


Soldiers Brain Being Controlled in the War


Be alert to whether any of the soldiers who died in the Ukrainian war have their brains controlled by electromagnetic waves controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s Xi Jinping AI

By Ruo Qian Kang, Jian Shi,Harry Gao 05/07/2024

Dear Mr.President Joe. Biden of the United States of America:

   As a victim who has been controlled and abused by the electromagnetic wave sound transmission of the AI brain-controlled weapon of the Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping for more than three years, I have experied that they have carried out an AI machine to control my brain nervous system through the subconscious and conscious brain nerves respectively. The electromagnetic waves and loudspeaker technology they use to control my brains that could reveal their subconscious information in this brain-controlled extreme criminal electromagnetic wave sound transmission technology. 

  They have applied AI brain-nerve control weapon to many walks of life, especially military personnel, and the military, they artificially create anti-human evil logic, wrong order, wrong pattern, wrong hierarchical pattern and other psychological thoughts and brain nerve energy, and then use electromagnetic waves to subconsciously transmit these evil thoughts through air strikes to control and persecute the human brain and nervous system. They have already controlled the President of the United States and U.S. government officials in the same way. I'm going to send you three recent articles I've written.Thanks.

looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Margaret Ruo Qian Kang, Jian Shi,Harry Gao


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