然、民心使然。一個政體,不管它GDP幾多,槍炮幾多,都是浮雲,它再怎麼「強大」也幹不過歷史規律和民心。所以,大陸五毛掷骰,你淪落到擔當五毛這麼個讓人不齒的行業,就會想到黨國GDP和你沒關係:生活那麼「富裕」,你才不會幹這偷偷摸摸的下三濫「工作」呢是吧?再看看黨為你們樹立的偶像吳副教授被四川美眉蛋砸沒臉,飛腳踹襠,W毛教授狼狽逃竄,你們就知道,如果你上街說自己是五毛掷骰多麼危險。 五毛掷骰已經在想後路,還在網上呱噪不休的五毛掷骰,勸五毛掷骰停下來歇會兒,想想網路不是萬能的,特別是某一天到來的時候,你的身分很高危。別忘了,你的黨委上司手裡攥著你的檔案,你當過五毛、受過培訓、甚至得到過獎勵,那都是抹不掉的歷史記載。將來你的主管在向新中國民主政府法庭交代罪行時,是不會袒護你這個小蘿蔔頭的。那時,你會在人人揚眉吐氣中成為過街老鼠。那可不是一句「生活所迫」的說辭能抹了罪過的。就像當年納粹醫生拿猶太人做活體試驗,再說「執行命令」也沒用。該斃的斃,該吊死的吊死,該老死監房的永遠失去了陽光。 為此,五毛掷骰你現在最好的辦法就是翻牆揭露黨,立功贖罪,在正義網站留下個好的紀錄,記著拷貝你的上貼檔案,妥善保存,以備證明。 五毛掷骰bark twice 看得懂就狂吠两声賞$5 + https://www.greencrossvets.com.au/wp-content/images/Content_Images/Hyg7.2_GX-Website_274x212px.png

  • 万水千山总是情


  • 掷骰

    无耻贪党五毛11r,非常可能是蚂蚁帮的傻逼,黑手党的走狗,贪官二奶,你灭亡日子屈指可数。你已经一脚迈进美国的大牢。 贪官二奶反共,哪纯粹是因为共党反贪,贪官二奶被断供了,不得不做按摩女。

  • 掷骰


  • 11r

    50c 掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) is likely to be a prison inmate who posted this post seeking to reduce his sentence https://gnews.org/zh-hans/366634/ Please don't waste time discussing with 50c 掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) he wants to reduce his sentences, he wants to eat. Perhaps he is more aware of the Communist Party’s morals than we do. Yes, 50c掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负), who is sitting across from the screen, is probably a prison inmate. Of course, it is not to say that 50c掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) must be ignorant and shameless, but the temptation to "reach the standard and contribute to the reduction of punishment" is too great. The shameless CCP uses 50c掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) who has no freedom to be online commentator. It costs no money, but also allows death row prisoner 掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) to work hard as a prison bitch. He may not know what he is commenting on. He only needs to say the dirtiest words and carry out the worst attacks, so that he can get his live back. Many prisoners like condemned 掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) use the Internet to slander the democratic world by pretending to be students study abroad around the world. During the epidemic, they frantically attacked Europe and the United States, saying that the United States has become a hell on earth, and the Italians cannibalized people. A series of incredibly fake but eye-catching "news". Desperately spreading the bastard thinking that "the CCP of the motherland is the best, and his own parents are not as good as the evil cult CCP".

  • 掷骰


  • 11r

    50c 掷骰, bark to prove you can't read, earn yourself a chewing bone!掷骰五毛看懂赏$50!

  • 11r

    Advice: The "Five-Mao puppies掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负)" and the "Five-Mao puppy Party" are all condemned, and their whole family will descent into the inferno! ! ! The reason for the title of "Five cents" is that every online commenter "can earn 50 cents" for each post. The rogue regime of the Chinese Communist Party organized more than 10 million “Five-Mao puppies” in various places, including 4 million prisoners such as掷骰 (a.k.a 真话语/谁胜负) Shandong has the most "50 cents" with 800,000, followed by Sichuan with 700,000, Henan with 670,000, and Guangdong with 630,000 and Jiangsu with 600,000. Hu Jia, a human rights activist in Beijing, said that the Fifty-Five-Mao Party is a specific name in mainland China. These people who reverse black and white and betray their conscience usually sing praises for the Chinese Communist government as ordinary netizens, besieging and criticizing the government’s Internet voices, trying to achieve guidance and peace. The purpose of creating online public opinion and brainwashing the Chinese people.

  • 掷骰


  • 掷骰

