


简评台湾的“冻蒜民主”On Taiwan's “frozen garlic democracy.”




无套裤汉 2024-01-14;2024-01-17 二版


The rich get richer, what do the poor get? Democracy!





这里引用三篇(A., B., 及 C.)旧作,进一步地说明旧民主主义是如何正在没落,然而也因此处于回光返照的窘态中。[Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/  ]


A brief comment on Taiwan's “frozen garlic democracy.” (bilingual)

[Frozen garlic is the homophonic pronunciation of the word "dang xuan - to be elected " in Taiwan's local language. ]

Sans-culottes 2024-01-14; 2024-01-17 second edition

On January 14 this year, Lai Ching-te, a member of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party, won the office of Taiwan's president with a 40% minority vote. People who support the path of capitalism rejoice.

However, from the perspective of the Taiwanese people who are following the path of new-democratic revolution, the political drama of the DPP's three consecutive victories illustrates how long and arduous the people's revolutionary path is. Note: Taiwan's new democratic revolution theory has appeared in Taiwan. Its theoretical value is significant, and its new democratic revolutionary situation also has development potential.

In contrast, the so-called secular democracy, that is, the formalist democracy under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, cannot help but pale in comparison. The curtain of Taiwan's democracy in which multiple parties unite and take turns acting for the Taiwanese bourgeoisie to act as the dictatorship of their bourgeois masters is so shallow and transparent. The inside story has long been exposed by knowledgeable people in Taiwan, and it has been fiercely opposed. What's more, the three-time-winning Democratic Progressive Party has become hopelessly corrupt. No matter how much it brags about its democratic or progressive nature, it has been abandoned by the ever-progressing era of people's democratic revolution. Because the Taiwanese bourgeoisie is restrained and controlled by their two mothers-in-law (the big bourgeoisie in Mainland China and the United States), they are easily offended and the Taiwanese are careful at all times for fear of offending them. How this kind of political atmosphere that survives in the cracks can make the so-called democratic (even formally democratic, i.e., the old-fashioned democratic) government possible on the island? Perhaps only the formalist democratic fanatics reckon this.

What Taiwan and indeed the whole old-fashioned democratic world including the U.S. need the most is not to revive the corrupt, bankrupted, and hopelessly old-fashioned democracy but to overthrow the status quo by launching new democratic revolutions, namely, those pre-socialist revolutions which will establish governments of coalitions with all democratic and revolutionary classes led by the working class.

Here are three (A., B., and C.) of my old works cited here to further illustrate how the old-fashioned democracy is in decline and is in an awkward situation of returning light of demise to our view thereof. [Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]

A. 继续革命的四句口号 (双语 bilingual)




Translation continued:

A. Four slogans to promote and encapsulate the Continued Revolution

Break the chains, turn over and liberate; hold power and be the master of the country.

It is our basic right to speak out loudly and openly, to post big-character posters, and to engage in great debate; the motto that "rebellion against the reactionaries is justified" is our guideline for the Continued Revolution.

B. 西方所谓民主国家是何德行?(bilingual)


【公子時評】哈萨克斯坦人民起义了!阿拉木图局势恶化,政府大楼和机场被攻占,六四天安门事件重演?伟大领袖人设崩塌,独裁政府紧急求助境外势力介入!中国怎么看?Jan 7, 2022  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDxQLIts0AM

Mark Wain 0 seconds ago 2022-01-07





森哲深谈(1773):北京的“铁哥们”出事了:哈萨克斯坦爆发“民变”,北京胆寒. (2022.1.6)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH1fHAMyl8M








大雁飞鸟 2022-01-06 18:35


[Mark Wain 2022-01-07]

二. 《基层之声》(129)谈两害相权取其重




问:你对当前共和、民主两党的争权夺利的前景有何看法?目前这种局面是好现象还是有人认为“糟透了”?美国人民能起积极作用吗?谁是输家谁是赢家?[J 2020-11-05]










[Mark Wain 2020-11-05]





请参阅以下文章,可能有所助益。[Mark Wain 2020-12-01]

中国网友惊呼:蓦然回首,社会主义原来在这里(二版)(《万维追击》 20200409-01 BTCC)





五. 《随想录之五》


1%的人都是净资产(扣除债务后)的百万富翁,其中有5200万。 在这1%的人口中,有17.5万净资产超过5,000万美元–因此拥有25%全球财富的人数很少(不到0.1%)!


经济政策研究所(Economic Policy Institute)报告说,在1979年至2019年之间,美国年收入最高的1%人群(其平均收入在2018年接近738,000美元)享有160%的收入增长,而收入最低的90%的人群则停滞不前,在同样40年期间仅增长了26% 。


虽然美国的收入不平等在大多数发达国家中最严重,但其财富不平等却更为严重。 根据政策研究所(Institute for Policy Studies)2017年的一份报告(pdf),当时三个美国最富有的人,自此成为全球首位千万富翁的杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos,他从此成为世界第一个拥有数百亿美元财富的富豪)、比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)和沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)共同拥有的财富超过了底层50%的美国人 ,约1.6亿人拥有财富的总和。

专家说,贫富之间不断增加的鸿沟开始出现的时候,恰巧是由社团或法团主义和新自由主义经济政策(俗称“ 肥水下滴经济学”即"trickle-down economics")兴起的时期,这种政策是由包括英国首相马格瑞特撒切尔大臣(Margaret Thatcher)和美国前总统罗纳德里根(Ronald Reagan )在内的保守派领导人实施的。 

今年全球私有净资产达到317万亿美元,是美国国内生产年总值的18倍。 这个数字比去年增长了4.6%。 美国是全球私有资产最富足的国家,私有资产总额为98万亿美元。

报告继续说,全球财富增长4.6%,足以超过世界人口的增长,因此每位成年人的财富增长了3.2%。 这意味着全球平均私有资产增加到每位成年人(包括一无所有的在内)63,000美元,创历史新高。关于净资产的报道可参阅:https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/economy/2018/10/18/global-wealth-317-trillion-us-share-98-trillion/38195375/



美国的内战以至革命形势空前具备,革命人民一显身手的难得契机越来越成熟了。[Mark Wain 2021-01-24]


首席大法官也是深层政府一员?最高院沦陷内幕;麦康奈尔妻子被道德调查;维基解密通话曝光 希拉里置美国人生命于不顾;国会听证会上公然撒谎 CISA 局长被解雇;习近平龙脉被压住?亲自下令拆迁; Dec 18, 2020林伍德大律师在12月17日发出一则推文说:他终于明白了最高法院为什么会拒绝德州起诉四个摇摆州选举违宪的案子。那是因为首席大法官罗伯茨John Roberts从中作梗,腐败与欺骗抵达了美国最有权势的办公室最高法院的首席大法官处,这是我们国家悲伤的一天,但也是醒来知道真相的一天。罗伯茨是最高法院在选举官司上不作为的关键原因。其他人也参与了。(未完)[Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]


B. What are the virtues of so-called democratic countries in the West?

Sans-culottes 2022-01-08 [The full text is divided into two paragraphs: *1 and after]

[Gongzi Commentary] The people of Kazakhstan have revolted! The situation in Almaty has deteriorated, government buildings and the airport have been captured, will the June 4th Tiananmen incident happen again? The great leader's personality has collapsed, and the authoritarian government urgently seeks help from foreign forces to intervene! What does China think? Jan 7, 2022


Mark Wain 0 seconds ago 2022-01-07

The podcaster said: Riots will not occur in so-called democratic countries in the West. This is contrary to fact. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, African Americans, one of the ethnic minorities in the United States, carried out widespread riots in metropolitan areas to fight for power; in 2020, African Americans were blocked from marching in the Midwest and rebelled; 2021 01 On March 6, the so-called beacon of democracy and freedom in the United States mass uprising and occupied Congress. The incident has not yet been resolved. It is very likely that a new round of uprisings will occur in the near future, and it may also be delayed until the 2024 election year, when an uprising or even a second civil war will occur. . It is unprecedented in recent times for U.S. lawmakers to engage in violent fights in Congress. Quotations from many old and new works are as follows for reference:

Twenty-six.——"Ten Thoughts"

Talk about civil unrest


Senzhe's in-depth talk (1773): Something happened to Beijing's “iron buddy”: a “civil uprising” broke out in Kazakhstan, and Beijing was frightened. (2022.1.6)



The Great Plague itself cannot inspire popular uprisings, but the four major crises of the capitalist world (the Great Plague, the Great Depression, the Great War, and Climate Change) that are stirring up each other will eventually lead to popular uprisings and socialist revolutions. In fact, in the past two years, people in Europe and Latin America have held demonstrations against forced epidemic prevention measures and were dissatisfied with the current regime to a certain extent, but they have not developed to the level of civil commotion. In both regions, civil unrest would be more likely if a Great Depression, or a less severe recession, accompanies a pandemic.

In China, the causes of civil uprisings similar to those mentioned above cannot rely on the Great Plague. Two or more objective factors must resonate or agitate with each other to lead to the outbreak of civil uprisings. Prior to this, changes in the political situation could only be in the preparatory stage for the civil uprising rather than the actual combat stage. The interaction between the great plague and the great economic recession will inevitably cause the masses to take to the streets to establish a practical basis for civil uprising. If there is a third crisis (i.e., the crisis of the U.S.-China war for hegemony) or even a fourth (i.e., climate change), Great change crisis), the scale and depth of the civil unrest will be greatly increased, and the civil unrest will become long-term and in-depth. As the fourth major crisis, climate change will help overthrow the fascist dictatorship and pseudo-regime of the Characteristic Party, and will eventually be overthrown and replaced by the people's democratic revolutionary dictatorship that continues to revolutionize the masses. This is because capital relies on the development of productivity as the way to survive. Capitalism and climate change are already in a state of mutual support, dependence, and mutual opposition. It is unable to prevent the four major crises that are fatal to capitalism, including climate change. As the proverb goes: "Smartness leads to misunderstandings." , Evil and strong will be punished by evil and strong." Of course, the development, change and movement of things are accompanied by inevitability that is difficult to detect. The discussion here is only the beginning and should not be taken as a conclusion or law. However, even so, it is undoubtedly an instructive inference and well-founded, rather than a general statement.


Another example of civil unrest factors

Tsuibu, special-class film "I Waited for Heinous Crimes in a Small Treasury Abroad"


Dayan Feiyaniao 2022-01-06 18:35

A very, very rare video, save it and be sure to watch it! (recommended to save)

[Mark Wain 2022-01-07]

2. "Voice from the Grassroots" (129) discusses the greater of two evils

Sans-culottes 2020-11-05



Q: What is your view on the current prospects of the struggle for power between the Republican and Democratic parties? Is this current situation a good phenomenon, or do some people think it's "terrible"? Can the American people take an active role? Who is the loser and who is the winner? [J 2020-11-05]

Answer: The hypocrisy and deception of the bourgeois democratic system were clearly exposed at the end of this election. The two parties are actually two factions of one bourgeois party; no matter which party comes to power, it will be the victory of the bourgeoisie and the defeat of the proletariat; that is, the victory of the last exploiter and oppressor class and the last exploited and oppressed class. The failure of class. If political power is not in the hands of the proletariat, it must be in the hands of the bourgeoisie and will not be taken by a third force. To seize the power of the bourgeoisie, relying on elections is a foolish dream and a big mistake. Although it is feasible to rely on class ideology to fight against the bourgeoisie, it is also full of resistance and may be defeated and even disintegrated by the ruling class at any time. Another feasible channel is to "strike with strength" - using the internal strength of the ruling class to deepen its internal contradictions and even struggles from the outside, and increase the initiative and initiative that the exploited and oppressed people urgently need to fight for their own interests in the political field. The right to speak and the power of class struggle are the political forces that lead to the internal divisions of the bourgeoisie. The more internal divisions there are, especially at the upper level, and the more each party behaves in its own way and refuses to give in to each other, the more it can ensure that the working people turn defeat into victory and move from passivity to active struggle.

The Trump Organization will obviously help the working people turn defeat into victory, and will break away from the hypocritical and corrupt pseudo-democrats (including the major families in the Democratic and Republican parties - the Bush, Clinton, Biden and other major families/dynasties). Different from the lower-educated lower working class and the upper working class (those with college education, lower unemployment, and petty bourgeoisie tendencies), farmers and the lower-educated working-class upper class support the Trump Organization's move between the two factions. "Satyagraha".

From the perspective of the proletarian revolutionaries, the correct policy is to support farmers and the bottom working class to refute and oppose the perverse actions of the fake democrats and help the Trump Organization come to power. Then the group was forced to divide, and even "revolutionary" radical factions emerged.

The revolutionaries in the United States and the characteristic party-state have a common weakness, which is to adopt the wrong strategy of "choosing the lesser of two evils." Under the conditions of the bourgeois dictatorship, the correct strategy is not to "choose the lesser" but to "choose the greater of the two evils." That is to say, whichever party has greater and more serious harm to the bourgeois dictatorship will be more harmful. should be supported.

The conditions for a second civil war in the United States are increasingly present; the path from chaos to great rule, that is, to disrupt the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and then transform its dictatorship into a people's democratic revolutionary dictatorship, is extremely correct.

See: "Voices from the Grassroots" (101) The revolutionary situation under the second American Civil War is becoming increasingly clear

Sans-culottes 2020-06-01; added on 06-03



[Mark Wain 2020-11-05]


The two parties in the United States have taken turns to come to power, nominally for the fundamental and long-term interests of the people, but in fact, just the opposite, for the fundamental and long-term interests of the capitalist class. The main point of dispute between the two parties is how to use the name of the people to help consolidate the bourgeois dictatorship and how to better disguise and hypocrisy, anesthetize the masses, deceive the masses, and give small favors in order to win their so-called names. (Deep down in their hearts, they are seriously dissatisfied with this authoritarian ruling class. However, due to factors such as social and historical education and the failure of the international communist movement, they dare to be angry but dare not overthrow the ruling class that is riding on their heads. ).

The Democratic Party claims to be leaning towards so-called socialism (actually it is fake socialism, real reformism and opportunism). It has become an effective deceptive practice to never fulfill its promises after coming to power. After four years of Trump's fiasco, the Republican Party is relatively able to fulfill its promises (either beneficial to the capitalist class or taking into account both parties), so it is “better” than the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has a close relationship with the military capitalist class, so it is extremely belligerent. From the beginning of World War I to the 80s and 90s before George W. Bush came to power, it launched many large-scale foreign wars. This is different from the Republican Party.

The Democratic Party is more harmful to the people than the Republican Party. We must not be deceived by its sweet words.

Please read the following article, which may be helpful. [Mark Wain 2020-12-01]

Chinese netizens exclaimed: Suddenly looking back, socialism is here (Second Edition) ("Wanwei Chase" 20200409-01 BTCC)




Why did the uprising occur?

5. "Five of Random Thoughts"

The richest 1% of households own 43% of global wealth, the richest 10% of households own 81% of global wealth, and the bottom 50% of households own only 1% of global wealth.

1% of people are net worth (after debt) millionaires, 52 million of them. Of this 1%, 175,000 have a net worth over $50 million – so the number of people who own 25% of global wealth is very small (less than 0.1%)!

Over the past 40 years, the incomes of the top 0.1% have soared 345%, while the incomes of the bottom 90% have stagnated.

The Economic Policy Institute reports that between 1979 and 2019, the top 1% of annual U.S. earners (whose average income was nearly $738,000 in 2018) enjoyed 160% income growth, while those in the bottom 90% of the population has stagnated, growing by only 26% over the same 40-year period.

The data shows that even the income gap among the top 1% of the population is large. Since 1979, the average income of the top 0.1% of the population is $2.82 million, a surge of 345%.

While the United States has the highest income inequality among most developed countries, its wealth inequality is even worse. According to a 2017 report (pdf) by the Institute for Policy Studies, three of the richest men in the United States at the time were Jeff Bezos, who has since become the world's first multimillionaire. The world's first billionaire (the world's first billionaire), Bill Gates and Warren Buffett collectively own more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans. About 160 million people own the combined wealth .

Experts say the growing divide between haves and have-nots began to emerge at the same time as the rise of corporatism and neoliberal economic policies, commonly known as "trickle-down economics." , this policy was implemented by conservative leaders including British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former US President Ronald Reagan.

This year global private net assets reached US$317 trillion, 18 times the annual gross domestic product of the United States. This figure represents a 4.6% increase from last year. The United States is the country with the richest private assets in the world, with total private assets of US$98 trillion.

The report goes on to say that global wealth grew by 4.6%, enough to outpace the growth of the world's population, resulting in a 3.2% increase in wealth per adult. This means that global average private assets increased to $63,000 per adult (including those with nothing), a record high. For reports on net worth, please see: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/economy/2018/10/18/global-wealth-317-trillion-us-share-98-trillion/38195375/

The great plague made the rich richer and the poor poorer. From March 18 to November 2020, the collective wealth of the 651 richest billionaires in the United States increased by more than $1 trillion. At least 12 million people in the United States are now in danger of being evicted due to rent arrears, and although the federal government will suspend evictions at the end of the month, housing rights activists are fighting evictions across the country. More than 1 in 10 adults sometimes or often don't have money to buy food, according to estimates based on federal census data.

Comment: American politics is becoming more and more "irregular". In the general sense, the left and right wing are not actually reflected. This is due to the breakdown and crisis of bourgeois rule. In order to win over the masses, they do not hesitate to mislead and deceive themselves. The traditional clear definition of left and right has gradually become blurred. The Democratic establishment is known as the "left", but in fact it is only in name but without substance. In fact, it is left in form but right in reality - it is a right wing that firmly supports the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The Republican establishment and the Democratic Party are consistent in their willingness to be slaves of capital. There is not much difference, and they are also notorious right-wingers. However, Trumpism is unique-it is right-wing but actually left-wing. In name, he is opposing socialism, but in fact it is He is taking care of the vital interests of the grassroots people, so his words and deeds are inconsistent, just like the false leftists' words and deeds are inconsistent. You should not just listen to what they say, but listen to their words and observe their actions.

The situation of civil war and even revolution in the United States is unprecedented, and the rare opportunity for the revolutionary people to show their skills is becoming more and more mature. [Mark Wain 2021-01-24]

References for follow-up news about “January Storm in the United States”:

Is the Chief Justice also a member of the Deep State? The inside story of the fall of the Supreme Court; McConnell's wife is under ethics investigation; WikiLeaks calls exposed Hillary Clinton put American lives at risk; blatant lies at congressional hearings, CISA director fired; Xi Jinping's vitality suppressed? Personally ordered demolition; Dec 18, 2020 Linwood Barrister sent out a tweet on December 17 saying : He finally understood why the Supreme Court rejected Texas' case suing four battleground states for unconstitutional elections. That's because Chief Justice John Roberts stood in the way. Corruption and deception reached the most powerful office in the United States, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It's a sad day for our country, but it's also a day to wake up to the truth. Roberts is a key reason for the Supreme Court's inaction in election cases. Others also participated. (Unfinished) (End of B.) [Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]

C. 后记

无套裤汉 2023-04-07

(见G:\YouTube\Episode 01\01-10)

习近平只要不撤销并全面否定干净1981年那个反动的《历史决议》,伟大的文化大革命是不可能被肯定的,因此文革被习近平再度肯定并兴起说就必然是谣言,不可轻信,也不应当传播。此外, 邓小平的改开拜物教也不会停止传播,除非全面否定并批判干净这一右倾机会主义路线迷信。[Mark Wain 2023-02-24]




统治阶级垄断了宣传、大众传播、媒体、教育、智库、广告… 和形形色色及不同方式的“洗脑”工具,一句话:资本就是权力,不仅仅是经济的而且是政治的,这就决定了人们的社会、政治、经济等方面的好恶、取舍、观点以及在与三观——宇宙观、人生观、价值观互相作用下经过沉淀过程得到的政治立场。



既然票房不再是民主,作为金钱实质的资本怎能继续把持其反动统治而避免劳动人民的反抗呢?[Mark Wain 2023-03-11]

Joe Zhang









革命,无论大小,总有涨潮与落潮、成与败、复辟与反复辟的阶段。 阶级斗争自有其规律和范式。 务必不要对社会主义革命悲观失望。


2021 年 1 月 6 日的美国人民起义就是这样一场革命的开始。做好准备去迎接美国进入期待已久的人民革命阶段吧。


C. Postscript

Sans-culottes 2023-04-07

(See G:\YouTube\Episode 01\01-10)

As long as Xi Jinping does not revoke and completely negate the reactionary "Historical Resolution" of 1981, the great Cultural Revolution cannot be affirmed. Therefore, the theory that the Cultural Revolution was reaffirmed and revived by Xi Jinping must be a rumor, which cannot be credulous and should not be spread. . In addition, Deng Xiaoping's reform of fetishism will not stop spreading unless this right-leaning opportunist line of superstition is completely denied and criticized. [Mark Wain 2023-02-24]


It is common not to believe that elections under the current social system are common (one American netizen told everyone that he has never cast a single vote in his life because it is useless). This is the inevitable result of formal elections that confuse the real ones. What's the reason? Elections in private ownership - such as the current capitalist social system - are part of a watered-down, formal democratic measure. To give a similar example - the standard of a film's quality is generally determined by its box office record. Films with high box office are considered good films, and vice versa. Box office is democracy; theater tickets are similar to votes; money here is not only consumed for entertainment, but also silently, regardless of consent, eventually becomes part of formal democratic elections.

But if movie fans think about it carefully, they can easily find that their own preferences determine the criteria for selection. Hobbies come from experiences such as survival, life, labor, employment, interpersonal and social relationships (social and political status); among them, the experience and lessons of working people being dominated by the ruling class from childhood to adulthood are the most influential.

The ruling class monopolizes propaganda, mass communication, media, education, think tanks, advertising... and all kinds of "brainwashing" tools in different ways. In a word: capital is power, not only economic but also political, which determines people's The social, political, economic and other likes and dislikes, choices and opinions, as well as the political stance obtained through the precipitation process under the interaction with the three outlooks - the world outlook, the outlook on life and the values.

However, due to the "democratic" treatment or baptism of being economically exploited and politically oppressed, the people are in a huge conflict of love and hate with their masters (that is, the bourgeoisie): on the one hand, they have been indoctrinated throughout their lives The inertia of the great superiority of the capitalist social system and the propaganda of supra-class and non-class views, while at the same time they are in the opposite side of being overwhelmed by the realities of existence, life and livelihood. A large number of people have chosen a self-destructive and muddled outlook on life, moving towards a social existence of passive resignation and inaction; a small number of people have taken the risk and embarked on an anti-social path, not knowing that the "sin" does not come from the entire society, but from a very small minority of the population in this society. reactionary rule of the ruling class.

A large number of films played a negative role in anesthetizing their fighting spirit under the slogan of entertainment first. Although this was extremely harmful to their class struggle, the ruling class had no choice but to monopolize everything, so they were forced to go into the abyss of depravity from which they could not extricate themselves without knowing it. . Although this kind of box office democracy and votes equivalent to theater tickets have entered the narrow alley of formalism for more than a hundred years, these reactionary politics, which were created by the collusion of the capitalist class and its fellow travelers, were first adopted by a minority with higher consciousness. Despised by the masses, more importantly: it is gradually being recognized by the bottom of the working people (the formation of Trump's “phenomenon” and the people's uprising on January 6, 2021 are both remarkable preliminary steps in improving class understanding and consciousness. Performance).

Since the box office is no longer a democracy, how can capital, as the essence of money, continue to maintain its reactionary rule and avoid the resistance of the working people? [Mark Wain 2023-03-11]

Joe Zhang

Nowadays, people cannot distinguish what is Marxist communism; what is the Communist Party; what is socialism; what is the left and the revolutionaries. It is impossible to distinguish the essence of events and characters. The class consciousness of the American capitalist class is very high: since Trump proposed "draining the Washington swamp", they have been wary of him and been wary of him, which has triggered a siege by all kinds of reactionaries; they have set up numerous blockades and tried every means to break them. Front, deliberately trying to knock him down.

Trump is indeed facing a road full of thorns - this situation should be a manifestation of class struggle in the struggle for national power. Regardless of whether Trump's goal can be achieved, it is still a new chapter in American history.


Four slogans to promote and encapsulate the Continued Revolution

Break the chains, turn over and liberate; hold power and be the master of the country.

It is our basic right to speak out loudly and openly, to post big-character posters, and to engage in great debate; the motto that "rebellion against the reactionaries is justified" is our guideline for the Continued Revolution.

It is reasonable to rebel against the reactionaries! The proletarian revolution is not guilty!

Revolutions, no matter how big or small, always have phases of ebb and flow, success and failure, restoration and non-restoration. Class struggle has its own laws and paradigms. We must not be pessimistic about the socialist revolution.

On second thought, we now seem to be in a political situation of a revolution in the making, somewhat akin to the eve of the French Revolution. But the current crisis in a disturbing context highlights the seriousness of future revolutions... The two revolutions are not only different in time, but also in scope, as the French Revolution affected Haiti and North America, and the 21st Century Revolution It will spread all over the world; needless to say, this will be the second revolutionary storm after the first revolutionary storm that broke out in the second half of the 20th century under the leadership of Chairman Mao.

The American popular uprising on January 6, 2021 was the beginning of such a revolution. Get ready for America to enter its long-awaited phase of people's revolution. [Mark Wain 05/25/2023]


就SCP的台湾问题而言,100英里宽的台湾海峡相当于一个1000英里长的陆地,几乎到处都被大量埋雷,这意味着对台湾的“特别军事行动”如果发生的话,即使美军没有参与战斗,至少会比普京在乌克兰的特别军事行动困难十倍。如果最坏的情况发生,即当美国最终决定保护台湾时,SCP取消该特别军事行动的可能性很大。毕竟,如果SCP的追随者坚持他们解放台湾的幻想,那么说资本主义SCP想糊弄“解放”他们的台湾资本主义同伙就足够了。岛上的劳动人民只有在颠覆SCP之后,才能与他们的大陆兄弟姐妹一起被毛派革命力量解放。按:SCP即Special Color Party 特色党,他是CCP的真实称谓。





今天,国际形势起了更进一步的根本性变化,资本主义世界进入晚期,即垂死挣扎的四大危机的时代——大瘟疫、大萧条、争霸大战争和气候大变化正在埋葬这个人类最后的私有制;人民民主革命专政下的社会主义时代已经不可阻挡了;取代民族主义的无产阶级国际主义必将成为事实。[Mark Wain 2023-03-30]

不要忘记习近平代表的阶级是官僚买办资产阶级,利益是官买资产阶级的利益,因此他召开的各式各样的对内、对外大会无不是为官买资产阶级寻求利益的。正如商业资本家要花钱做广告、大吹大擂自己的商品如何高超、价廉物美,习近平作为官买的政治代表就不得不花大力气为官买做政治广告;被迫不断发言、演讲、开会、出访、接见等等,否则他的位置很可能被人取而代之。习近平身在江湖,不得不做出被人耻笑甚至发指的勾当和言论(这些未必是他认可的,但是对CSP统治集团的集体意志,他即使反对也无可奈何)。人称习近平是皇帝,这只是表面看法,实际上他只是个傀儡皇帝,垂帘的后面有着多少虎狼一般的官买资本饿鬼等着习近平把他们的利润最大化、再最大化...以至无穷。Mark Wain1 second ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngKFEVpVI1Q]

资本主义世界的大不景气阶段来临,中小资本首当其冲,但是大资本赚得盆满钵满,不亦乐乎。统治阶级内部的分裂倾向不可低估。劳动人民的革命形势也因此日臻成熟,这是人民革命前夕的写照——于无声处听惊雷的日子无疑要出现在我们的眼前了。为中国第二次文革的起始和准备阶段欢呼![Mark Wain 2023-05-06 https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh and

https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]


Nicole Hayashi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA51hrHJpgg 

7 hours ago (edited)

频道主说:  FBI不会为了区区相当于年薪的贿络就同流合污。我也相信FBI不会。但是台湾的国军,而且是高级军官就会为了区区几个月的月薪,心甘情愿被敌国买通。台湾的陆军步兵训练指挥部上校主任,就为了56万台币(应该只有几个月薪水),竟然穿着军装拿着亲笔签名的「投降承诺书」拍照。飞弹指挥部指挥官、马祖防卫指挥部少将副指挥官,也是为了几十万台币,就把大量飞弹布署最高机密交给中国。退役将领集体到敌国去听训更是时有耳闻。

日本经济新闻更揭露 : 台湾军队有高达9成的退伍军官退役后前往中国,以提供国军情报换取金钱,腐败已成为常态。


偏偏养了这支军队70多年的台湾人,对这支军队的腐败与频频背叛却麻木不仁。 台湾人的乡愿、滥情、幼稚终将为自己招来极为悲惨的下场。

大陆的李毅说:对美中之间的“核战争大陆讲的很清楚,叫不惜牺牲西安以东500个城市,美国牺牲五十个城市。大陆因为防控过度,经济受到极度伤害,因此刚好2023年2024年这两年是恢复经济,25年赖清德上台刚好时候刚对。”(参阅:“李毅叫囂武統台灣,不惜中國血流成河!死1.4億人小菜一碟?” Jun 4, 2023 公子沈,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkjN0I3TOyE&list=PLvV_WiuPV7_VY3oDS1OiOQccDywoPIyIw )




俄罗斯、中国、巴基斯坦在乌克兰战争中积聚最多核武器; 全球库存报告敲响警钟


印度斯坦时报 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABVGeYFSoVA

554 万订阅者

21,853 次浏览 2023 年 6 月 12 日 #nuclearwarheads #nuclearwarheadsbycountry #nuclearwarheadstransportation

根据智库 SIPRI 的一份报告,在地缘政治紧张局势加剧的情况下,世界核大国正在扩大其核武库。 该智库称,俄罗斯、美国、英国、中国、印度等国家总共拥有12,512枚弹头。 乌克兰战争背景下核外交的恶化被视为全球核武器崛起的原因。 观看此视频了解更多详情。

中国的核武库从2022年1月的350枚弹头增加到2023年1月的410枚弹头。报告称,俄罗斯和美国拥有世界90%的核武器。 俄罗斯拥有 1,674 枚核弹头,而美国则部署了 1,770 枚核弹头。[Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]

Translation continued:

As far as the SCP's Taiwan issue is concerned, the 100-mile-wide Taiwan Strait is equivalent to a 1,000-mile-long landmass with a large number of mines almost everywhere, which means that if a "special military operation" against Taiwan occurs, even if the US military does not participate, the battle will be at least ten times more difficult than Putin's special military operation in Ukraine. If the worst happens, that is, when the United States finally decides to protect Taiwan, there is a high possibility that the SCP will cancel this special military operation. After all, if SCP followers persist in their fantasy of liberating Taiwan, then it is enough to say that the capitalist SCP wants to fool their fellow Taiwanese capitalists into “liberating” them. Only after subverting the SCP can the working people of the island, along with their mainland brothers and sisters, be liberated by the Maoist revolutionary forces. Note: SCP stands for Special Color Party, which should be the real name of CCP.

Revolution is a grand festival where people gain experience in practice. And, as Lenin said: "It is much more difficult and far more valuable to be a revolutionary when the conditions for direct, open, mass and revolutionary struggle do not yet exist", we should actively encourage all The revolutionaries advance without delay.

Revolution will be the main theme of the political arena. Neither conservatives nor the establishment, nor those who remain unchanged in response to changes and politics as usual, will regain complete control over the masses as they did in the past that cannot be returned. [Biden came to power after the people attacked Congress on January 6, 2021, a kind of mini-civil war. He narrowly won. The establishment will not last long, and the trend of revolution in the world, including the United States, is unstoppable. Mark's postscript 2022-04-06]

Xi Jinping's advocacy of full-process democracy means that he and his backstage bosses, the official-buying bourgeoisie (consisting of 500 characteristic party capital families with a total assets of 20 trillion U.S. dollars and an average asset of 40 billion U.S. dollars per family) insist on In the name of democracy, it is actually practicing fascist dictatorship with characteristics of a party-state. Compared with the characteristic economy of the Xi-style fascist party, the Kuomintang reactionaries only have four major families; but today, 74 years later, the Xi-style fascist dictatorship supports as many as 500 bureaucrats, powerful capitalist families and tens of thousands of people The minions, trumpeters, compradors, white gloves, butlers... It can be said that they are better than their masters! (Here specifically refers to the Blue Clothes Club).


Today, the international situation has undergone further fundamental changes. The capitalist world has entered the late stage, that is, the era of four major crises that are dying - the Great Plague, the Great Depression, the Great War for Hegemony and the Great Climate Change are burying this last private property of mankind. ; The era of socialism under the people's democratic revolutionary dictatorship is unstoppable; proletarian internationalism that replaces nationalism will surely become a reality. [Mark Wain 2023-03-30]

Don't forget that the class represented by Xi Jinping is the bureaucratic comprador bourgeoisie, and its interests are the interests of the bureaucratic comprador bourgeoisie. Therefore, the various internal and external conferences he convenes are all aimed at seeking the interests of the bureaucratic comprador bourgeoisie. Just as commercial capitalists have to spend money to advertise and brag about how high-quality, cheap and high-quality their products are, Xi Jinping, as the political representative of official purchases, has to spend a lot of effort to make political advertisements for official purchases; he is forced to constantly speak, give speeches, attend meetings, and visit foreign countries. , interviews, etc., otherwise his position is likely to be replaced by others. Xi Jinping is in the political arena and has to make actions and remarks that are ridiculed or even outraged by others (he may not necessarily approve of these, but he can do nothing even if he opposes the collective will of the CSP ruling group). People call Xi Jinping the emperor, but this is just a superficial view. In fact, he is just a puppet emperor. Behind the curtain, there are many hungry ghosts of official purchasing capital waiting for Xi Jinping to maximize their profits, and then maximize them... to infinity. Mark Wain 1 second ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngKFEVpVI1Q]

The great recession in the capitalist world is coming, and small and medium-sized capitals are the first to bear the brunt, but big capitals are making a lot of money and are enjoying themselves. The tendency for division within the ruling class cannot be underestimated. As a result, the revolutionary situation of the working people is becoming increasingly mature. This is a portrayal of the eve of the people's revolution - the days of hearing thunder in silence will undoubtedly appear before our eyes. Cheers to the beginning and preparation stages of China's Second Cultural Revolution! [Mark Wain 2023-05-06][Mark Wain https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]


Nicole Hayashi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA51hrHJpgg

7 hours ago (edited)

The channel owner said: The FBI will not be complicit in bribery for a mere annual salary. I also believe the FBI won't. However, Taiwan's national army, and even senior officers, will be willing to be bribed by the enemy for a mere few months' salary. The colonel director of Taiwan's Army Infantry Training Command, for NT$560,000 (which should only be a few months' salary), wore a military uniform and took a photo with an autographed "Surrender Commitment". The commander of the Missile Command and the deputy commander of the Major General of the Matsu Defense Command also handed over the top secrets of a large number of missile deployments to China for hundreds of thousands of Taiwan dollars. It is even more common to hear of retired generals going to enemy countries collectively to listen to training.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun further revealed: Up to 90% of retired officers in the Taiwanese military went to China after retirement to provide military intelligence in exchange for money. Corruption has become the norm.

Taiwan's national army is a very shameless army. Although the "Whampoa Military Academy" they praise has a very short history, it is a shameful military academy that is rare in human history and has cultivated a large number of traitorous officers.

However, the Taiwanese people who have supported this army for more than 70 years are indifferent to the corruption and frequent betrayal of this army. The Taiwanese people's nostalgia, sentimentality, and naivety will eventually bring about an extremely tragic end for themselves.

Li Yi from Mainland China said: China has made it very clear about the "nuclear war" between the United States and China, saying that it will not hesitate to sacrifice 500 cities east of Xi'an, and the United States will sacrifice 50 cities. Because of excessive prevention and control, the mainland's economy has been extremely harmed, so It just so happens that the two years of 2023 and 2024 are for economic recovery, and Lai Ching-te came to power in 2025 at the right time." (See: "Li Yi clamored for military unification of Taiwan, and he would not hesitate to shed a river of blood in China! Is it a piece of cake to kill 140 million people?" Jun 4 , 2023 Young Master Shen, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkjN0I3TOyE&list=PLvV_WiuPV7_VY3oDS1OiOQccDywoPIyIw )

Li Yi, a well-known figure in mainland China, said: China wants to take over Taiwan, even at the cost of a war with the United States. The future consequences of the war, including the death of hundreds of millions of people, are nothing to him, they are all deserved. He said: China and Taiwan have 1.4 billion people. We said that if 140 million people die, this is normal, just like the United States. It is not much at all. So I will answer your question, how many people should die? I hope that no one will die, but if 140 million people died in China because of the reunification of Taiwan Province, this would be a piece of cake in human history, equivalent to the American Civil War. So from the perspective of the Chinese nation, from the perspective of Chinese leaders, and from the perspective of the Chinese military, to unify Taiwan, his current slogan to unify Taiwan is the slogan he openly shouts on the mainland: It would be better to lose a thousand troops than lose an inch of territory. . I think some of the 1.4 billion people on the mainland should have made preparations to die between 140 million and 70 million. Or with a little education, these young people will agree: In order to unify Taiwan and mainland China, the mainland will die between 140 million or 70 million. Seventy million people. Why is it not possible to blockade Taiwan? Li Su just said that it was very easy to peacefully unify Taiwan by blocking Taiwan 3, 5, 10, and 8 years ago. But it has not been possible in the past three years, because as long as you blockade it, the United States, Japan, and Europe will do it the next day. To impose comprehensive sanctions on China, the U.S., Japanese and European armies will fully rush to aid Taiwan. Every minute of delay is a serious matter. Therefore, Ma Ying-jeou said that the first battle is the final battle. At present, the mainland has ruled out the use of blockade to unify Taiwan (plan). The mainland has made brilliant achievements in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, but the people of the mainland are dissatisfied with many things, such as Chinese football and the work with Taiwan. Chinese football is a mess. Many people have been arrested recently. The people of the mainland are dissatisfied with the mainland's handling of Taiwan. Dissatisfaction with Taiwanese work is ten times or a hundred times greater than dissatisfaction with football work. The mainland has made it very clear about nuclear war, saying that it will sacrifice 500 cities east of Xi'an and the United States will sacrifice 50 cities. Mainland China's economy has been extremely damaged due to excessive prevention and control. Therefore, the two years of 2023 and 2024 are just for economic recovery. In 2025, Lai Qingde came to power at the right time.

According to Li Yi's inference: the war between the United States and China for hegemony will develop to the scale of a nuclear war, and the Party with Chinese Characteristics has already made preparations for this. Presumably, American hegemonism is also secretly responding to this nuclear war. The slogan that China's so-called "leader" publicly shouted on the mainland was that it would be better to lose thousands of troops than lose an inch of territory. However, Li Yi did not mention whether it was worth losing half of the 500 cities east of Xi'an in exchange for a small Taiwan facing sinking and desolation. In fact, this is called: losing thousands of armies and hundreds of millions of lands.


Russia, China, Pak Amass Most Nukes Amid Ukraine War; Global Stockpile Report Raises Alarm


Hindustan Times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABVGeYFSoVA

5.54M subscribers

21,853 views Jun 12, 2023 #nuclearwarheads #nuclearwarheadsbycountry #nuclearwarheadstransportation

World nuclear powers are expanding their arsenals amid rising geopolitical tensions, according to a report by think tank SIPRI. The think tank says that Russia, U.S., UK, China, India, and others have a total of 12,512 warheads. The deterioration of nuclear diplomacy in the backdrop of the Ukraine war is seen as the reason behind the rise in nuclear weapons worldwide. Watch this video for more details.

China's nuclear arsenal increased from 350 in January 2022 warheads to 410 warheads in January 2023. The report says Russia and the U.S. possess 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. Whereas Russia has 1,674 nuclear warheads, the U.S. has deployed 1,770 nuclear warheads. (End of C.)

End of the article C.: "A brief comment on Taiwan's “frozen garlic democracy” (bilingual)" [Mark Wain  https://www.youtube.com/@wtkh https://blog.creaders.net/u/12901/ ]

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