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Kyle, 不久就会有人起诉你强奸犯的 

Kyle, 不久就会有人起诉你强奸犯的 















阿根廷新闻社援引一位内阁高级消息人士的话说,官员们希望评估 Espacio Profundo CLTC -CONAE-NEUQUEN 站的活动,中国认为该站是“严格科学的”。 “基地的合同有一些奇怪的地方。他们获得了阿根廷实际上无法进入的领土,”消息人士详细介绍了位于巴哈达德尔阿格里奥北部的所谓“Pampa de Pilmatue”的 Espacio Lejano 站。 ?阿根廷政府希望检查这些协议是否得到遵守。

据报道,它甚至可能考虑对基地及其周围环境进行实地检查。美国军方和情报官员长期以来一直对这座占地 200 公顷的高度安全的大院感到担忧,中国在那里运营着一座强大的 16 层天线。

自米雷去年 12 月上任以来,他们已向他重申了这些想法。消息人士称,尽管米雷和中国总理习近平之间存在意识形态差异,但政府认为“合同不明确”。

 “据我了解,根据合同,[天线时间]已用资源的 10% 必须由阿根廷使用。我们希望确保事实确实如此,”这位高级官员解释道。中国基地位于西南部内乌肯省巴哈达德尔阿格里奥村 18 英里,是中国与社会主义前总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔政府于 2014 年签署的协议的一部分

完全保密于 2017 年在中右翼前总统毛里西奥·马克里 (Mauricio Macri) 执政期间竣工。该基地有一座 16 层的天线,占地 200 公顷,由中国通过 50 年租约控制。该基地由中国卫星发射跟踪控制总局(CLTC)的人员管理,该小组最终听命于中国人民解放军(PLA)战略支援部队。中国对该基地的运作完全保密,不向阿根廷政府提供任何监督。费尔南德斯·德基什内尔协议规定,阿根廷当局“不能干预”其活动。

中国共产党声称该空间站用于“和平的太空观测和探索”。五角大楼 2019 年发布的一份报告警告称,中国可能利用该基地监视并可能瞄准美国及其盟国的卫星。阿根廷总统办公室的消息人士周二告诉新闻媒体Infobae,总统哈维尔·米莱正在考虑向中国这个秘密基地发出检查请求。






Fernández had Argentina join China’s predatory

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) debt trap program in

February 2022 during an official visit to Beijing —

where Fernández laid a wreath to

honor communist

mass murderer Mao Zedong.

2022 年 2 月,费尔南德斯在对北京进行正式访问期间,










The installations of a Chinese space station are seen in Las Lajas


阿根廷拉斯拉加斯 - 当中国在阿根廷的巴塔哥尼亚地区建立一个军用空间站时,它承诺将包括一个游客中心,以解释其强大的16层天线的目的。

该中心现已建成 - 位于围绕整个空间站大院的8英尺带刺铁丝网后面。访问仅限预约。



但根据路透社获得的数百页阿根廷政府文件以及国际法律专家的评论,这个偏远的200公顷大院在阿根廷当局的运作中很少见。 (对于这个故事的交互式版本

毛里西奥·马克里总统的前外交部长苏珊娜·马尔科拉在接受采访时表示,阿根廷对该电视台的运营没有任何实际监督。 2016年,她修改了中国空间站协议,其中包括仅供民用的规定。


“在合同或协议中所说的无关紧要,”阿根廷律师Juan Uriburu说道,他曾在两家主要的阿根廷 - 中国合资企业工作。 “你如何确保他们遵守规则?”


中国的太空计划由其军队 - 人民解放军管理。巴塔哥尼亚站由中国卫星发射和跟踪控制总局(CLTC)管理,该中心向解放军战略支援部队报告。





2019年1月22日在阿根廷的Las Lajas看到中国空间站的装置。图片拍摄于2019年1月22日.REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian






一些射电天文学专家表示,美国的担忧被夸大了,这个电视台可能就像广告一样 - 与阿根廷的科学合作 - 即使它的35米直径的碟子可以窃听外国卫星。


“任何人都可以做到。我可以用我后院的一道菜来做,基本上,“比斯利说。 “我不知道中国在阿根廷的任何一个空间无线电网络都有任何特别险恶或麻烦的事情。”


China Builds Space-Monitoring Base in the Americas

            China’s new 35-meter-diameter parabolic antenna in Patagonia.





overview shot Argentina Patagonia site 2M 4-26-2016

Since its inception, the Chinese base in a remote sector of Patagonia has been controversial, with several legislators and local officials protesting publicly that Argentina has granted sovereign rights over part of its territory to China, and that the facility, entirely controlled and staffed by a unit of China’s military, could be used for military as well as civilian purposes.

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35meter close up 1.8M Argentina Patagonia site

13.5meter 1.8M close up Argentina Patagonia site

Situated in the same longitudinal sector as the U.S. Eastern seaboard, and the same distance as Washington, D.C. from equatorially positioned geostationary satellites servicing the Eastern U.S., the base’s location would potentially be advantageous for non-civilian missions by this type of facility.

DC Patagonia line on globe 2.2M

Chinese authorities have stated that the ground station is solely to support deep space exploration and a lunar mission to take place as early as 2017, and that the base has “no possible military use.”

2 antennas screen grab 1.7M

When questioned about possible dual use of the base in late April 2016, Yu Xueming, the site’s project manager, employed by China Launch and Satellite Tracking Control General (CLTC), said the fact that the parabolic antennas could not be swiftly rotated meant they could not be used militarily. However, there are numerous military and signals intelligence uses for slow-maneuvering antennas, and the two antennas observed at the Patagonia site are in fact widely steerable. A diagram previously posted at the construction site showed the 35-meter parabolic antenna in a fully horizontal orientation, rather than the vertical position seen in the latest satellite imagery of the facility – the position most suitable for “deep space” purposes.

China Rep Argentina screen shot 1.9M

An expert on space communications, who was asked to review the images presented here, confirmed that the two antennas in Patagonia could be used for monitoring of geostationary satellites, in addition to deep space sensing and telemetry. He also pointed out that the two parabolic antennas could operate in tandem through the technique of interferometry to more precisely lock onto satellites and their signals.

Diagram posted at construction site 1.8M

In a 2015 interview, Ambassador Roberto García Moritán, a former representative of Argentina to the Arms Trade Treaty, said the Neuquén base would be very useful for lunar missions, but also that “the antennas and the telemetry” at the base “have dual use. This antenna will have the capacity to interfere with communications, electronic networks, electromagnetic systems; it has the capacity for receiving information about the launching of missiles and other space activities, including of drones, and movement of strategic arms. It has the capacity to collect information of enormous sensitivity in the eventuality of a military competition.”

No satellite imagery of the Neuquén site less than fifteen months old was available from non-classified sources, so the author tasked a DigitalGlobe WorldView-3 satellite to photograph the base at 30-centimeter resolution, which was accomplished in late April 2016.

time sequence Argentina site 1.8M

Imagery of the site, in the Quintuco region of Neuquén Province, near the town of Bajada del Agrio in Patagonia, Argentina, shows a surprising rapidity of construction, especially for such a remote area [coordinates: 38.1914°S, 70.1495°W]. The project has been carried out by China Harbour Engineering Company, a subsidiary of state-controlled China Communications Construction Company, which has been integral to China’s unprecedented and frenetic island building in the South China Sea. CLTC, the operator of the Neuquén facility, is a unit of the General Armaments Department of China’s People’s Liberation Army. A related sponsor, whose name is written on a sign outside the Patagonia base, is the Xi’an Satellite Control Center, described by some security analysts as the nerve center of the PLA’s satellite tracking, telemetry and control activities worldwide.

Argentina China signs 1.9M

Argentina’s 50-year contract with China for the base (tax-free and with a five-year advance notice requirement for termination) was signed under the administration of the country’s former president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and immediately prompted allegations of secret clauses attached to the agreement. Although the contract was signed in April 2014, earlier aerial photography shows construction was already well underway by December 2013; parliamentary approval only occurred in February 2015 (133 votes for, 107 against). News reports following the election of Argentina’s new president, Mauricio Macri, who took office in December 2015, suggested the incoming administration intends to unveil the secret provisions, but proponents of the project deny there are any secret side agreements at all.

perimeter line Argentina site 1.8M

Satellite images of the site show a fenced enclosure measuring 210 hectares in area rather than the contractually defined 200 hectares cited by Argentinian officials. Access is via a single security checkpoint. In a 2015 report by journalist Jorge Lanata for Argentina’s Channel 13, a television crew asked for permission to enter the base, but was told by Argentinian guards that the only people who could give permission to enter are “the Chinese, who are in the offices of CLTC in Las Lajas” (a town 40 kilometers away). In the same broadcast a reporter telephoned the Chinese embassy to request permission to enter and was denied access by an embassy officer who said it was “not convenient” to receive them. In the Channel 13 program the mayor of Neuquén City, Horacio Quiroga, said even several elected officials of Neuquén Province had been refused entry, and he exclaimed, “It is Chinese land in Argentina’s territory.”

Some Argentinian and Chinese authorities have rebutted concerns about the Patagonia ground station by pointing out that the European Space Agency has leased land for a similar type of tracking station that became operational in 2013, at Malargüe in Argentina’s Mendoza province, 275 kilometers north of the new Chinese base. However, the Malargüe facility is leased to a civilian agency, the ESA, managed by Argentinian civilians, and the majority of the staff are from Argentina. The facility, known for guiding the 2014 Rosetta mission to land a probe on a comet, is also markedly smaller and less well equipped, as seen in satellite images.

European antenna Malargue WITH CAPTION 1.7M Argentina

The Chinese government has other international, but more limited, ground stations to support its manned space program – in Namibia, Pakistan and Kenya; and it currently has at least five Yuanwang-class space tracking ships deployed. A ground station in Argentina could be viewed as simply part of the growing footprint of an economically powerful nation that has peaceful intentions for space exploration, for which it should be given the same leeway other nations receive. However, the intrinsic dual-use potential of large steerable antennas, and China’s history of digital theft as well as its testing of destructive anti-satellite technologies suggest Argentina’s protesters have reason to question the real use of the Patagonia base. The Snowden archive, which revealed that the U.S. has secretly operated at least sixteen ground stations worldwide for interception of foreign satellite communications, adds heft to the skepticism.

U.S. sensitivity over the building of a new Chinese base in the Americas is likely to be heightened by rumblings that the Chinese government already operates signals intelligence facilities in another locale even closer to the U.S. – Cuba, just 300 kilometers south of Miami and 525 kilometers from the U.S. military’s CENTCOM headquarters at Tampa. In the U.S. Republican presidential debate on March 10, 2016, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a son of Cuban immigrants and a member of the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence, received enthusiastic applause when he said a “good deal” with Cuba would include several measures including kicking “out this Chinese listening station in Bejucal.”

Rubio’s allegation of Chinese participation in signals intelligence stations in Cuba, especially in the Bejucal region near Havana, is supported by several U.S. security analysts, but direct public evidence is scant. Satellite images of the main Bejucal site, not displayed here, confirm the presence of multiple large steerable parabolic antennas, probable underground facilities that were expanded after 2010, as well as new structures appearing in 2014, including an upgraded array of mast antennas.

Official statements from China and its representatives in Argentina regarding “peaceful use” of the new station in Patagonia will be regarded with the same sort of skepticism that has been justified in another theater: the South China Sea. Beijing shrewdly obfuscated its ongoing annexation of the South China Sea over the past three years, and now is using the same state-controlled corporations it used for manufacturing military bases in the Spratlys to secure an outpost in South America, in longitudinal alignment with the U.S. East Coast and the heart of U.S. satellite communications networks, both civilian and military.

It will not be surprising if future satellite images of the Patagonia base show additional antennas and other types of technology installed on this first-ever tract of sovereign Chinese territory in the Americas.

Victor Robert Lee writes on the Asia-Pacific region and is the author of the espionage novel Performance Anomalies.


要开悟除了听党话跟党走没有其他出路了。越 ...要开悟除了听党话跟党走没有其他出路了。越 ...




















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