

这么说, 斯诺顿是对的 (英文)


    FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer finds that 85% of NSA database requests under FISA section 702 authority at the DOJ were illegal or noncompliant. Surveillance systems, including PRISM, spying on hundreds if not thousands of Americans. Including Donald Trump and those around him. (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review Amicus Brief) 

    Moreover, Collyer finds, that the Department of Justice showed an appalling “lack of institutional candor”. FISA Judge Collyer rules illegal spying occurred In April 2017 Judge Collyer found that unwarranted and illegal surveillance of American citizens was done by the highest reaches of the Obama Administration for at least 4 years, starting in 2012. (Secret court rebukes NSA for 5-year illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens– MAY 26, 2017 ). 

    In addition, James Comey did authorize and allow for limitless, continuous, unlawful, and warrantless access by three Federal contractors. (Institutional Lack of Candor – FISA Violations January 24, 2018). That those contractors had accessed over 40000 searches of the NSA programs and databases, including PRISM, during that 48-month period of time. 

    Obama Clinton Coup Attempt: Decimating the “peaceful transition of power” Out of approximately 5000 searches of the NSA database from October 2016 to April of 2017 in the National Security Division of the DOJ, 4250 of them were deemed illegal or non-compliant by the Presiding Judge of the FISA court."

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  • OYAJI 回复 天雅

    因为美, 英,加, 澳, 新, 五国( Five Eyes )可以共同share metadata, so CIA/FBI asked UK & Australia to access the metadata to search American citizens, and feedback to CIA/FBI to monitor without warrant. CIA asked UK/Australia to sent informants to entrap Carter Page/ Papadapalos.

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  • OYAJI 回复 水蛇

    小布什那时是收集( raw ) Matadata, stored in NSA Clouds in Salt Lake City, UT. Law enforce men can only access the matadata with a valid court order/warrant. But starting 2012, Matadata was accessed/searched by the government without a vlid court orde/warrant- which is illegal.

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  • 天雅
    911以后,国会授权NSA可以收集data, 但DOJ/FBI/CIA等使用(query data)必须遵受一定的规则, 这些规则是按宪法设制的。这里说的是使用规则从2012年起被破坏了。国家机器不守法,那来FREEDOM OF LAND!
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  • 水蛇

    【illegal surveillance of American citizens was done by the highest reaches of the Obama Administration for at least 4 years, starting in 2012.】


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