

送交者: repentant 2019月08月17日17:51:06 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答: 跟你说过多次:老古不认傻蛋版圣经是我的荣耀💪 由 从上而生 于 2019-08-17 17:39:02



希伯来书 - 第 11 章 第 29 节


以西结书 - 第 33 章 第 13 节

  • 当前共有11条跟帖
  • repentant:既然阿古把“被神称为”*必定存活的义人*搞丢了,认错!&#128072
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是你跟着和合本把关键的介词搞丢了,当然对民科不能要求太高😁
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • 从上而生:小P孩你不得不承认一点:老古的解经深入浅出,你无法反驳,只能


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古要几时承认那被神称为必定存活的义人若犯罪也会死亡呢?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古要几时承认那被神称为必定存活的义人若犯罪也会死亡呢?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    王福贵 回复 repentant:多伦多是飙车
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不认圣经的货,转圈推磨还是回到不认圣经上嘛。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不认圣经的货,转圈推磨还是回到不认圣经上嘛。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:不认圣经的货,转圈推磨还是回到不认圣经上嘛。:)
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:转圈阿古是如何把被神称为必定存活的义人搞丢的呢?



    1. 搞丢:被神称为的义人

    2. 搞丢:必定存活的义人

    3. 搞丢: 义人


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:请阿古对照义人三要素自打屁股500大板!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:请阿古对照义人三要素自打屁股500大板!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你小人家忘记though...yet if...了?😁

    Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die.

    那是假设,宝贝!是有条件的!而没有一个人可以靠his righteous永远活着的,连亚当都木有能够活过24小时,因为亚当很快就does injustice了。更何况犹太人?

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 王福贵:你小人家忘记though...yet if...了?😁
    你小人家忘记though...yet if...了?😁
    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月18日18:18:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古要几时承认那被神称为必定存活的义人若犯罪也会死亡呢?👈 由 repentant 于 2019-08-18 17:51:39

    Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die.

    33:13  בְּאָמְרִי לַצַּדִּיק חָיֹה יִֽחְיֶה וְהֽוּא־בָטַח עַל־צִדְקָתֹו וְעָשָׂה עָוֶל כָּל־צדקתו לֹא תִזָּכַרְנָה וּבְעַוְלֹו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה בֹּו יָמֽוּת׃

    那是假设,宝贝!是有条件的!而没有一个人可以靠his righteous永远活着的,连亚当都木有能够活过24小时,因为亚当很快就does injustice了。更何况犹太人?

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:眼瞎!*若犯罪*一词没把你劈死吗?!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 王福贵:有请转圈贼老鼠阿古回答上面👆的问题! 哪里逃?!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:民科不敢面对自己惨淡的解经功夫,只能靠小P孩满地打滚来磨人


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:回答在此,啪啪啪,三记响亮的耳郭子☝️
    你小人家忘记though...yet if...了?😁
    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月18日18:23:49 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古是不是“被神称为”*必定存活的义人*呢?:))) 由 repentant 于 2019-08-18 17:53:24

    你小人家忘记though...yet if...了?😁
    送交者: 从上而生 2019月08月18日18:18:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 阿古要几时承认那被神称为必定存活的义人若犯罪也会死亡呢?👈 由 repentant 于 2019-08-18 17:51:39

    Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die.

    33:13  בְּאָמְרִי לַצַּדִּיק חָיֹה יִֽחְיֶה וְהֽוּא־בָטַח עַל־צִדְקָתֹו וְעָשָׂה עָוֶל כָּל־צדקתו לֹא תִזָּכַרְנָה וּבְעַוְלֹו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה בֹּו יָמֽוּת׃

    那是假设,宝贝!是有条件的!而没有一个人可以靠his righteous永远活着的,连亚当都木有能够活过24小时,因为亚当很快就does injustice了。更何况犹太人?

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:是啊,“若、、、作孽”是跟前面的“though\"连起来的


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:哈哈,问题中的阿古被混蛋阿古搞丢了!:))
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:木有搞丢,字字定准了☝️
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:将though搞丢的正是你👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古是不是“被神称为”*必定存活的义人*呢?:)))
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:谢谢你证明你的花偶像完蛋了!:))
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:潜在的老丈人对懊悔哥说,though我说了我必定许配我女儿给

    你,yet if你仗着你现在表现好不错就出去乱搞,那就木有戏喽

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你一定要学会一个你不能忘记的字though😀
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:请阿古对照义人三要素自打屁股500大板!
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:“庸俗”“流氓”“传另类的福音”算什么?不认圣经才是阿古死穴
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:“庸俗”“流氓”“传另类的福音”算什么?不认圣经才是懊悔死穴
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • 从上而生:关于以西结书33:13,你的屁屁木有被老古抽烂吗?
    送交者: 从上而生 2019月07月01日11:34:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 有请阿古-阿苗-阿凌解经:以西结书33:13 由 repentant 于 2019-07-01 07:52:39




    24. 以西结书 - 第 16 章 第 51 节
    25. 以西结书 - 第 16 章 第 52 节




          人称的义人,能重生? 能必定存活??! 打脸吧。  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (40)
              尽管也救不了你! but then表达的同一个意思。挨揍吧你  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (16)
                的确有个脑残在这里展示他的脑残,那就是三胖👈  /无内容 - 从上而生 07/02/19 (14)
                  抓尽管当救命稻草?!黔驴技穷就认错吧!  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (11)
                    你为什么总像只贼老鼠回避问题呢?你这也不同意那也不同意,你就 - 从上而生 07/02/19 (9)
              人称的义人,靠行为,能重生? 能必定存活??! 脑残。  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (19)
                的确有个脑残看不懂圣经,那节经文有谈重生的意思吗? - 从上而生 07/02/19 (15)
                  没谈重生?人称的义人靠行为能必定存活吗?啊?! - repentant 07/02/19 (15)
                    我的那句话是告诉你,没有一个人靠自己能获得终生行义的能力 - 从上而生 07/02/19 (11)
                      脑补成眼瞎了!👈 存活的义人让你搞丢了吗? 人称义,脑残!  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (10)
                        你告诉我圣经中和历史中谁是靠自己的义存活的?  /无内容 - 从上而生 07/02/19 (5)
            阿古呢? 哪里去了? 认错难产吗?😎  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (17)
          不能=不难  /无内容 - 从上而生 07/01/19 (48)
      这条24K金链子永不断裂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - YeSuShiZhu 07/01/19 (72)
        神什么时候断裂了? 人把神儿子的名分搞丢了,是因为神吗??  /无内容 - repentant 07/02/19 (18)
      感谢和赞美主! /无内容 - YeSuShiZhu 07/01/19 (56)

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古要几时承认那被神称为必定存活的义人若犯罪也会死亡呢?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:那被神称为*必定存活的义人*被阿古搞丢了吗?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:得,又得老古重新把你的烂屁屁抽一遍?我以前没有回答你这个白痴


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:得,又得老古重新把你的烂屁屁抽一遍?我以前没有回答你这个白痴


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古反驳不了,就来认个错吧!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古不认圣经,就来认个错吧!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:既然懊悔哥辩驳不了,就赶紧把裤子滴漏起来吧,免得屁屁万碎了
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:既然懊悔哥辩驳不了,就赶紧把裤子滴漏起来吧,免得屁屁万碎了
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:再问: 那被神称为*必定存活的义人*被阿古搞丢了吗?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古又被圣经打脸哀嚎,来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:再次详细回答你,请告诉我你看懂了吗?

    送交者: 从上而生 2019月07月01日11:34:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    回  答: 有请阿古-阿苗-阿凌解经:以西结书33:13 由 repentant 于 2019-07-01 07:52:39




    24. 以西结书 - 第 16 章 第 51 节
    25. 以西结书 - 第 16 章 第 52 节


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古把必定存活的义人搞丢了,就来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:什么叫“搞丢了”?你这个死皮赖脸的的家伙,我没回答你吗?
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:你家的义人什么时候是必定存活了? 啊??😅
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你可以不同意我的解说,但你得说说我解说了什么?我把你烂屁屁


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:我都跟你如此通俗地解说过



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:阿古呢? 哪里去了? 认错难产吗?😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古把必定存活的义人搞丢了,就来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 从上而生:那个自己找到耶稣要得永生的少年官为什么不能进天国?他可是一个


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你老丈人说:你若不在外面乱搞女人,你和我女儿的婚姻必定存活
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:那*被神称为**必定存活的义人*被阿古搞丢了吗?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • 从上而生:关于希伯来书11:29,你的屁屁木有被老古抽烂吗?
    ZT: 希伯来书11:29解经
    送交者: 从上而生 2019年04月06日10:00:09 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

    29. By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

    In the eighth century John of Damascus composed a hymn in which he gave expression to the joy the Israelites experienced after crossing the Red Sea.


    Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

    Of triumphant gladness;

    God hath brought his Israel

    Into joy from sadness;

    Loosed from Pharaoh's bitter yoke

    Jacob's sons and daughters;

    Led them with unmoistened foot

    Through the Red Sea waters.


    —translated by John Mason Neale


    Israel expressed joy and gladness in the so-called Song of Moses (Exod. 15:1-18), and no wonder—faith had triumphed. The Israelites looked back upon the waters of the Red Sea and saw that the Lord had fought for them and had given them the victory (Exod. 14:14).

    But what of Israel's faith in crossing the Red Sea? Instead of acting in faith they cowered in fear. No faith is evident in their complaint against Moses: "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!" (Exod. 14:11-12). And the fact that the Israelites, except Joshua and Caleb, died in the desert because of their lack of faith in God makes the phrase by faith rather general.

    The writer of Hebrews has already spoken about the lack of faith of the Israelites. Candidly he asks, "Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?" (3:16). But because of the faith of those who genuinely believed in the promise that God would save the nation Israel from the imminent attack of the Egyptian military forces, God led his people safely to the other side of the Red Sea. From the Exodus account we learn that Moses' faith was undaunted (顽强的、不惧怕的、无畏的). By faith he knew that the Lord would deliver the Israelites and the Egyptians would meet defeat (14:13-14).

    The contrast with respect to faith and unbelief is not between the faithful minority and the complaining, terrified Israelites. Rather, the contrast is between the nation Israel that expressed faith in God and thus was victorious and the unbelieving king and army of Egypt who perished in the waters of the Red Sea. The Israelites listened to Moses' instructions; they saw the Red Sea divided and the path through the sea as dry land; they noticed that the pillar of cloud had shifted from being in front of them to being behind them; and in the light of that cloud they reached the other shore. The Egyptians tried to do exactly the same thing. But it was not the same. The Egyptian army spent the night in darkness; they followed the Israelites into the sea; they experienced difficulties in driving their chariots; and they suddenly saw the waters of the Red Sea rising. All of them drowned; "not one of them survived" (Exod. 14:28). They had entered the Red Sea without faith in Israel's God. When they realized that the Lord was fighting for the Israelites, it was too late.

    The Israelites were victorious because they had listened to the instructions God had given to Moses. They had acted in faith. But this act of faith is indeed the only one recorded. The writer of Hebrews chooses this act in view of Moses' trust in God. The next act relates to the fall of Jericho's walls, but that happened forty years later when the next generation had taken the places of their parents. This generation differed from the one that left Egypt. Whereas the people leaving Egypt failed to trust the Lord, the new generation faithfully executed divine instructions.

    Baker New Testament Commentary - Baker New Testament Commentary – Exposition of Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews.


    Ver. 29.—By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry [land:] which the Egyptians assaying, [making a trial of,] were drowned, [or swallowed up.]

    A greater instance with respect unto the work of divine Providence, of the power of faith on the one hand, and of unbelief with obdurate presumption on the other, there is not on record in the whole Book of God.

    Here we have the end and issue of the long controversy that was between those two people, the Egyptians and the Israelites;—a certain type and evidence of what will be the last end of the contest between the world and the church. Their long conflict shall end in the utter destruction of the one, and the complete salvation of the other.

    Διέβησαν. 1. The persons whose faith is here commended are included in that word, they passed; that is, the whole congregation of the Israelitesunder the conduct of Moses, Exod. 14. And the whole is denominated from the better part; for many of them were not believers in stateunto the sanctification of their persons. For “with many of them,” as the apostle speaks, “God was not well pleased,” though they were “all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea,” 1 Cor. 10:2, 5. But in a professing society, God is pleased to impute the faith and obedience of some unto the whole; as, on the other hand, judgments do oftentimes befall (降临到某人头上)the whole for the provocations of some, as it frequently happened unto that people in the wilderness. It is therefore the duty of every man in church society to endeavour, on the one hand, the good of the whole in his own personal faith and obedience; as also, on the other, to keep them in what lies in him from sin, that he fall not with them under the displeasure of God.[1]


    [1] Owen, J. (1854). An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. (W. H. Goold, Ed.) (Vol. 24, pp. 169–174). Edinburgh: Johnstone and Hunter.



      被招和蒙召是有区别的, - 凌吉可 04/06/19 (138)
        阿凌自打脸嘛!换成摩西试试! - repentant 04/07/19 (77)
        外在的呼召与内在的呼召之别,懊悔哥死也不承认有这种分别  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (125)
          阿古异端: 得救的信耶稣,和不得救的信耶稣。😂😂😂  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (106)
      臭名昭著的发明: a professing society - repentant 04/06/19 (149)
          阿古就是篡改圣经反圣经的流氓无赖一个!👈  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (120)
          现实有没有自称而却不信的? 有! 这不是我们这里谈论的!  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (124)
            无论是圣经内,还是现实中,这种人太多了,你就是一个  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (116)
          哈哈! 现在谈论的圣经! 不要发明词汇。要用圣经词汇!  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (127)
            那本是圣经里出来的词汇  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (117)
        保罗很清楚地否定了那些人是信徒 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (131)
          对呀! 他们后来不信了嘛!😎  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (130)
              什么叫创始成终信心? 那就是信心始终都离不开基督! - repentant 04/06/19 (145)
                你那斗鸡眼看经文一贯把主谓语颠倒过来,去👆找抽去  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (105)
              可见,重生受洗只是婴儿,在成长过程中可能会夭折。 - repentant 04/06/19 (140)
                是啊,婴孩就是信心的创始阶段,你却否定基督是成终者  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (113)
              后来在旷野又贪恋埃及而无法信到底了,这更是事实! ☝️  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (125)
                你再次否定基督是我们信心的成终者  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (114)
              开始因信出埃及是事实! 阿古否定不了的!😎  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (127)
                肯定不是,基督根本没有给他们创始信心  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (112)
              保罗认为: 他们开始因信得救,但后来一大部分人因不信而夭折!  /无内容 - repentant 04/06/19 (128)
                他们从来木有得救过  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (114)
      请懊悔宝宝到此找抽一下👈  /无内容 - 从上而生 04/06/19 (121)

    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古要几时承认以色列人是因着信神过红海的?👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:得,又得老古重新把你的烂屁屁抽一遍?我以前没有回答你这个白痴


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:既然阿古不认圣经,就来认个错吧!😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:既然懊悔哥辩驳不了,就赶紧把裤子滴漏起来吧,免得屁屁万碎了
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古又被圣经打脸哀嚎,来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
  • 从上而生:懊悔哥,经过我们这一番折腾,你现在明白了有加版和阿版圣经之分



    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:哈哈! 偶像崇拜大暴露嘛。圣经就一个,拜偶像的阿出2个来!
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:木有错,圣经就一个,意思是:你我两种读出,只有一种是真正圣经


    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:你认错就好! 😊 阿古不认就是那唯一的圣经原文,见主贴。
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古亲口承认他用的篡改版的加版圣经。存照!👍
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:你的没有硬件的屁屁早已被老古抽得稀耙烂了,见👆
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:阿古又被打脸哀嚎,来认个错吧!👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:又开始穿着diaper到处poop了,没有经过potty


    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:郁金香偶像认领活动开始!踊跃报名参加,领回家去!:))
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:郁金香,郁金香,美冠穹苍, 香溢万邦。 新天新地, 主必加赏

    郁金香,郁金香,美冠穹苍, 香溢万邦。 新天新地, 主必加赏
    TULIP 是个活体五点等价重要互为充分必要条件

    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 从上而生:懊悔哥,这是苗至和臭豆腐的精品,尝尝吧😀
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 从上而生:恭喜你,花偶像归你阿古了!: 👏
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:除了阿古,还有认领花偶像的没有??
    屏蔽 举报回复
    repentant 回复 repentant:阿凌阿苗哪里去了? 躲猫猫不认偶像了吗?😎
    屏蔽 举报回复
    YeSuShiZhu 回复 从上而生:感谢和赞美主!
    屏蔽 举报回复
  • repentant:阿古们错在哪里? 不认 经+篡改经文!👈👈
    屏蔽 举报回复
    从上而生 回复 repentant:懊悔哥的根本问题就是:不认圣经+篡改圣经☝
    屏蔽 举报回复