


“蛋蛋”有勇气的含义哦:It takes balls to get it done; he doesn't have balls to ask for a pay raise

Blue balls 指的是男人缺乏性生活之后蛋蛋出现的一种病态。

Break one’s balls 有几种含义:很累,竭尽全力:The project broke my balls。施加压力,为难:The boss has been breaking our balls for the completion of the project before the deadline调侃讽刺:Some dudes were breaking his balls at the party

Balls in someone’s mouth: 闭上你的臭嘴。

Balls in the teeth: 非常倒霉。

Hang someone’s balls (高挂蛋蛋): 敢于暴露自己的隐私或缺点。

A kick in the balls: 遭到重大打击:Their loss of the game is a kick in the balls

Suck balls: 很差:The movie really suck balls

Trip balls 抽大麻后的幻境,神志不清像是踉踉跄跄跌倒。不过到底是踩着了球还是踩着了自己的蛋蛋,只能是仁者见仁智者见智了。