


老鱼自己不懂希腊文,只好借助古教父的解经书,但因为他自己不懂,所以古教父犯的错,他也跟着犯。例如,“道成了肉身”(约114)的翻译无疑是解决基督人性是否受造的关键。这里汉语翻译为“成了”的希腊文是ἐγένετο, is a verb indicative aorist middle 3rd person singular from γίνομαι 。这个字可以翻译成主动语态,也可以翻译成被动语态,正确的翻译要看上下文。例如,这个字出现在约13,“万物是借着他造的。凡被造的,没有一样不是借着他造的。”这里的译作被动语态,因为三一神是其创造主(creator),万物是祂的受造(creature)。但为什么ἐγένετο在约114这里要翻译成主动式呢?因为上下文决定之!我们要注意看约19,“那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人”,这里的介词短语ἐρχόμενον εἰς τὸν κόσμον (coming into the world)是修饰真光”的,不是修饰“人”的。因此,这节经文的正确翻译是“那来临世界的真光照亮了所有的人”。因为这段经文是在道——世界的光要来临世界——道成肉身。紧接着,我们在约111,“他自己的地方来,自己的人倒不接待他。”这里希腊文所用的ἦλθεν,  is a verb indicative aorist active 3rd person singular from ἔρχομαι. 耶稣是怎样“到自己的地方来”的呢?当然是“道成了肉身”(约114)。所以,这里的“成了”绝对是主动式!这关乎基督的荣耀,因为基督“自己舍的”(约1018),而不是父神和圣灵强迫的。

1: 14 Ἐγένετο, Here this verb does not mean “became” in the sense “was changed into,” as when a chrysalis is changed into a butterfly and thereby ceases to be a chrysalis, but has the sense “took on披上” or “assumed取了,” (都是主动意义的)of the assuming of a new, additional form of existence, as when a woman becomes the mother of her firstborn. Part of the wonder of the incarnation is that the new form of existence the Logos assumed at that time was not temporary and reversible, but permanent and irreversible. Jesus Christ is permanently the “God-Man” (θεάνθρωπος, Leontius of Byzantium). See further, M. J. Harris, From Grave to Glory. Resurrection in the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 413– 15. The Logos became what he was not (σάρξ) without ceasing to be what he was (θεός, v. 1). To his existence as a fully divine person was added existence as a fully human person (σάρξ, “flesh”; nom. as complementary pred.). “The Word became a human being” (LN 13.48; 33.100). John is not affirming that an impersonal universal Logos became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, but rather that the personal, individualized Logos assumed a complete and genuine human existence.

Harris, Murray J.. John (Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament) (Kindle Locations 1709-1718). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
