

1。昨晚刚刚从天津返回温哥华,谷歌电邮累积了一大堆,处理过程中发现我已新获黎巴嫩著名“2018纳吉-阿曼国际(荣誉)文学奖“ (the Naji Naaman's International Literary [Honour] Prize),适逢端午(屈原/诗人)节,颇令人感到今年的粽子味道不一样。(链接:https://atunispoetry.com/2018/05/30/naji-naamans-literary-prizes-2018/)。在来自66国家2371名作者中一共有64名获奖者。此刻想到美国著名的’小推车文学奖‘ (Pushcart Prize)我被提名多达10次,可惜一次都未能入围。

2。同时得知我第3次获得塞浦路斯《加缪之子国际作家》(the Sons of Camus Writers International Journal - autumn 2017 issue 13) '杰出诗歌写作奖‘。以下是4次获奖的详情以及‘最佳’网络文集入选作品,在此一并存档:


1.     “Extraordinary Poem Award (2012),” offered by The Sons of Camus Writers International for my long poem “Chinese Legends Modernized”

2.     “Hall of Fame Certificate (2013),” presented by Torrid Literature Publishing Group for my poem “Me & Sand,” [link::http://torridliterature.com/2013_Members.html

3.      “The International Best Poet (2014),” co-certified by Int’l Poetry Translation and Research Center, the World Poets Quarterly, and Chinese Poetry Int’l.

4. “the Extraordinary Poem Writing Award (2017),” offered by The Sons of Camus Writers International for my poetry collection China Theme.

Best of the Net Nominations:

1.      “With More Than One Being,” nominated by Drunk Monkeys for the 2016 Best of the Net Anthologyhttp://www.drunkmonkeys.us

2.      “Generative Genesis of Grammar,” nominated by Lunaris Review for the 2017 Best of the Net Anthologyhttps://lunarisreview.com/

3.      "Anagrammed Variations of the American Dream,” nominated by Concis for the 2017 Best of the Net Anthologyhttps://concis.io/news/2017-best-of-net-nominations/