




  • 当前共有5条跟帖
  • repentant:寻人: 阿古哪里去了? 回砧板上交代问题。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:诶呦祸,这厮在主耶稣的话面前吃鳖了秒变死鳖还能整出这么多沫子


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:快交代问题: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:夏特啊噗👈

    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月21日08:34:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古回答不了的问题: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁 由 repentant 于 2019-08-20 19:02:30







    9:13 “Now go learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’ ” (πορευθέντες δὲ μάθετε τί ἐσχιν, Ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν). “Go [for this circumstantial participle, see on v. 9] and learn” was a rabbinic expression for Torah study, and in the context of the Pharisees who prided themselves on their knowledge of Scripture, it is a particularly powerful comeback. Since they call Jesus “teacher” (9:11), he will give them a “learning” assignment! Jesus takes his text from Hos 6:6 (quoted again in 12:7). In Hosea the apostate nation still followed the letter of the law (sacrifice) but had forgotten the heart of the law (mercy and love). Jesus is saying the Pharisees are recapitulating the same terrible error.

    “Mercy” (ἔλεος, first for emphasis) in Hosea translates the Hebrew ḥesed or “steadfast love,” the very thing the Pharisees lack (see Matt 23). They are assiduous in their covenant observance, even making up new “oral laws” so the common people will not inadvertently break the Torah. But they have no feelings of mercy toward the outcasts of society. A major NT ethic is that the way we treat others shows our true relation to God. By failing to have a heart of mercy toward sinners, the Pharisees show they are not right with God.

    9:13 “For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners” (οὐ γὰρ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς). As in v. 12, this means, “I have not come to call those who claim they are righteous but those who know they are sinners.” It is closely connected to the forgiveness of the sins of the paralytic in 9:2 and shows that personal salvation is a major theme here. The “call” is a call to salvation and discipleship; Luke 5:32 adds “to repentance,” the basis for discipleship.

    This does not mean that Jesus is not interested in the salvation of the Pharisees. We can see the challenge and progress to salvation of one of them, Nicodemus, in John 3:1–15; 7:50–51; 19:39–42. Rather, it means Jesus’ ministry is one of salvation, and therefore the sinners are his focus; yet the necessary goal of salvation in this life is discipleship. There is a sardonic (adj. 讽刺的;嘲笑的,冷笑的)challenge to the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, but it is muted.

     Osborne, G. R. (2010). Matthew (Vol. 1, pp. 336–338). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你今天早晨起来时though了吗? 没though的话你昏蛋


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你今天早晨起来时though了吗? 没though的话你昏蛋


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:咋滴,郭大壮这次真滴驾崩了?🤣
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不驾崩的阿古回答: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:瞎了眼吗?

    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月21日08:34:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古回答不了的问题: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁 由 repentant 于 2019-08-20 19:02:30







    9:13 “Now go learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’ ” (πορευθέντες δὲ μάθετε τί ἐσχιν, Ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν). “Go [for this circumstantial participle, see on v. 9] and learn” was a rabbinic expression for Torah study, and in the context of the Pharisees who prided themselves on their knowledge of Scripture, it is a particularly powerful comeback. Since they call Jesus “teacher” (9:11), he will give them a “learning” assignment! Jesus takes his text from Hos 6:6 (quoted again in 12:7). In Hosea the apostate nation still followed the letter of the law (sacrifice) but had forgotten the heart of the law (mercy and love). Jesus is saying the Pharisees are recapitulating the same terrible error.

    “Mercy” (ἔλεος, first for emphasis) in Hosea translates the Hebrew ḥesed or “steadfast love,” the very thing the Pharisees lack (see Matt 23). They are assiduous in their covenant observance, even making up new “oral laws” so the common people will not inadvertently break the Torah. But they have no feelings of mercy toward the outcasts of society. A major NT ethic is that the way we treat others shows our true relation to God. By failing to have a heart of mercy toward sinners, the Pharisees show they are not right with God.

    9:13 “For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners” (οὐ γὰρ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς). As in v. 12, this means, “I have not come to call those who claim they are righteous but those who know they are sinners.” It is closely connected to the forgiveness of the sins of the paralytic in 9:2 and shows that personal salvation is a major theme here. The “call” is a call to salvation and discipleship; Luke 5:32 adds “to repentance,” the basis for discipleship.

    This does not mean that Jesus is not interested in the salvation of the Pharisees. We can see the challenge and progress to salvation of one of them, Nicodemus, in John 3:1–15; 7:50–51; 19:39–42. Rather, it means Jesus’ ministry is one of salvation, and therefore the sinners are his focus; yet the necessary goal of salvation in this life is discipleship. There is a sardonic (adj. 讽刺的;嘲笑的,冷笑的)challenge to the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, but it is muted.

     Osborne, G. R. (2010). Matthew (Vol. 1, pp. 336–338). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:贼阿古怎么不回答问题呢? 阿古有病吗😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我肯定不是那节经文里面所说的“健康的人”
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我肯定不是那节经文里面所说的“健康的人”
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:你承认你有病就好!😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古,来认个错!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古,来认个错!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:死鸭子嘴硬但俩大昏DD却被阿古给万碎了😁👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古果然有病!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:健康人就是义人? 阿古这脑洞有多大?😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:自以为义的法利赛人是义人? 阿古脑壳坏掉吗?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:叫你上砧板干什么? 不剁了你对不起你!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:何况耶稣来召的也包括法利赛人!!!☝️
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:有请你解经好了,太9:13对你来说到底是什么意思?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古眼瞎看不见,就来认个错吧!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:别怂,就一节经文,你平铺直叙太9:13对你来说到底是什么意思

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:别怂,就一节经文,你平铺直叙太9:13对你来说到底是什么意思
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我帮你破蛋,万碎万碎😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:我回答了没有?? 自己找去。👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我没看见,你既然已经回答了,给个链接就是
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:想得美! 罚你读完我的贴子10遍! 悔改认错去
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我说的这节经文完整的表述,不是你的胡说八扯
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:别怂,就一节经文,你平铺直叙太9:13对你来说到底是什么意思
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:同样,请你把结33:13在你心中的完整表述贴出来,最好另起一

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不看贴就撒泼打滚,想证明自己是流氓吧! 嘿嘿😊
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:欢迎你爬上砧板找剁!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你从来都没有拿出过一次完整表述,都是东扯葫芦西扯瓢


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:别怂,去👆应战去
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:流氓无赖是怎样炼成的? 阿古由蠢货开始。没错!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:鱼在水里游,鸟在天上飞。阿古会说鸟就是鱼😅

    12. 耶稣听见,就说,康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。 12. On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13. 经上说,我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:阿古回答不了的问题: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:诚如你自己的词汇,你是:流氓、无赖、鱼丸👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:还嘴硬! 认错吧。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:上下文清清楚楚,这里的“健康的人”和“义人”是同意词,指着







    9:13 “Now go learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’ ” (πορευθέντες δὲ μάθετε τί ἐσχιν, Ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν). “Go [for this circumstantial participle, see on v. 9] and learn” was a rabbinic expression for Torah study, and in the context of the Pharisees who prided themselves on their knowledge of Scripture, it is a particularly powerful comeback. Since they call Jesus “teacher” (9:11), he will give them a “learning” assignment! Jesus takes his text from Hos 6:6 (quoted again in 12:7). In Hosea the apostate nation still followed the letter of the law (sacrifice) but had forgotten the heart of the law (mercy and love). Jesus is saying the Pharisees are recapitulating the same terrible error.

    “Mercy” (ἔλεος, first for emphasis) in Hosea translates the Hebrew ḥesed or “steadfast love,” the very thing the Pharisees lack (see Matt 23). They are assiduous in their covenant observance, even making up new “oral laws” so the common people will not inadvertently break the Torah. But they have no feelings of mercy toward the outcasts of society. A major NT ethic is that the way we treat others shows our true relation to God. By failing to have a heart of mercy toward sinners, the Pharisees show they are not right with God.

    9:13 “For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners” (οὐ γὰρ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς). As in v. 12, this means, “I have not come to call those who claim they are righteous but those who know they are sinners.” It is closely connected to the forgiveness of the sins of the paralytic in 9:2 and shows that personal salvation is a major theme here. The “call” is a call to salvation and discipleship; Luke 5:32 adds “to repentance,” the basis for discipleship.

    This does not mean that Jesus is not interested in the salvation of the Pharisees. We can see the challenge and progress to salvation of one of them, Nicodemus, in John 3:1–15; 7:50–51; 19:39–42. Rather, it means Jesus’ ministry is one of salvation, and therefore the sinners are his focus; yet the necessary goal of salvation in this life is discipleship. There is a sardonic (adj. 讽刺的;嘲笑的,冷笑的)challenge to the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, but it is muted.

     Osborne, G. R. (2010). Matthew (Vol. 1, pp. 336–338). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:懊悔哥天旋地转,太9:13的“义人”与结33:13的“义人”


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:所有义人从本性说都是罪人。你傻眼就对了!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你故意回避耶稣在这里将“义人”和“罪人”捉对来说,耶稣清清


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:要不说你蠢呢! 反圣经还有理了吗?😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你为什么像只贼老鼠🐀一样回避问题?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:因为阿古蠢嘛!😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:别怂,就一节经文,你平铺直叙太9:13对你来说到底是什么意思
    屏蔽 举报回复
    凌吉可 回复 repentant:所以傻蛋能当上城管司令,队伍也越来越大嘛:))!


    屏蔽 举报回复
  • 从上而生:耶稣引用的这节旧约经文把懊悔哥彻底噎死☝
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:我说的清清楚楚! 傻蛋阿古怎么能看懂!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    凌吉可 回复 repentant:的确清清楚楚:傻蛋司令是来招城管的:)))!



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 凌吉可:城管你好!😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
    凌吉可 回复 repentant:懊悔哥万碎!


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 凌吉可:懊悔哥不光小jj被鲨鱼揪掉了,如今他大昏DD也被老古碾碎了


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:抱团取暖也救了你! 呵呵
    屏蔽 举报回复
    凌吉可 回复 repentant:傻蛋快快去:


    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:和没有一个义人中的义人,是一个意思,即人都是罪人。


    已经自己回答了: 义人与罪人相对。

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:废话,耶稣这句话中的“义人”很显然是跟祂说的“罪人”分别开的
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:怎么样,你从一个眉飞色舞的醉犯秒变蠢猪了吧?😄😂
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:你继续蠢吧
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你秒变大死猪了?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你现在稍微知道一点你就是一个笑话了吧?你除了发蛇精以外啥都不


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:建议你每天起床第一件事就是though一百次😊
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:注意: 耶稣这里没有称呼任何人是义人。脑补大师会



    错了! 脑补外添,一踏糊涂!

    11. 法利赛人看见,就对耶稣的门徒说,你们的先生为什么和税吏并罪人一同吃饭呢? 11. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" 12. 耶稣听见,就说,康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。 12. On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13. 经上说,我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。 13. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:这里的义人和罪人都是从人本性说的,但人本性是罪人。

    实际耶稣表达的是: 我本来就是来召(救)罪人的。(不是来召义人,因为没有一个(本性上是)义人)。

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:为什么这里义人是从人本性上说的?



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:没有一个义人中的*义人*,也是从人本性上说的。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。


    神爱人的程度,大于人爱神的程度;  或说神爱怜悯人,施舍人,赐予人,不爱受人祭祀和给予。或说,神爱施,不爱受。



    耶稣说: 因为神爱怜悯世人,神来救的本来就是罪人!

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:为什么要人揣摩? 因为耶稣暗示了他是神。

    注意英文顺序,揣摩是对连起来的两句话。I desire.....For I .......

    13. 经上说,我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。 13. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:清清楚楚地都在帖子里了。阿古自己去看吧。还不懂?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:那是犹太人学习律法的俗语
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是哪个昏蛋一天到晚逼老古承认结33:13的义人是义人的啊?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:请问你这个大混蛋结33:13中的“义人”是什么“义人”?你


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:眼瞎的还不够!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:哈哈! 所有义人从本性说都是罪人。你傻眼就对了!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你为什么像只贼老鼠🐀一样回避问题?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你为什么总是贼溜溜地回避问题?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:因为阿古眼瞎嘛!😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不知道了吧? 要不说你蠢呢!😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:早讲过了! 不是召义人,是因为没有一个义人! 懂吗?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:那么结33:13中的义人就不是义人咯?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:神称呼的义人: 即蒙恩的罪人。信徒也!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:这厮真是蠢死,耶稣这句话的“义人”是与“罪人”分别的,正如前


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:耶稣在这里称呼的义人也是信徒???这节经文中的“召”是什么意


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:废话! 相对是什么意思?!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是分别,宝贝,分别出来两类不同的人
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:眼瞎啊? 耶稣称呼谁是义人了? 啊
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:召,就是来呼召拯救罪人
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:称那些健康的人!而且耶稣是引用旧约的说法!
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:哪有义人?!😅
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:那么为什么不召义人?
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:脑补吧
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:耶稣清清楚楚说他们是义人👈
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:哪有义人?!😅
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:耶稣亲口说的他们是义人👈
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:你秒变大死猪了?
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:眼瞎啊? 耶稣称呼谁是义人了? 啊
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:没有一个义人! 阿古反圣经喽😎
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:你继续脑补!没有一个义人。懂吗?!
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:11节中的法利赛人👈

    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月21日08:34:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古回答不了的问题: 请问阿古是健康人吗?😁 由 repentant 于 2019-08-20 19:02:30







    9:13 “Now go learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’ ” (πορευθέντες δὲ μάθετε τί ἐσχιν, Ἔλεος θέλω καὶ οὐ θυσίαν). “Go [for this circumstantial participle, see on v. 9] and learn” was a rabbinic expression for Torah study, and in the context of the Pharisees who prided themselves on their knowledge of Scripture, it is a particularly powerful comeback. Since they call Jesus “teacher” (9:11), he will give them a “learning” assignment! Jesus takes his text from Hos 6:6 (quoted again in 12:7). In Hosea the apostate nation still followed the letter of the law (sacrifice) but had forgotten the heart of the law (mercy and love). Jesus is saying the Pharisees are recapitulating the same terrible error.

    “Mercy” (ἔλεος, first for emphasis) in Hosea translates the Hebrew ḥesed or “steadfast love,” the very thing the Pharisees lack (see Matt 23). They are assiduous in their covenant observance, even making up new “oral laws” so the common people will not inadvertently break the Torah. But they have no feelings of mercy toward the outcasts of society. A major NT ethic is that the way we treat others shows our true relation to God. By failing to have a heart of mercy toward sinners, the Pharisees show they are not right with God.

    9:13 “For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners” (οὐ γὰρ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς). As in v. 12, this means, “I have not come to call those who claim they are righteous but those who know they are sinners.” It is closely connected to the forgiveness of the sins of the paralytic in 9:2 and shows that personal salvation is a major theme here. The “call” is a call to salvation and discipleship; Luke 5:32 adds “to repentance,” the basis for discipleship.

    This does not mean that Jesus is not interested in the salvation of the Pharisees. We can see the challenge and progress to salvation of one of them, Nicodemus, in John 3:1–15; 7:50–51; 19:39–42. Rather, it means Jesus’ ministry is one of salvation, and therefore the sinners are his focus; yet the necessary goal of salvation in this life is discipleship. There is a sardonic (adj. 讽刺的;嘲笑的,冷笑的)challenge to the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, but it is muted.

     Osborne, G. R. (2010). Matthew (Vol. 1, pp. 336–338). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是哪个昏蛋一天到晚逼老古承认结33:13的义人是义人的啊?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是哪个昏蛋一天到晚逼老古承认结33:13的义人是义人的啊?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古又被打脸哀嚎,来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:要不说你蠢呢!



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:请阿古对照结33 *义人三要素*,自打屁股500打板!👋
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你为什么像只贼老鼠🐀一样回避问题?
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    从上而生 回复 repentant:你为什么像只贼老鼠🐀一样回避问题?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古又被打脸哀嚎,来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:要不说你蠢呢!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不知道了吧? 要不说你蠢呢!😅
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    repentant 回复 从上而生:你哀嚎也没用! 认错吧!!👈
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