




问: “How do you vet a piece like this? How are you certain of the author’s identity?” 你们如何审查这种文章? 你们如何确认作者身份? 

答: “Through direct communication with the author, some background checking and the testimony of the trusted intermediary.” 通过与作者直接沟通, 对中间人有做背景调查也有中间人的证明(证词)。


  在上述自然语言对话的语境中,可以这样理解,“Through direct communication with the author”只是用来“vet a piece like this”;“some background checking and the testimony of the trusted intermediary”只是用来让NYT “certain of the author’s identity”。

  依本人的理解“some background checking”是对“the author’s identity”。但是严格地说,回答不是“some background checking of the author”,因而,要是到了法庭上,NYT完全可以辩称他们说的是“some background checking [of the trusted intermediary]”,从而推卸可能的撒谎指控。对克路案有映象的读者应该还记得老克著名的“我和那个女人没有XX”和“这样的xx不算那样定义的XX”手法吧!



1. Did you mean you vet the piece through  direct communication with the author? Yes or No?

2. Explain the method or methods you used in the direct communication?

3. Did you mean you performed background checking of the author? Yes or No?

4. How did you perform background checking of an anonymous or unidentified person? Explain the method or methods you used.

5. How trust-worthy is "the trusted intermediary"? Please give evidence or examples.

6. What kind of trust relationship exists between 'the trusted intermediary' and "the author"? Please disclose any kind of conflict of interests.

7. What type of testimony did "the trusted intermediary" make?

8. What type of consequences would exist to the "the trusted intermediary" if he or she made false statements in the testimony?

  NYT完全可以在不泄漏中间人和作者的真实身份的条件下给读者以更可信的信息。只是芸芸大众读者们没有机会“打破沙锅纹到底”来排除自己的怀疑,让NYT丢失了证实自己可信度的机会。当然,也有可能NYT不屑于让useful idiots分享这些细节罢了。而要以“小人之心”估摸的话,也可能是“魔鬼就藏在细节里”。