


An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of the Solar


An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of the Solar System 

When we learned about the solar system, we might wonder, are there any patterns of the distances of the planets to the sun? When we learned about the Bohr theory of atoms, the same question might rekindle in our mind. This question must bug many people, such as myself, for many years. Now Yi Cao has discovered the patterns.

Is there any pattern of the distances of the planets to the sun? Let us look at the distances of the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, the earth, and Mars. Their distances are 0.4, 0.7, 1, and 1.5 respectively, where the distance of the earth to the sun is normalized to 1. There doesn’t seem to be any patterns. Now we take square roots of these numbers. We get 0.6, 0.8, 1, and 1.2, rounded to one decimal place. Here the pattern emerges as 3, 4, 5, 6. 

Yi Cao discovered many other patterns and established quantum mechanics of the solar system.  He wrote a series of papers to present his ideas. The first paper can be found at


  • 当前共有3条评论
  • jingchen 回复 microsoftbug


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  • microsoftbug

    Very interesting work! Yes, quantum mechanics, Relativity Theory, and Newtonian mechanics, all three should be unified under math. This principle goes with the Instancology I suggested. Way to go.

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  • jingchen

    他的一个重要贡献,是表明量子力学也可应用到宏观现象。我以前也讨论过这个问题    http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2912119-986348.html

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